The nomad of the nomads is in water grass, and the Cinema and Turkic people have different languages, but the custom is similar. Survive in the grassland of the plug, you have to adapt to the climate of nature, otherwise it will be eliminated by Changsheng Tian.

Eight thousand iron rides, the knights have a lightweight scorpion, and the equipment is excellent, and it is a two-hive. Under the leadership of the guide, you will meet the nomadic tribe of the Qidan.

After the thousands of troops swept, they used to be a half a month, and they killed the Qidan tribe of the Yin Mountain.

Their family is almost exhausted to attack Yan Yun, and is confronted with Li Chengye. Therefore, it is basically old and weak, and only 30,000 cavalry is dispersed to prevent other small tribes on the grassland.

Wei Bun is just through the Turkic Wizard, contacting the small tribe of these Ki Dan, led them to attack several of the nomadic tribes of Khitan, and the back army will quickly increase the snowball to 20,000 people.

Then take the efforts to break the Khitan cavalry distribution in the grassland one by one, killing them, and dare not fight again. The small tribe, such as Room Roomwei, the ancient, and six, and the eight thousand essence of Wei burning is gone, the more skilful, the more skilful, the more serious.

During the continuous attack grassland, We combustion also learned about the related information about the Dan tribe.

Today's Khitan can be a famous Yelua Guard in history. He is unified in the early years, but it takes the strength of the Plus Hulu to make the other party, and even dispatch the elite in the tribe to join the Pacon Festival. Make the army to attack the Central Plains.

The Phytology is caused by Li Chengye, and the Liao land defensive is empty. Yelua Bao is ambition, and has long since the fertile land and Han people in Liao land.

Therefore, decisively entered the Liaoning, occupying the Liaohe Plain and Yingzhou and the Liaoqi Corridor. He defeated local arrogance, but did not drive to kill, but he fadeed his local forces, and sincerely hired them to join the rule system as bureaucrats.

Although the local Haoyi World is a foreign macrower, but the rituals have been learning the advanced culture of the Han people, but also to be more sincerity than Ping Lu's festival. It is concluded.

Datang's national policy is a national integration. The Han people in this era are not so strong, as long as they agree with their own culture, they can be considered as themselves.

Attacking Yan Yun, in fact, it is not an idea of ​​Yelua Bao's own idea, but it is the Han people of the Liaoni to persuade.

Therefore, Wei Bun has made such a big thing in the Khitan, and Yelua Bao will definitely give up immediately to the attack on Yan Yun, north, and may even find a way to attack himself.

However, Wei Hui soldier, always take information as the first, only after mastering the real information, it will be estimated to have a few more winning calculations. Therefore, when he ravaged the grassland, he arranged an away from Yan Yun and his father Li Chengye. He went to understand the enemy intelligence.

He has already used to take the most trustworthy scout, although apart from clear explicitly.

She is now in the realm of the masters, only the passionate world, can enter the heavens. So the state of the fox, running is faster than the rush, endurance self-cultivation is always supplemented at any time, very deep and thick, but also the horse can't match.

At this time, Wei Bun occupied a Cinema aristocratic camp. The people inside dare to be cleaned, and they can run, and they can run away. The old weak diseases that captured, Wei burning is not interested in killing, staying Instead, it can become the cumbersome of Khitan.

According to the convention, I should have been able to return today. He is not afraid that I can't find a Fenglin army that destroyed around the grassland. Because they have their own heart and feelings, and I will understand the law, I have a marker on Wei blame, I can always Induction position.

Li Jianxing is roasting mutton on a bonfire. This Qidan's aristocratic tribe is very rich, and tens of thousands of cattle and sheep. In addition to fighting the horse, Wei Bun only takes enough to use it for five days, the rest of the rest, it will not leave to the opponent.

"Hey, big brother, this kiandan is too soft. In this time, in addition to soil, there is no casualty, it is too unimedious. You see me, in addition to learning a good slaughter killing sheep And roast beef mutton techniques, did not learn anything. "

"Then I am really white to come here, marching, peace of mind, identify geography, pre-registration climate, customs, these you didn't remember it? Ok, don't eat, holding this book, Don't give me the bench, don't want to eat! "

Wei Bun took out this hour of marching from the arms, except for the above, and also draws a map, used as a reference to the grassland in the future.

Shou Ning princess and steps looked at the interaction between the two brothers. She couldn't help but laugh. She said: "It is the roast lamb technology of the three sons, and he is still young, the big master does not have to So harshe you. "

Shou Ning princess came from the army, although it was a woman, it was more serious than Li Jianxing. Weimer's daily march log, she will take a copy, and I will take my heart when I have a daily rest, and I will observe the Wei Fang army action. I have mastered a lot of points.

Chapter 217

She is a battlefield hospital in the military, but in recent hours, it is already possible to lead a thousand people to fight against her, and soldiers will not be a woman because she is a woman. This is to make Wei stunned very admire.

She is so serious, just like an invisible and heavy burden, it is still unremitting efforts when she is in the edge of the court.

