Wei Bun looked at all, seeing all the horse, took out the weapon, looking at many of his own.

"And Li has never forgotten the fighting of tonight! We are to win! Not to welcome the walkout! Why is the arms of the thief army!"

The general remembers that the thief army is equipped with a map, and it is natural to know where the Chinese army camp is in.

"Under the horseshoe!"

Li Jia, who had priorcted exercises, said, so the whole army came out together.

"Under the horseshoe!"

"It is willing to take the first level of Wang Xian with this!"

"I hope to kill Huangquan with a rare army!"

Wei Hui, this thousand rides did not plan to support Li Chengge 20,000 steps, but only 10,000 in soldiers in the military camp in the thief army, so they have to be in the event!

After all, this helper is mostly the public, the core character is Wang Xianzhi. If he is dead, the originally pressed hill will certainly rise to their different minds, the group is long, even if there is more, it is not any threat.

Wei Fire held, led thousands of rides to the hillside, first rushing through the direction of Li Chengye infantry.

All the way rushed from the thief's foreign camp, and there was the army who heard the middle army to enter the drums and came out to the inner collapse, and the battle was not stable, and the army was pulled by the army.

All the way stepped on the meat, the enemy was almost touched.

Step of the step, I still want to prepare for the first voice, I didn't expect that Wei led this cavalry so powerful, galloped, and the one soldier did not damage, and tens of thousands of enemies have collapsed.

When Wang Xian, he took care of the back. At this time, he felt moving quiet, looking back, , "The mouse finally caves, release the signal bomb! Let this will arrange the 10,000 else, set the trap of the horse! I want to let They have no return! "

The so-called horses trap, in fact, 10,000 steps are scattered in all walks of jersears. This kind of tickle is extremely difficult to create in this era, and it is necessary to use a variety of composites to ensure strength, and the surface soaked in ink, and the dark is incomparable.

The night is pulled out, even if it is a congenital master, don't take care of it, the naked eye is very difficult. As long as the horse ran, the horseshoe will be broken, and when the biting is bound, it naturally will turn to the infantry to slaughter the cavalry.

However, due to the pole of foreign camp, there is no way to pre-regain the thousand riding position of Weiming Lead. Therefore, the 10,000 old camps need to be scattered, in order to ensure that all the way to block, the Wei burning cavalry will encounter this trap.

Wei burning hiddenly saw the old-fashioned infantry in the front of the front. At a glance, this is waiting to be ambush.

There are only three layers of square in front of the square, and there is no charge of the cavalry, and there is no one who is in such a weak square to block the cavalry charge. So what is the trap?

Under the order of Wei Burn, slightly slowed down the horse speed, so that the front of the old battalion that he has always been looking forward to the charge of himself. Wei bladded a sarcasm, turned the horse head, and turned into the village of the side.

The soldiers in the cottage have come out to the inner column, the camp is empty, but the direction of the charge is not invoiced, and it is a dead road.

Wei Bun said: "Steps, you have to force it, etc., will play a gap with me, let the soldiers rush into it, let's copy it!"

We Wei furnishment has not broken, and the reinforced concrete can be taken out, and the wall of the wooden camp is removed, it is not too easy.

The horses across the horses, the red fog gathered in the face of the body surface, and chemically turned into a curved blade of two feet.

Steps, flying swords, like a streamer, combined with the blood-red curved blade, booming the camps in front of the gap!

The four fertilizers are at least 13 meters wide. Such enough horses pass, the left gods strategic the fishing fish, rushed into the camp.

The old camp waiting for this cavalry charge in front of this operation, and some people bow down to the front of the jarith, a chaotic in the mind.

This goddess cavalry, why don't you go to work?

Chapter 83

Wang Xian also saw the movement of Weiurn, completely ending his expectations. The old camp is only attracted to the three-column arrays that are not allowed to be arranged, and the trend is unusually weak.

In addition, the row of the big army after the array is not stable, and the normal cavalry will not have a temptation, and the tunnel is swept in the sky, but the opposite is not actually?

Moreover, Wei Bun is in the practice of self-cultivation, and it is completely exceeded his thinking inertia. After all, the trail is in front of him, and there will be inexplicably open a way on a dead road.

So no intelligence, but the level of thinking level!

