If the Hezhou falls, then the Tubo Dado will directly sell the Lanzhou, which is the cold. Therefore, they have heard that the Tubo people have arrived in the riverside portal, they are very surprised.

The rest is left, all like Wei Bun from the mainland to eat fish, it doesn't matter, look at the panic of the locals, thinking about how you should get out.

Zhao Xuanqing long guns, intrinsic excitation, collision, and the whole game.

"You have never experienced military drills, and I have gone to the battlefield and the enemy war. Therefore, I will stay in this place before Fenglinuan, I will leave you in this place, and the pilot and caught in the city of Hezhou City Border troops dare to mediate mixed training.

At the time of the battlefield, if you can live, you will see if your training is active. In addition, this will have to be given to dare to fight! "

Said, she lifted a box and opened it after opening.

"In addition to the people who dare to camp, there are still five enemy first-level to sin, including Wuwei soldiers, willing to enter the mission, this box of gold, one person ten!"

Usually, the rivers and lakes are unlike Weiming this, there is a rich body. Most of them can't go in their hometown, have to seek alive roses in the outside. These people are either to join the gang on weekdays, or steal the chicken to teach the diameters, and mix it, it is to join the martial artsmen become a formal disciple.

Overall, it is poor, and there is no purely proletarian in addition to a rotation. So this box is very huge for their temptation.

However, they are also a smooth generation, see Wu Weijun is also inviting, but there are no few people standing out to join this dare to die. It can be seen that this death camp should be a deputy, which is easy to join, and it is not so easy.

Wei was imagined, suddenly I asked: "Dare to ask General, this dare to join the income, then, is it equally easy? And in addition to gold, add dare to death, can there be other benefits?"

Everyone's eyes are locked to this bilirous guy, but Zhao Xuanqing is quite appreciated by his kindness.

"Oh, it is natural to join the death camp. It is natural that it is like those who have been sentenced to death camps because of committing crimes. As long as this war is hitting and returning, you can quit casually. As for other benefits, huh, What is the benefit of this brother? "

When I said the last sentence, Zhao Xuanqing's bright phoenix has quietly flashed the murder. Obviously she doesn't like this kind of person who can't hold their own strength, but runs to bargain.

Wei Blang said: "Some Weimoni, Duodao Fuyang people! For a group of leaders, with Luoyang left-behind, Fanheng, flat, Henan Taoist, with thin work.

This is coming, but it is because of the son of the east.

Since the dare to die in the current camp is a man who commits a fear, Wei has entered this dare to die, may I make me the whole master? "

Chapter 128

Zhao Xuanqing's murderous killing has not been suppressed. "It turned out that the little head of the group was, huh, huh, the biliary is big. Unfortunately, I have to take out the principle of people! If you can pick up this Will you die three guns, this dare to win the business officer, how is it? "

Weishun is also welcome, from the Wuwei military soldiers to take the crosshavery, straight from the crowd.

The military brigade is born. I think that the Junling node is being captured at this time, it is very likely that a high-ranking figure in the Tubo army. If the identity of the rivers and lakes is murdered, Mo said that the army is swearing, and it is a murder, and Wei is not proficient. He will be exposed to the enemy camp.

If you encounter a master in the Tubo army, it is in the middle of the army. It is necessary to break around, it is difficult to do it.

And another important reason is that Weiurn's hometown of Weizhou is alone in this manner.

I really made the Tubo people play in, I am afraid that the whole family staying in Qizhou will be dangerous, and Wei is not allowed to occur.

It is just that the Wuliangjun has strong emphasis on the truth, and the Wuwei Army itself has just entered this place. It can only be called a general, the foundation is not strong.

We comb is planning to join in this point in time, or you can use your own military. After all, the festival has made the dentier is also the head of the heads, so there is a bureau of the later five generations.

Wei burning can laid herself in this world by this Dongfeng.

Of course, this is not a very important chess, but Wei Bun has no other better way. After all, he is still suffering from the Datang Dynasty, where is not suitable for development.

This border in Hezhou is just right, after all, this place originally the high emperor is far away, and is also hoped by the holiday, it is not so featful for the court of the court.

Once the development of this war is a good base, Dongjin can threaten Jingshi Changan, westward can open the Silk Road, accumulating the original capital on this gold business.

And the Tubo at this time looks strong, but only from the Hedi Festival, it will be very weak to see the Tubai, and Wei Burn will teach him the history of Tubo.

