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The beard is not half-gloomy or embarrassed. Sitting on the opposite side of Minglan, holding the pot and pouring tea, first drink a cup, and said: "In fact, there is nothing to talk about at the bottom. But..."

He licked his lower lip. "I still talk about it."

Ming Lan straight up, said to listen.

"This time I went out for a long time, I was able to calm down and think about something. Zhang Laoguo publicly laughed at me and said that I used to think too little, but now I think too much. But I can't help. I used to do something wrong. No one believes in saying anything; I am willing to believe in me, and listen to me, only Man Niang...who knows, it’s all from the show.” The beard sneered and laid the tea pot down.

"Manniang is a superb play, but unfortunately it has not been staged, or it will be a red horn." The beard seems to be talking about a stranger, not a woman who has been entangled with him for nearly ten years.

"When I first met her, I thought she was a spring with a clear bottom. Her mind was simple and her temper was gentle. I knew that she was deeply rooted in her heart, what was pitiful, how her brother fled, and even the rest... I felt her It was a pool of water, covered with cobwebs, and filthy. And when the blush passed away, I was shocked that she really saw the poisonous water of the throat!"

Minglan secretly spit out: If it is not drunk by the aging mother, no matter the water, the water, the poisonous water, you still have a drink.

"Actually, I didn't blame her when I knew her. I have been swindling me for a few years, or I have been arguing with Huang's family, and I am arrogant to make trouble... I feel that she is affectionate to me. To be honest, I was mad at me at that time, but my heart was still a little faint. In the end, she was not for Houfu, but for me, I wanted to be a husband and wife with my name."

Ming Lan wants to pout and hold back - people don't necessarily like you, but they are a man who can realize her dreams. It can be any high-ranking child who has the ability to play.

Who knows the next sentence of the beard is: "I later learned. She is deeply affectionate, not me at all, but her insistence, her mourning."

Ming Lan is silent.

"At the time, although I didn't blame her, there was one thing, and my heart was translucent. Manniang could win my group for several years, but I didn't show a little bit of it. It was very powerful. I understood that she could not be willing. Living under the people. Unless I marry her, if she is jealous, she will not let go of her mother... But I never thought about marrying her."

When I was young, my father gave me all kinds of approvals, and I hope that I can marry a good wife room. But what exactly is a good wife? The old father said that he couldn’t understand, and he couldn’t move the four-word and four-word lessons. What kind of family is innocent, good-natured, gentle-hearted, and generous--if the mother’s family has some help, it’s even better.

The little boy does not understand the deep meaning of it, ignorant and understand, remember in the small heart.

The beard stared at Minglan and smiled slightly. "You said to me, 'Looking at the bohemian, but the most disciplined in the bones." I was so angry that I wanted to throw you back to the river. But after going back, I turned around. Thinking deeply, I think it makes a lot of sense."

Ming Lan reflected down the neck, hehe smiled.

"When the weak look is very lovable, but the high door is the appearance of this room; the humble is not wrong, but lacks sufficient education, can not be generous to treat people; Man Niang is good at women, can Singing will jump, but also understand some economics, but the knowledge is shallow, and every time I complain, then I have nothing to say to her."

It is that when he regards Man Niang as a clear spring, she does not think she can be her wife.

Like the words of "not secret, lost", Man Niang not only can't say it, even if she remembers it hard, she can't understand the deep meaning. And he will talk to the people and talk about the people and Minglan, Minglan can not only understand, but also spit out the head.

... He just sympathized with her life, admired her bones, liked her supple comfort, wanted to take care of her, give her a worry-free life for the rest of her life, nothing more. As a result, what is life, bones, and suppleness - actually they are all out.

"You are different." The beard looked at Minglan, his eyes soft and gentle. "We always have a lot to say."

Ming Lan greeted his gaze and smiled quietly: "...Yes, we always have a lot to say." Bao sister is very good, everything is good, but Baoyu likes Lin sister, it is fundamental, but the smell is similar. There are endless words.

"However, it is said that one thousand and ten thousand, but it is the second son of Houmen's son, and I look down on the man who was born in the drama. I am afraid that Mann's mother has already seen it, and I have repeatedly urged me to persuade me to let me abandon my family. "Beard sneered at himself.

"On the day when I was away from home, I was both bored and frustrated. I thought about it when I had no interest. It has become the next stream of the rivers and lakes. What else can I look down on others? Forget it, there are two more children in the cold. But...who knows..." He gently rubbed his forehead and raised dark blue veins on his back.

"Who knows, blush is dead." Minglan calmly picked it up for him.

The beard put his hand down and his eyes were firm. "...Yes. The blush is dead. It’s also my thoughts on Man Niang."

"I am not blushing to marry, blush is not what I want to marry. In just a few months, what she did is not a good wife, I am not a good husband. After leaving home, I am still I can't help her."

He reached out and pulled a thin blanket for Minglan. "I thought about it. If she doesn't want to go with me any more, I would like to leave with her and ask her to remarriage. I should be wrong, I will bear it, anyway. My reputation is bad enough. But later, I have no intention of revenge for her."

"Even if I have been out for three or five years, she has done something wrong because she can't stand the loneliness. I can understand it for a long time. Who knows, only after three months of hard work, the red apricots are out of the wall, and the beads are dark. She also bullied me too much..."

He had a double eyebrow and a sneer at the corner of his mouth. "Give me a green hat, but it is still the kind of goods of Gu Tingbing. If it is not Qin's heart to make things big, blush originally wanted to buy a doctor, plant that wild plant to me. On the head."

