Although the mast army did not have a lack of meat in the weekdays, there was no night blindness, but it did not pass the night's training. The implementation organization capabilities of the night combat will be much better than the white.

The camps in the middle of the Khitan have never expected that the enemy will bypass the pioneer camp to attack themselves directly, without any preparation. A sneak attack on Fenglin Army and immediately collapsed.

The pioneer camp also can't take much more, and they will be prepared. They immediately sent troops to rescue, but they will be half, and the mountain roads will shoot down the rocket. The mountain road is also a soft grass. After a while, they burn their whole army. The dead injury is heavy.

There will be generals on the side, and I will not ask: "General, why not take the opportunity to heat the mountain, can cause great kill to them!"

Wei Bun observed, shakes his head: "There is a river in the middle of the mountain road. They can take this fire. In addition, the mountains are complex. Once the wind is not, the fire can not be just an enemy. Dragon!"

The river in the mountains is the Xiaoling River in the later generation, and there is no specific name in this era.

Wei Bun only took a chaos to kill, and afterwarding the first pole camp, the leader retreats disappeared in the mountains. The Khitan's vanguard camp but even the dead soldiers did not pay, the people behind were tightly contracted in the camp, and they looked outside.

After Wei Bun returned to the camp, he immediately called the whole army with the war of the horse. With the main force to the White Wolf Water Basin, it is a big surprise to the Qidan's commander.

Chapter 211

Before leaving, there were two hundred soldiers in the two military villages. The rest of the craftsmen and the army will ride the army, and they can't ride the horse. If they are distributed, they will run themselves.

At the same time, four hundred soldiers left here, their task is overnight, and more drums harass, do not do substantive attacks.

Even so, the night drums echoed the whole valley, very noisy, and the Qidan's main force has already seen the terrible night attack of Fenglin Army.

And you can also ignore the terrain barrier, bypass the former army to attack the army, let them have no sense of security. Therefore, each soldier is a mentally tight.

Yelua Baoji originally wanted to make the pioneer camp to attack the city, but the generals of the first pole camp said that they could not be implemented, because when they rescued the middle camp, they suffered ambush, the casualties were not shallow, and the morale was low. I am afraid that the military's hearts will collapse.

Yelua is helpless, this night is dark, can not be so good to replace the front and rear hours, after all, they have not done a special night battle training, such military actions have a successful feasibility of success.

Therefore, it can only make the front-head camp to make a good monitor and prevent the Fenglin army from attacking. At this time, Yelua Bao has seen the power of Fenglin Army. It doesn't think that Li Ding Cong will evacuate with Fenglinjun.

After all, if he really wants to evacuate, it is fully able to return to Pingzhou through the Liaoning Corridor before attacking the Liaoqi County, enter Yan Yun.

He took the initiative to choose the battlefield in this mountain pass, and the army has reserved enough food by robbery, and the Yelua Guard has also learned that Li Chengye defeated the Han army, and he has led the left God and ride. Rao Le Duoguo, who is being behind himself.

The attention may be paid in the Take the main force of the Fenglin Army, let Li Chengye attacked his back.

This Yelua is just a laugh. His pro-leather ventricles are all elite, and there are 10,000 people. Even if Li Chengye has reached his own, there is absolutely no way to threaten itself.

The district four thousand left gods ride, in front of the 10,000 leather room, but it is just an appetizer!

In addition, Li Chengye may not be able to catch up with the speed of the 10,000 union. From Rao Le Datu, the distance here is much more than the distance from the army, and it is also a mountainous army, it is more impossible!

Therefore, it is certainly the first to clam the Fenglin army. After the Fenglin Army, then he will turn back to the Zuo Zhen Police Force. If I kill Li Chengye, defeat Datang's God of War, who can fight with me this world? !

Although Yelua Board This is a smooth day after defeating Datang's two elite troops, each soldier, every soldier, in the two Fenglin army, severned the drums of drums, is nervous, natural rest is not good. .

After a night, the whole army is exhausted, and it is not possible to make a tactical tactics. Can only shrink the camp defense, worry that Weiurn will actively attack on the day.

The Yelua is anger, looking at the camp village in the front mountain, standing on the elite warrior wearing the iron armor, all armed to the teeth, even the face is blocked by the iron mask, holding the gun, look very mighty Majestic.

Inside the mountains on the sides of the army, the birds do not in turn, obviously, there is a soldier, waiting for them to attack the village, launch sneak attack from the side.

Yelua Bao did not know that the soldiers on the army were all covered the scarecrow of the armor. There were only a small number of soldiers on both sides of the road, holding the banner. Even the smoke in the army is also the fire of the people who have been stranded.