Wang Xianzhi fails, but things are still not ending, the foreign camp is so vast, you broke through, there is also a jarith trap in front, and there are also various temptations.

As long as you are in order to attract two thousand steps to Li Chengge, you will inevitably trigger chaos in foreign camps, so you don't afraid you don't step on the laugh!

If everything is as thought of Wang Xian, the result is indeed happening as he expects.

Unfortunately, the idea of ​​Weiming is the head!

Therefore, all the way is copied, and the wall is connected. If you encounter a trench, slow down, so that the ride is laid on the wooden board left on the field, continue to advance.

This move is really unexpected to Wang Xian, waiting for him to react, this thousand riding goals are the millennium camps, Wei Bun has been rushing to the camp, and the camp is always arranged in the provision of the Jianghu people to pass the command information, fundamental There is no connection.

At this time, it has not yet been there, and the Wei blaming the camp. Although there is 10,000 soldiers, it is not in the camp in the camp.

Only Wang Xianzhi's three thousand sergeants have maintained the formation of the weekdays, and seem to be in the pre-warfield.

At this time, we will see Weimen Leading a thousand and unparalleled light cavalry, and this three thousand thieves, the old soldiers are all stunned, almost stable.

Weishun is also welcome, and a thousand cavalry is divided into ten wars, and the hundred rides are collided with the collision of the four waves, and the old troops will collapse.

Then Wei Figna, the cavalry is based on a hundred ride as a basic combat unit, and the four hits those who come to support, or prepare to divert.

Wei Bun released a single-family signal bomb, still the red triangle fireworks signal, the summary of the attack!

Then the petition rushed to the direction of Wang Xian's situation, and the left knife was struggling, and he went out a muddy blood.

Li Chengye has led the army to the intersection, the striker flower is fighting with the thief army. The thief army did not have a strict training, only a part of the pure array.

Zuo Shen's forward striker rushed out a pure squad, regardless of the federation of the thief army, before the fight, struggling to fight. Actually broke through it.

Until the two thousand old camps were elite unsettledly, the offensive was slightly frustrated. Of course, there are 10,000 old camps in the foreign camp. It was originally a thousand rides of ambush Weimon, but they were played. At this time, I was in a hurry and prepared to organize and return to the military rescue.

At this time, the gods, at this time, although it is slightly frustrated, the overall situation is still being smashed out, they are already the backshop, there is no retreat, do not kill a blood, then only stay here.

However, Wang Xianzhi's heavy armor is strong, even if it is played, it has never had a dislocation. This can be seen that the elite of Wang Xian has already owned the capital of the world's strong soldiers. It is not more than the top of the world.

Not only these, Li Chengye also saw that Wang Xianzhi has always settled at least in the army, including Xuzhou Pang Xun with him, otherwise there will be such a good toughness in the army of the Anti-Army. The idea is four times.

This makes him more realize that Wang Xianzhi is a general anti-thief leader, has a certain political charm, let it develop, will be a big disaster.

Li Chengye saw the signal bomb released by Wei Hui. I know that my eldest son has successfully attacked the Chinese military camp. This means that China Military Camp will not pass through the martial arts of martial arts. The three parts of the camp were all war, the situation was unparalleled, and the left Goddened is!

Of course, he did not forget the birth plan of Weimer's business, and then let a number of people in five thousand, never participated in the battle, and preserved a very good force, led the arms of the army. From the military camp, I have passed together, and I have been joined to the forward martial arts of the Left God.

For example, Professor Li Guangwei and Li Sword Xingwong's Zi Xuanzhen, Shaolin's 18th Mohan, the two of the gentlemen, etc., is all the leader of martial arts.

They need to block the 10,000 camps that have been supported from the middle army, leaving enough time and space, let Wei I fight against the enemy.

Due to the direction of Li Chengye led the army, the book is to rush through the direction of the arms camp in the thief, only one mile from the support distance of the yuan car, even if it is necessary to bypass the traps at some of the trails at some camps, nor How long is it takes, it can be upgraded before 10,000 old camps.

Li Chengye, put all the hearts in how to deal with the tens of thousands of thief army in front of the whole, and he needs to have the main force in his hands and kill the thief army of the Chinese military camp.

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