Ask for tips! Ask for flowers! Collect it! Good reviews! Ask for support! Every bit of your support is the motivation of my codeword!

“Don’t… Don’t come here! Come again, come again and I’ll breathe fire! I’m breathing fire! I spray! …… I spray! I squirt! ……”

“Poof! Poof, poof! Pu poof, poof, poof! …… Ahhh! Strange? ”

“Demon… Monster beast! At such a critical moment, my Spitfire actually failed! …… Die…… I’m going to die! ”

“I… Why can’t I spew fire? …… Poof! …… No! Impossible! It shouldn’t be! …… It was obviously spewing fire just now! ”

“Boom! …… Rotten! Oops! …… You…… What do you do? I…… I warn you! Stay back! Don’t come over! ”

“Daddy! …… Just Daddy! …… Don’t come over yet, let me… Let me find the feeling first, weird… Monster beasts, beasts, la-la-la! …… Why…… Why can’t you spew flames alive or dead?! ”

“Poof! I don’t believe it! …… I don’t believe aaaaa Aaa ……”

“End… Finished calving! It’s over, lying groove… Lie down you old wood aaaa When this kind of fate, you give me a strike? …… I leaned in! I’m leaning on, leaning on ”

“I… Slot! You’re out! Poof! …… Brother Flame, if you don’t come out again, I’ll be in trouble!” …… You guys…… You damn guys! Other…… Don’t come aaaa ”

Yang Tianchen was still quite confident from the beginning, and in the face of the bandits and robbers who were pressing step by step, he wanted to be like just now, breathing fire, they cried wolves and howled, and scattered and fled.

But sometimes, the development of things always backfires, trying to pout your mouth for half a day, like spouting saliva again and again, pouting “Spitfire” … But in fact, it’s just a jet!

Not even the slightest Martian seed spewed out at all!

It’s strange to say, don’t you know if it’s swollen?

Yang Tianchen’s previous Spitfire switch is obviously probably, it should be, maybe it was turned on!

Although the flames spewed out are somewhat intermittent, and there are some sporadic flying unevenly distributed, they are still relatively powerful.

Can burn these damned thieves, run everywhere, and the souls of the dead are all evil.

But now! His Spitfire switch seems to… It seems like…… It seems to be a little bit of a bit of a bright spot.

Such a dangerous moment, such a fateful time, Yang Tianchen… He…… He couldn’t even spew out flames.

Now it’s really… It’s a personal life, ahh

And the group of robbers were also cautious, nervous, and afraid from the beginning.

After seeing Yang Tianchen’s fire-breathing failure, cute nervous, scared little face pale, it greatly boosted morale.

Gradually, they changed into the arrogant appearance they were before, and began to laugh at Yang Tianchen again.

“Huh Dare to love this kid to breathe fire tricks have not yet practiced ah! It really scared us to death. ”

“Good hanging, good suspension, just saw him make a fire-breathing motion, I thought I was going to be roasted?” After all, I don’t know if my shield can block his flames! ”

“Hahaha! It’s really good, it turns out that this kid’s ability to breathe fire belongs to that kind of power that doesn’t work from time to time! ”

“Oh, live! Good hanging! Good hanging! Seeing him breathe fire just now, it almost didn’t scare me! ”

“Hey, hey, haha! Brothers! Let’s see! Look at the way he is about to cry out in a hurry, but he can’t even spew out Mars! Obviously, it just doesn’t work! ”

“Hahaha! Since this kid can’t spew flames, what are we afraid of him? Everyone…… Don’t be afraid anymore, now… Let’s all rush up together! …… Hack him to death! …… Kill! ”

Seeing that Yang Tianchen really couldn’t spew out flames, so this group of robbers, the courage also began to grow bigger and bigger, and one of them took the lead to point his sword at Yang Tianchen, shouting “Kill!” ” word out.

The mountain thieves immediately went crazy and excited, and they all held all kinds of fierce weapons in their hands, chasing and killing Yang Tianchen with a scream.

Seeing dozens of burly thieves, aggressively killing towards him, Yang Tianchen suddenly bounced on the spot in fright, and then turned around and pulled his legs and ran.

“I lean on! …… You’re coming! …… Lie down! If I can’t win against you, won’t I still run? …… Watch my strategic shift! …… Escape, a ”

After all, Yang Tianchen is a dragon clan, and he is also a child with a special bloodline and a rebirth using the flesh and blood of the red dragon.

Even if he doesn’t have the guts to fight now, his ability to breathe fire is not very bright.

But his physical strength … At least within three days of his birth, his physical strength is absolutely close to infinite, and he belongs to the kind of person who will not get tired no matter how he runs.

Belch…… Although he himself does not know this situation of himself now.

In fact, Yang Tianchen’s current situation is like a mortal human parent, or an old man taking a child out to play.

When children are young, they are so vigorous, always full of vitality, so energetic that it is as if they never know how to get tired.

If you don’t believe it, you go to the playground to see, the adults are obviously tired, but the children, they still seem to be fine.

Always full of vitality pulling their own adults, clamoring to go somewhere to play.

With a swoosh, Yang Tianchen was like a child’s version of the Flash, and the red shadow flashed, and he quickly flew out.

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