Legend of the Overlord of the Heavens

The Legend of the Heavy Struggle Chapter 320

Since then, Yelua is destroyed in the city of Yingzhou, and the material that is robbed in Youzhou is burned. At this time, the entire Kiandan army almost riot, only the Yelua Boach is comparable to it.

He took the soldiers to the king of King, and the two armies of Wei and Li Chengye were confront to each other, and the Khitan cavalry called a burst of strong revenge.

However, the commanders of both sides know that this is just a bluff, they are destroyed, but they are not taking advantage of the opponent.

Yelua Guo saw that the Zuo Zhen Zengjun was in the banglin military division, originally as a cavalry array of clutch, after they discharged, but the inverse is a strict infantry array.

And this city, it is also two-faced mountains. The two sides have no space behind them, only the positive hard work is possible. So the Han Jun, who is good at war, is naturally more advantageous than the nomadic cavalry that is good at clutch.

Yelua Bao machine locks his eyes on Wei burning face, then therefore ordered the whole army to retreat, and al al licked him with the leather armor. The Chinese soldiers in the Cinean army did not understand, but they were taken in the Jessa's daily day, and they still retired.

The back leather room army guards the Yelua boot, and it began to segment the retreat, and it is in order to be in order. Even if Wei Bun and Li Chengye have not been looking for an opportunity to take the opportunity.

The Khitan soldier horse thoroughly waited from the serious Ying State that was destroyed by Weiming, and retired to the Liaohe Plain and decided to come again. They have not been damaged. Although the prestige of Yelua Bao's own prestige after this war will lead to a desire to move in the Dan ethnic group.

But with his own words, plus 10,000 extremely else leather, it is not difficult to steadily. The Datang's border will have a few years of peace, but if the court is weak, then the Qidan is from the giant wolf from the Liaodong, it will definitely roll back, and even become one of the important power of the leading Central Plains.

Wei Hui and Li Chengye have not continued to pursue, and the other party retreats into the Guangyu River Plain. They will be subject to the joint attack of the local East Hu and Khitan, so only returning to Yan Yun.

They have passed through the state again, but they are not interested in broken battles.

Li Chengye sighs. "If it is still that the city is still there, this camp will not discard this, the most rebuilt Ping Lu Festival, although the town does not accept the court, but at least the stable frontier is not good."

Wei burned his head: "The Datang Dynasty is now in this time, it is not that the emperor is arguing, and you can blame others. In addition, the big Tang furniture is deep, even if the emperor has once again, the most is just a little delay some of the Dynasty "

Li Chengye looked at Weiurn, "Dalang, do you seem to be a rebellion?"

Wei Bun is opposed to Li Chengye, "the baby is only for the family."

Li Chengye immediately returned to return, "I don't care what you want, don't forget that I have promised your Laozi. I have Li Chengye, this Datang Jiangshan society, no one wants to take it!"

Li Chengye didn't know that his sentence is in the near future, it is a language. After returning to the Qixian County of Youzhou, the father and son have two people, and it has become a good fortune.

After Li Chengye intends to rectify the soldiers and horses, the south of Jingzhou went to solve the surroundings of Fuyang. As a head of the army, it is no suitable for the Sajun South, because the Fenglin Army has been in the past long, the soldiers have got a lot of hard but hometown, and they are not willing to go to Soil and soil. Jingzhou.

Moreover, Wei Bun is still a matter of emphasis on the list of the court, and Fenglin Army is even unfounded by the imperial court. Therefore, Wei Bun worshiped Li Chengye, with Li Jianxing, from Juyong.

In the north, enter the Yin Mountain in the north, then enter the river set plain to the west, and finally visit the blue backlach, return from Lanzhou.

As before Jixian, Li Chengye once asked Su Ning's princess to return to Changan, but was rejected by the princess of Shou Ning. She was very awkward at the time, obviously didn't know how to go in the future.

Wei Hui returned to the city, still didn't stay for half a month, from Zhangzhou.

Zhao Xuanqing invited Weimoni to set up, together to Dunhuang in Shazhou. The spiritual army stationed in the second state of the Sausu is suffering from the attack, and these reinforced green teachings have made a crazy move.

Chapter 224

They have attracted the Tangyuan in the Swapo, Kuz, Yanqi, Xizhou, Yizhou, Tangyuan in the Western District. These regions have originally passed the cultural culture of Datang, and local residents even are hidden, and they also believe in Buddhism, but also taught, and worship.

However, the big sweat is ordered to change all the people in these areas, and destroyed Buddhism, worshiping religious monastery. It has a fanatic religious belief, starting to eastward, and the first one is naturally the Sandu 2, Yumen.

The Neiji Army has long been a long time. It is not as good as the past, so in the face of the back of the city, it can only keep the city and do not dare to go out of the field.

So I will send a help letter to Liangzhou, and Zhao Wei will help from the soldiers to defend. Sanducua second state is very important in the most prosperous oasis of the Silk Road.

Zhao Wei naturally can't sit and hit it, and he first led the soldiers to rescue, and the other warlords under his hand decreased, Wei Hui is also there.

