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Feeling the contempt in Yang Tianchen’s eyes, and the ridicule of his fellow thieves.

So the thief Vera became even more angry, regardless of how tired he was before.

Raised the ghost head big knife in his hand, and chased and slashed towards Yang Tianchen again, like crazy, even more mad dog mode.

“Wow, whoa! Stinky little ghost, dare to mock Uncle Vera! Lao Tzu, I must hack you to death today, and I must chop you up with my own hands! ”


Bang bang bang! Bang bang!

But, very weirdly.

No matter how he shoots the knife, how he changes the trajectory and position of the attack, or does not want to increase the strength of the attack.

Just can’t cut Yang Tianchen, every time the knife is out, the movement on the ground is very large, the momentum is also very strong, and the smoke and dust splashed are quite large.

However, every time the smoke and dust cleared, Yang Tianchen could always stand on the other side, not far from him.

This…… This is simply alive for that thief Vera.

Orpheus, who was sitting in the enchantment air, held his delicate little chin in his small hand and nodded with a satisfied smile.

Smiled, “It’s really worthy of having the new body of the red dragon’s flesh and blood, as well as the dragon child born after I sent divine power to hatch, and that mysterious card gave the bloodline.” ”

“His potential is really unfathomable, and without receiving any training and teaching, he can already accurately predict in advance! And small precise dodging! ”

“Hmm! …… Although this can only be done for a short time when he still retains some of the magic remnants in his body for three days after birth, he can use a small part of his potential for a short time. ”

“This kid… It’s really interesting, anyway, I’m bored now, idle is idle, it’s better to train him well and teach him to grow up! …… Hee hee hee! I wonder how far he can grow in the end? ”

Seeing the thief Vera with his own eyes, it seems that he has worked very hard and hard, but it is fruitless, and the other bandits are also a little unbearable.

It’s all starting to move again.

If nothing else, just for the face of their gang of thieves, today they must also do Yang Tianchen this kid, otherwise, spread out, how else are they mixed in this area.

“Brother Vera! I’ll help you! …… I can see that these two imps are not ordinary imps, they will have some strange evil methods! We need to be careful! ”

“Let’s join forces first, get rid of this kid, and then go and catch that… It seems to be a magical little girl! ”

“Good! Terra brothers! …… I wrote down your favor, and I will definitely pay it back in the future! ”

“Huh! Brother Vera, you’re welcome! Everyone is a brother, don’t care so much! ”

Another strong man carrying a thick mace in his hand walked out from the crowd of thieves, and then walked slowly towards Yang Tianchen with the evil man named Vera.

One left and one right, with an evil smile on his face, walked towards him.

“Hmph! Humph! Hehe ”

“Ugh! …… Boom! ”

Seeing the two evil men coming together, Yang Tianchen’s face, which was already not very afraid, began to become a little afraid again.

Subconsciously retreated, and the body began to tremble again.

He looked at them with a look of horror, and said in a trembling voice, “You… What are you going to do? No…… Don’t come here! I…… I tell you! ”

“Don’t lie too much! I…… I’m very strong! If…… If you really push me down, I will… I’m going to explode! ”

“I… If I really go crazy, even I will be afraid of myself! ”

“Oh? Is it? So you’re awesome? All right…… Then you give grandpa me a break out to try ah! The mountain thief Vera didn’t care about Yang Tianchen’s trembling threat at all, but smiled even more.

The other thief Tra’s face was full of disdain, proudly despising Yang Tianchen, pointing his thumb at himself and humming, “Hmph!” In addition to your dodging kung fu, how strong can you be? Hum! …… If you can fight back, come on! …… Grandpa is standing in front of you, come and fight back! ”

The mountain thief Vera saw that the attack distance was almost there, this time they had already stood there, only three feet away from Yang Tianchen, such a close distance, if they couldn’t cut again, they could really go to eat the soil.

“Terra! Stop talking nonsense with this kid! …… Above! Hack him to death together! ”




Bang bang!

A slight difference from before, this time Yang Tianchen did not close his eyes.

But seeing the huge ghost-headed knife and the oversized mace with his own eyes, Yang Tianchen was still frightened and lost his mind.

The eyes became almost dull and unfocused.

However, even if Yang Tianchen was already frightened and lost his mind, his physical strength was still very magical, and he made the most correct reflection action.

At the moment when the enemy’s weapon appeared, his small head and body dodged strangely, tilted his head, turned sideways twice, and his steps moved slightly.

Another puff of smoke and dust rose, and after the smoke, Yang Tianchen stood unscathed again, not far from the two evil men.

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