It seems that in her heart still has the meaning of returning to Changan Center Datang. Wei burning looked in his eyes, but there was no cruelty.

He only felt that the world is so difficult, even if it will make the princess of Shou Ning, it is also very difficult to update politics.

"This kid has been crowning, you can say young!" Wei burned his eyes next to Li Jianxing.

Li Jianxing quickly handed the baked leg meat to the princess and steps of the Shou Ning, and smiled and smiled.

Step of the step: "The big son, the three son character, some things don't have to force. More people are born, such as the three sons of the battlefield, the world is less. If you force him to go big son, you walk After passing the route, it will still suppress his own spirituality. "

Wei was blamed, but only helplessly shook his head. "Although the elder brother is like a father, I can't move you, I am too lazy. Your kid, you can't take a soldier alone in the future!"

Shou Ning princess looked up to the south side of the paint, "the big son, where we have a period of the grassland, and the main force of the Jerusa Guard's leadership should return."

"The grassland nomadic nationality is the most good and trend, Yelua Bao will not continue to attack Yan Yun again. We have chosen to return this time, in fact, it has also been solved the danger of Yan Yun.

However, it is only a fashionable and insufficient solving. This year they gone, will not come again next year. This is indifferent, it is originally not the core of the Cape Dan.

The vast white mountain black water is! Since they dare to invade Yan Yun, we can also step down on the Lesus! You can go, I can go! "

The three people look up to Weiurn, whenever he said his own pride, it is the most attractive, let alone what he said, there is nothing, this has formed a confidence full of heroic meaning. It is most likely to infect people around you.

Wei Guan said: "We know the information learned, after the Unification of the Jessa, the standing cavalry is more than 7,000.

At this point, it was dispatched 40,000, and the left-behind 30,000 cavalry was distributed in all parts of the land, and the Yuezi, Wu Gu. During this time, we have been hidden by us, the morale has been taken, and it is no longer war.

Then, Yelua's occupation of Liaoning, inheriting the heritage of Pinglu, and got local Harmony. The Han army step is quite more than cavalry.

However, if Yelua is going to return to the grassland, it will be returned to the whole ride. Only the Han army step is to confront my father in Yan Yun, and confuse my father.

The 40,000 Kiridan cavalry coming north must be a soldier, and the equipment of the Liaodang Tang Jun, and the combat power is estimated that the cavalry will be poor than the cloud.

What's more, I heard that Khitan Khan will have an excellent excellence. Everything is a great warrior, the grassland, and the number of fighters, the combat power is not elite.

Although we have a miscellaneous soldiers and horses more than 10,000 people, they are not enough. They can only beat the wind, and the hard work will be pulled. Therefore, we can't confront the enemy forces, so even if you win, the casualties are also equal to defeat. "

Li Jianxing just did not understand, asked: "Big Brother, what should you say, anyway, I only be responsible for the attack!"

Li Jianxing has just had a crown, and because of the practice of practicing the door, fully develops the body's potential, heights six feet and a half, more than one meter nine, and the muscles are trusted, and it is dark by the ultraviolet light of the plateau. In addition to do not leave a face, it is really a pioneering gesture.

Wei Bun itself is also a fierce, but also likes the army to fall, and kill the enemy group open and unparalleled. This is nothing to say.

He glanced at Li Jianxing, his eyes were not good, and Li Jianxing shrunk neck. The two women who have seen the side are not smiling by their own.

"Tomorrow, I decided to talk to these violently. Then lead the army to enter the wilderness of the Khitan! Continue to attack the destruction, lead the main pursuit of the Qidan, if they have a fat, chasing the soldiers and horses, The machine suddenly hit!

If they go back to the camp, I will go to the Liao River Plain from the mountains of Liaoning, here is the treasure of supporting their farming iron. Dachang destroyed, and even if you want to join all the Bohai Sea! "

The specific strategy is not said, but how to retreat him is already good. Liaohe Plain connects the Liaoning corridor, which has only a relatively perfect development of the Liaoqi corridor, but has not built a very well defense system.

For example, the mountain customs have not yet established. He can return to Pingzhou with the Liaohe Plain, returning to Yan Yun.

Although Datang has the entire East Third province. But at this time, the Han people really developed only one of the Liaoning.

Even in the Liaohe Plain, this is the area of ​​Donghu grazing and hunting. It is more difficult to say far to the Bohai Country. It is very difficult to survive.

This also directly leads to a liaison of the Liaohe Plain to the Liaoning, and there is no fortress defense system like the world, can be galloping everywhere.

About the terrain of the East Third provinces, Wei burning in the brain is very clear, because in the past, he did a special training in this area, not less driving in the local self.

Now that although there is a change in the future terrain, it will not be far from the distance, and Wei Hui's leading action is not afraid of lost, it is really not good, and he uses the guide to use a lot.

But everything specific actions need to be flexible and moving, and there is a non-tutorial, so the information is especially important! Next, he wants to wait for an information that has been returned to the future to decide to make a more complete strategy.

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