Wei blaming knows the importance of Sausuchi, which directly involves the safety of the Silk Road, so he did not hesitate, and immediately finally played.

This is still the main force of eight thousand cavers, starting from Guide, to Zhangzhou and Zhao Xuanqing, the total number of cavalry is more than 20,000. Wuliangzhou, walking in the mountains, enters Yutan, Ganzhou, wooing Ganzhou local military parquet dragonfly, brings together the cavalry, more than 30,000, and then in Guzhou and Zhao Ying, assemble all the field of field, to the main force decisive battle.


Li Chengye's Xiangyang in the winter, in the snow, highlighting the strange soldiers, there is no anticipation in all people, and the two fortresss of the Huang Chao Dadao reserve military food will burn their military food.

The yellow nest hundreds of thousands of troops have collapsed, and all the treasquey people are chasing the cultivation of Li Chengye to flee into the south. In addition to the main tens of thousands of people, hundreds of thousands of troops are almost ice watts.

Li Chengye thought continued to chase and took the yellow nest in the north. However, the left God policy is not issued, and the Nanyuan North War is heavy.

Coupled with soil, the sergeants are infected with many diseases, no sneakers, only to retreat to Jiangling, and let the money, and the sergeants.

In Chang'an City, the night before the New Year, it is another scene, Yinyun envelopes the Daming Palace. Although the lights in the palace are bright, they can't cover a cloudy.

Zhang Zhenwu has his death to the head of Head, and head to the emperor's study, in convinced his purpose, the purpose is - gave death Li Chengye!

"No! The world knows that Li County is Datangzhu Stone, and if it is killing him, who is dare to sell his life in China! And kill him, who can help it, you will rely on you? "

The emperor will look at Zhang Zhen, and the generals of the unfair defeat, revealing a ridicule.

Zhang Zhenxin was anger, but there was no expression on the face.

"Your Majesty, when the emperor, Li Chengye is faithful. Can pass the previous gods, only Li Chengye can control these arrogance will, plus his son Li Dingguo, unruly, and pro, you dare to say him Is it faithful? "

Tian Lingz looked at the vibration, hesitated: "Your Majesty, the right gods are unbearable, the last left God policy change, the right god is unbearable, it is enough to know that they are just a bike bag.

Now I can play the best in the dynasty, and I will not accept the left god of the court, and the officials who are sent to the court will ignore the place, and they will take the place many times. Such a military has not made any differences with the sides of the town. .

They only serve Li Chengye, if Li Chengye led these arrogance to Beijing, control the martial arts of China, and then control the entire Daming Palace, which is easy to relate. Your Majesty, do you rest assured? "

The emperor is stunned, and the idea of ​​the Lingzi said, and found that the most important thing is not Li Chengye's unfaithful problems, but he has the problem of subverting the court.

Obviously, Li Chengge has this strength and this prestige. And from the past, he told him from the south. He would rather sit in the sky and did not want to lead the soldiers. It can be seen that he did not put his emperor in his eyes.

Thinking of this, the emperor is shocked, and the army can stop him, and the life of his life is indeed in the human hand. This kind of feeling can't live with his own fate, so that this emperor is more uneasy.

Zhang Zhen and Tian Lingz were opposed to the eye, Zhang Zhen was again added to the fire.

"Your Majesty, this Li Chengye kits Ki Dan, the south quantum thieves, and its Wei Zhen Tian is no two. This kind of great victory, the hand of the hand, and the general of the Tao Town, Your Majesty can think of Dong Zhuo Cao Cao? "

The emperor rumored: "How is the Qing and other plans?"

Zhang Zhen Eye said: "In addition to killing, there is no other way!"

Tian Lunz said: "Although Huang Nes is still more than 10,000 yet, it is not a big problem, as long as the employment of the local festival makes it all around and disaster, it will not be a disaster.

As for how to remove Li Chengye in the Zuo Shenzi army, I want to be self-organized. "

Zhang Zhenye said: "The family will personally take a person, and you can send people to Weizhou, bringing the relatives in Li Chengye's ancestors to Beijing, and can also be used to threaten the Wolf scorpion of Li Dingguo. Hey, Li Chengye enters Beijing leaders, but Do not leave relatives and hostages in Beijing, obviously fell uncomfortable! "

The emperor hesitated, "I do it, if the world knows that there is no reason to kill the general, is it ..."

Zhang Zhen suggested: "Li Chengye is flattering, but not to kill, there is a lot of fishing nets waiting to take his life at any time, and there is a possibility of happiness in the war. Not just right? "

"That ... His son Li Dingguo, if you don't believe this words, what should I do if I am an angry?"

Zhang Zhenye said: "Now come back to attack Shazhou, he and the Wuwei army have led the soldiers to support. Zhao Wei has been pressing the army in the military in the military. Hao Qiang has been taking contact, I just want to pass the invasion of this time, I will completely annihilate the Wuqi army and Li Dingguo's Fenglin Jun in Shazhou! Please feel free to worry about it. "

Zhang Zhen thought about many of the emperors, and gave a seemingly feasible solution. The emperor is still so steady, and finally only gives a blurred shoulder.

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