After the two came out together, they did find the old bodies that were killed by Wei blame. Because the weather is cold, even if the time from the shelter, the time to be killed will be delayed, but there is no flaw, the corpus is not affected.

Zhuozhen checked the body, the five internal organs were broken, it was obviously died in seven injuries, and the blood river is the top master of seven injuries. The long-lasting place, the road, it is indeed the way to go to Miuguan County, let Zhuozhen can't help but be afraid.

Since this, she is uninoup, on the one hand, even if Wei Burn is a person, but still has the heart of chivalrous. On the one hand, it is formally imposed on Chang Xuan. Although she can't understand it, she does not hinder the follow-up to find the opportunity to hand it over to Zhao Xuanqing, let her be vigilant.

Zhuo Yi is not intended to give Zhao Xuanqing now. After all, there is no direct evidence, and people mistakenly think that she wants to pick alone, then the stealing chicken is not eroding rice.

With a raccoon, there is a new inn, Zhuozhen looked at the secrets in his hand, only felt a cold sweat. If Chang Xuan one will send a letter to Miichuan County, then dare to die will certainly be blocked in half.

Take a thousand enemies of the enemy, it is the bureau of death! Chang Xuanyi's heart can be really poisonous! Although this person is famous for the famous door, it is a non-critical traitor. If there is an opportunity to eradicate it.

If Zhuo Yi is only six-point suspicion of Chang Xuan, then this time in Huanzhou City. Chang Xuan has been looking for a message that is missing the elderly, and the privateness of Weimon is mostly, and there is a little bit of love, let Zhuohui are deeper. .

After that, I took a raccoon to try it, and I was a little surprised when I saw a raccoon. Zhuo Yi's story made of the A raccoon, said to him, the difference is that there is no way to die, but when Li Dingguo suddenly appeared, the computer escaped.

Under the detailed observation of Zhuo Wei, I found that Chang Xuan's shock, nervous, doubt, and so on. It's hard to imagine that some people can show such a rich expression in one or two breathing time.

Then quickly change to relieve, and to Zhuo Wei.

When Zhuozhen, he basically confirmed that often was a laigue, and it was secretly for this person.

After Zhuo Yi left, Chang Xuan's face was very gloomy, immediately enristed the disciples back to the school to find the old age. In the next few days, the disciples in the door were returned and did not see the old age.

Chang Xuanyi finally couldn't stand, he worried that the elderly had been controlled by the blood river or that lurking Li Dingguo.


The wind of all parties in Hezhou City changed, and Wei Bun is unclear, he has its own strategic goal.

Leave two hundred hurt veteran in the city city, led a thousand people to take a sled, and then go to Dahua County.

Before the prior city, the Tuba soldiers were almost all, only no more than one hundred people fled out.

But Wei-burning is not afraid of them to report, on the one hand, these grassroots soldiers only fear, do not know the Wuwei army. On the one hand, they will not ski, walk dozens of hundreds of miles in ice and snow, and there is no possibility of food, frozen, and death.

On the way to the march, it proved the guess of Weiurn, they have found a lot of Tubo soldiers frozen bodies.

In addition to the county, Wei Bun did not trimming like it last time, and then tacted the city.

Instead, take the wind and snow to the visual shadow, multiple flags, and the scattered formation, let the army of thousands of people look at the banner of the banner, it seems to have 5,000.

If you don't send it, you will be in front of the front view. And this huge military array, the morale of the county in the county, but also even when the city is in the city.

This is not only because of the doubt of Weurn, but also because the Tubo soldiers themselves are poor.

When the war, the closer to the front line, the more unpleasant, and the troops left behind are naturally eliminated, weak or mixer.

They stayed behind, although safe, but there is no priority to robbing power. It is also necessary to guard the goods left by the elite team. If there is a loss, it is usually responsible and punished. Therefore, it is not a welfare behind it.

These Tubo army first were scared by Wei Burn, and mistakenly thought that there were five thousand people. I saw the battle flag of Mikawa's main legion, and the armor and head of the generals of the city defenders, the morale collapsed on the spot.

Even the main force in Mikawa is defeated, and the city is also disappeared, and it is a commander to be killed.

And the other party can rush to the cold and snow, and they are not able to connect in this kind of weather. The quality of the soldiers is so much, how do you play?

At this time, Wei Bun just arranged the personnel to persuade. This group has no fighting, the Tubo army with the bird of the shocking bird, took the initiative to open the city gate, Wei Bun immediately led the first to enter the city gate to grab it in.

After hundreds of people entered the city, there were fewer flags outside the county, and the Tubo army was observed immediately. But Wei-burning and others have seized city gates.