The Tubo during the peak period has been playing with Datang, dining, and Nanzhao. Even the Tang Dynasty is required to be resistant to one-third of the country. Since the Tubo's birthplace Zadda advocated the Buddha, but he was assassinated by the monk, then Tubo fell into the split civil war.

At the time of Shazhou (Dunhuang) Zhang Yichao seized the opportunity to lead the troishes, defeated the Tubas of Tang Shazhou, and Light Recluded. Since then, Tubo has set off a slave uprising and warlord rebellion.

Survantively, Zhang Yi tide took the opportunity to return to the land of sand, melon, Yi, West, Gan, Su, Lan, Yan, River, Yili, etc. It was sealed as the Sand State Festival, and the Ten State Observer and the Equivalent.

Since then, Tubo has been constantly civil war, and the strength is even more powerful than today's Da Tang. In the past ten years ago, Zon's descendants were temporarily unified for the time being. However, after Li Chengye, Li Chengye was hurt and fell again into a split.

Nowadays, it is still the Yundan, it seems that it has recumed for so many years. Their strength has recovered, just like the inside of Datang, come over, cheap, and fishing from the Silk Road.

Weimen feels even if the Wuwei military force is less, but after all, there is a heart of Zhangzhou River, but according to local profits, it is not necessary to fight, even battles.

The thoughts were turned back, Wei Figna has jumped into the station, just standing stabilized, Zhao Xuanqing jightensfully holes, and the gun is in a hurry.

But this seems to have a complex gun road, but there is no secret in Wei blame, he can easily see the long guns conveyed, and judge its attack route.

However, he plays now is a group training, some Kung Fu, maybe it is good in the very common rivers and lakes. But in Zhao Xuanqing, Wu Xinfei has a real master in front of which is a joke.

So he intends to have a three strokes of "Wolf", got the position of the dead end, and see it.

The gun is tatched and does not use internal strength.

Wei Burn is interested in holding the number of knives, and the minimum, the last blessing of the heart, swaying this shot.

Zhao Xuanqing face scorn, the second strokes came one after another, and the gun head was swayed. The whole white wax rod gun shook a wave, with a little hard as the whip generally pulled the Wei stump.

Wei Hui moved very continuous, his wolf is also running, lazy, tap a few laps, very thrilling.

Although the posture is ugly, it seems that this will not be lucky in Zhao Xuanqing. This person should have some things, the pre-judgment of the end of the enemy is very accurate, so the action of dodge can be so consistent.

Her long gun took the floor out of a hole, and she was ate, "pay attention! The last move, life is life!"

Zhao Xuanqing held a gun handle, a long gun like a poisonous dragon, and there was no sign to shoot from the underground cave, and there was no change in the dust.

This hit is from the core of all guns - Zhongping, but through Zhao Xuanqing, according to his own efforts, the speed is faster, the angle is more riot, and the attack is more concealed, so it is more hidden. It should be that Wei Bun has no real thing to receive this shot, so he can only let him make life and death.

This gun is really great, but there is still no perfusion too much, and there is no gun to gun. For Weiming, the empty hand can also grasp it.

However, the person he plays now, the empty hand can have no such strength, so it can only be surprisingly, on the one hand, concealing its strength, let the other party look at himself.

So his horizontal knife is not used to block, but when the gun is smashed, let go out!

His knife did not shoot long, but after throwing out, nature is naturally larger than the long gun attack, speed is fast.

Zhao Xuanqing also attached from his thinking, but did not think that Wei Hui will have this trick. This shot of the whole force, could not help but because she needs to adjust the body shape to avoid this flying thorn, and be lagging.

Wei Shun took this lagoon moment, let go to the backward, just perfectly avoid this third trick.

Zhao Xuanqing took a long gun, meaning that the deep gum of Weiming, "Your martial arts is general, but the brain is very flexible, the idea is very clear, the courage is also very big, maybe it is suitable for the position of the camp. From now on, you are dare to camp officers. Whether you are old people or new, you must look forward to you! "

Wei Decoration made a greedy picked up ten gold, and he got a military uniform to go to the stage.

At this time, Wu Xinfei suddenly opened: "This is a bit more eye."

Wei burner, will soon be recognized?

However, he did not panic, only went back to the headband to look at Wu Xinfei, smiled: "Although I did see the beauty for the first time, but I can be as an acquaintance, it is really fortunate."

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