Wei Burn the task of these four hundred soldiers, once the Qidan mainly siege, immediately referred to the fire, and set fire to the mountain, temporarily curb the enemy's offensive, four hundred people can use one person three rides Advantage of rapid evacuation.

The main force of the Qidan facing the autumn hills, even if the water of Xiaolingshe will be at least a day of itinerary, unlucky, the fire spread too quickly, and only will be returned to Yingzhou.

Yelua Kaimu did not know that Wei Bun was prepared to give him a surprise. He intended to give the troops to take a break in a morning. In the afternoon, he immediately attacked the army village, and he could not let the Fenglin army have been so comfortable!

"Waiting for my commanding machine in place, Li Dingguo, I must have to take it!"


Weishun leads the army, even the night of the Liaoning Corridor, and ride all the way to Yixian.

When you attacking the city of Liaoqi, you will take the very low Yixian, which is very low in the city, and the Daguan nobles are basically packed.

Usually the people have received Wei burning gold and silver food, no one is looking for them.

Wenguang is not in the county, along the Wolf Wolf, looking for a narrow danger, settled in both sides of the mountain road, while sending a remittance to explore the enemy.

Ten thousand Qidan is really like Wei Shun, in order to block the steps of the Fenglin army as soon as possible, change the horse all the way, the march speed is extremely fast. This will not pay attention to whether there will be ambush in the middle of the road.

This cannot completely complain that the generals of the army, the Yelua Guard self-considering the main force of Fenglin Army has been entangled, it can't be tied to the white Wolf to build a volley, even if there is hot air balloon can only stand.

Therefore, after the sky is bright, when the 10,000 commander entered the battlefield of Weimer presupposition, the front section suddenly was blocked by the cracks of the craftsman, and the road will be blocked, and the way to hide the hide.

The latter stage and the front stage have both haunted, and the same method is blocked, and it is more strict than the front road. At this time, when I was surprised, I put into a blatted fire oil tank in the middle, and the archers were launched a round of rockets.

10,000 ride immediately in the fire sea, the fire burned, the whole army discipline is strict, but also have to fall into chaos, and trample.

The former army is in a hurry to stand forward, there is a big stone block in front, although not completely blocking the wide avenue of the Wolf water, but the gap is very small, only two rides parallel.

This directly leads to the enemy's forward troops more embzed into a group, there is a high equation, and the fast soldier rushed into the gap, but suddenly lost the front hoof. It turned out that the horse stepped into the iron, the whole horseshoe was abolished.

The corpse blocking path makes it more difficult to rush out. At this time, Wei Bun once again put the crazage of the road with a fuel rocket, and the whole army arrows.

Such a crowded enemy, almost no shot, the enemy is a heavy casualty.

The enemy of the enemy will still be calm, and he and the pro soldiers around me will continue to cry and stabilize the situation.

And personally arrange the Lord's hand to hold the big spear, and go to the front of the white wolf under the front, because the middle of the avenue is a white Wolf water, this practice is not difficult to achieve.

Wei burning is clear, take out the nine stone strong bow, start the boiling blood mode, full bow!


One archer exceeds triple sound speed, and the enemy master has opened a huge hole in the chest. The long archer did not lose the way. It once again took two people, and the last person was pulled into the Wolf Water.

Chapter 222, father and son meet

The Lord will be killed, and the enemy military commander is striking, and the organization is completely confusing. There is a fire in the river. After the front of the rush, it is replaced by the fire. If you use the companion body, you will be screaming, there is Square, sure to surrender, but still suffer from ruthless, but also to rush to the two sides of the mountain, but in the halfway, the Fenglin military guns used to take the mountain road.

Finally, they were almost the blossoms of the body pushed away, but just thought that there were dozens of steps outside, they were still unclear, and they were still unclear.

Li Jianxing spit into the leaves whose chewing, before, the Fenglin army is highlighted!

The battle duration is less than a time, and the Qidan is 10,000 commanders being annihilated, and the master will die.

The whole hill is filled with sick and napkins.

The Wei's Bunch of the battlefield did not clean up, and the Fenglin army who was slightly casualties and the arrogance of the morale, and retired to the Liaoning Corridor.

At this time, the Yelua Bao was brought into power, and the army was sent to the two army villages set up by the army to attack the wear.

The result was not received by any resistance. The armored a group of mighty sergeants in the armored, as with the wood people, I watched the Qidan's attack on the door, chopping the wall, and entered it. I didn't change it from my head to my end.

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