He saw that the eyes of the Tubo looked at it were not right, and it was the adheren to turn around his eyes.

When the machine was interrupted, the Xuanhua ax suddenly pulled out, and he took the guard on the spot. He screamed. He automatically understood all the languages ​​of the world. He said in the Tub language: "Tubo dog thief originally surrendered, At this moment, it intends to rebellion, from now on, put down the weapon to avoid killing, hand-held weapon, kill forever! "

Chapter 161

The three hundred elsensites following him have a big drink, and the Lord will lack the Tubo army to kill.

Stepping and Wu Xinfei guarded next to Wei Burn, Wei burned where, this is the first to the opposite Tubans and horse.

Flying swords, the ribbon flying, the enemy loose formation is broken, and the soldiers around Wei burned easily.

The soldiers outside the city have accelerated into the city, each combined with a flower array, the length of the shortage, and the Tubo army who is still intended to resist.

The battle lasted less than half an hour. These three-run armors composed of old weak wounds and mixedons immediately threw the weapons, far from the actual quantity of their Tang Jun surrender.

Wei Bun is imitated in the old example, after bundling these people, let the residents in the county have a hatred revenge, complaining, and a bloody killing, the problem of prisoners of war is successfully resolved.

Then integrate the city's material and the horse equipment, nature is also a big earning.

There are three thousand in the war, but the snow is snowing, and the horse can only stay in the city. Even if you can take away, Wei Bun can only be handed over to Zhao Xuanqing, after all, he can't afford so many cavalry.

Here is a county town of Tubo to retreat to Tu Valley. Many elite troops put this one-way material, and it is really inexpensive. Wei blame is still in accordance with the method of the city, branching silver, boosting, and then left one-third to Zhao Xuanqing.

Other gold and silver hard and unfair are all stuffed into the absence of space. Because it is possible to fill a few boxes, the space of the dish is not large, but it is also enough, so it is not that the property remains in the city.

This is also satisfied with the throne of the gold and silver jewelry, she stared at Wei Gang: "These are mine! Never let you take it out!"

Wei burned said: "It is yours for the time being."

There is still half a sentence behind it: When it is expanded, it is mine.

On the next few days, the stone army is hit by the same way. When this information is closed, it is really a fresh all over the day.

Interestingly, the stone military Tunberg is called Guide in the future, which is the Guide of the Yellow River Guide.

This place has four mountains and mountains, the mountains hinder the invasion of cold air, so there is nothing to snow, the Yellow River has never blurred, still turbulence. Weimer is unable to use the weather to apply the suspect, only with the sergeants to successfully develop the confidence and momentum of victory, and shock the Fortress.

I didn't expect them to be easy to deal with than imagination. After showing the first level of Luzhou City and Dachen County, they have burst into civil chaos, and a group of party slaves jointly killed a few Tubo officers. city.

The party comers have contradictions and the Tubo's inventory, and the party items live in the Tu Valley. After being invaded by Tubo, it basically has become the slave of Tubo people, and the Tub will not be resistant to the top day. Now I saw Tang Jun accounted for the wind, and immediately started against the owner, and the charm is generally eager to invest in the new owner.

Wei is thinking about it, more than 50 party comers, in fact, it is very hot, the bow is rushed, and the Wei burning can not be safe, and it is temporarily edited.

Anyway, he has two thousand cavers who have passed through the city, mixed with five hundred soldiers, and will not cause too much impact. However, all of these party teachers must learn to speak Chinese, otherwise they can only make them self-into which they can coordinate.

Wei Bun is a mixed by the generals in the generals, just two or three months of snow, can use to integrate the fighting power of the whole army.

In addition to having enough military grains and hundreds of horses, there is no wealth, but it is a lot of robbery. However, I also know that the saving food of the Tubo army is in this position, and the food and herbs hoarded in front of the frontier have become the guarantee of the invasion of the Tubo army.

Although the place is poor, it is very important. He recruited hundreds of veteran veteran veteran, although it is a soldier, but due to focusing on the field, it is actually the difference between farmers. Leave two hundred dare to death, will control this. After the opening of the spring snow, then the grain is moving in the city.

The stone military Tunbao is the first military fort in the face of Tubo in invading, and now it is liberated, and the entire removal of the main force of the Tubo Prefecture in Sichuan County has never eliminated.

Military food in Miugawa County is only enough for 30,000 troops to eat this winter. After snowing, you must have a grain to the front line from the rear, otherwise the Tubo army will fall into the broken grain crisis.

However, first unlucky will be the residents of Mikawa Prefecture, and Tubo will have a huge disaster in the hands of local residents in order to raise military food.

However, there is a cloud, there is no need for help, and there is no city.

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