Of course, Mrs. Tai does not want to give birth to a child, even if it is a wild species. Seeing that the boss is almost invincible, the second child broke the house on his own, and if the second child left a blind man, it would be a bit more variable.

The beard seems to be deeply felt and shameless. I can’t help but say: “If you don’t listen to it, the **** man on the rivers and lakes, if you know that your brother has been deceived by this, the result is a traitorous adulterer. Most of them are clapping their hands."

Ming Lan's lips are slightly moving, and I would like to express some opinions on the handling of the ancient derailed men and women. However, I think of the long-standing customs such as Shentang, but I still closed my mouth.

"In the end, it is the husband and wife who have worshipped the heavens and the earth, there is no love, it should always be righteous. At this point, I and Yu Yuhong are ruthless and meaningless. She is dead or alive, I don't care." The beard sighed, " Can't it be...not it's Man Niang..."

In this matter, Man Niang’s sinister evil, evil, meticulous, and heart-wrenching are far beyond his imagination of ordinary women; he is only drunk, and the length of the long-sleeved meaning, Man Niang It is necessary to have a blushing life.

If he said that he had been in the past, he could still justify that it was caused by Man Niang. This time, he finally told him to die completely.

When he was young, the old father once took the "Celebrity Records" and "Shen Wuzhi", and he acted on the literary generals of the dynasties. One article said to him, "Wen Youwendao, Wu Youwude Non-mind and perseverance, straight body, can not refuse the ghost invasion between heaven and earth"; 谆谆 谆谆 诲 诲 言 言 言 言 言 言 言 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— ——

"But even then, I never thought about letting her die, or what is going to happen next to her. She spent the rest of my life with me. I don't want to see her again, but I also hope that their mother and child can live and live well. It’s a warm life. This is said, about the old country, I have to say that I am insane... Minglan, you...?” He was anxious.

Ming Lan looked at his eyes calmly: "I understand, I understand."

Contrary to the speculations of many people, he is actually a very serious person. Because of the lack, I know how to cherish, even if it is the beauty of the illusion, I have also comforted his childhood without helpless violent.

"I don't know the place where Man Niang is the most. I don't care about it anyway. No matter how embarrassing her, I will really reject it over and over again. She seems to live in her own world and recognize her own thoughts. I must think that I am I still have love for her."

The beard was a little confused. "Is it necessary for me to interrupt her hands and feet and cut her fingers, she will believe?"

Putting Man Niang's mother and son to Mianzhou is the only chance he gave to Ms. Niang. In fact, he has already searched for a few suitable people. If Mannang is entangled, he will take Chang Geer away and raise him. He has suffered from the pain of no mother since childhood. He thinks that Man Niang is not a thousand, but he is not, he always loves children.

Who knows that before the expedition, Shi Jie and his wife told him about a past event. He was determined at that time. He immediately took Chang Geer away from Man Niang as soon as he came back. Who knows, it is still a step late.

"Manniang is like a bottomless pit, and she will never touch it. She knows that she will lie, who knows that she dares to kill, knows that she dares to kill, who knows that she can even go to her relatives. The only brother who used it is discarded. - In order to achieve her purpose, she is doing everything she can, and she is willing to do more things."

She went to the layer of skin on her body. Underneath it was such stench and ugliness; he was so confused that he could not believe that this woman was the Manniang he had liked.

He remembered that when he saw Man Niang in West Liaocheng, she was holding a wooden stick, playing left and right among the hungry people, and being jealous and accurate. No one dared to approach their mother and child. He knew her for so many years and always thought that She was so sick that she would have more flowers and embroidered legs at the top, until she knew that her work was good.

He was cold and sweaty at the time, remembering that his wife had smashed into the wife of Liujia in that year. At that time, he also thought that this was a desperate woman’s anger. I wanted to come here, even if Mann’s holding Changgeer at that time, It is also good to save yourself while hurting Minglan - his heart is suddenly chilly.

"I met with her, it was unlucky; when I met me, she was unlucky."

Time has passed, he can now be so calm, and he and Man Niang have a simple comment.

Ming Lan stood up stiff and stiff, his brain seemed to be numb, and he didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what to do. He looked up to see the bearded, quiet face, and she was pitiful.

"In that year, I sent my mother and mother to Mianzhou. You blame me..." He made a very difficult voice. "It’s right."

Ming Lan opened his mouth and said, and the beard stretched out his hand. "You listen to me first." Minglan had to shut up and listen patiently.

"I don't want to argue anything. You said that I didn't really treat you. This is true. But I am not born with the coolness. I have been sincere to treat people. I can be deceived, deceived, deceived, wronged, no. Can be sued, no one is trustworthy... can only jump out, go out, squat the clothes of the second son, crown, name, everything, dig out the heart, keep the head down, renewed, learn from the new ""

The man's voice is low and hoarse, like two rough stones that are in mutual resistance.

"Ultimately, I learned. In advance, think twice, pros and cons, good or bad, positive and negative... Learn to resist calculations, and learn to count others." He laughed miserably. "Kill the previous Gu Tingyu to survive."

Minglan's eyelids slowly floated a damp heat, and the soreness in the atrium was almost painful. A Houfu noble son was afraid that even a bowl of noodles would not know, so it would be difficult to ask for life. She knew that she was know.

"At that time, the current situation was not good. How many people looked at us, waiting for us to make mistakes, the old man was taken in, the brothers were taken in, and even the loyal people of the brothers were picked up by the eggs. I They are not as close to the hearts of the emperor, so I can't go wrong."

He stretched out his hand and wrapped it in Minglan’s hand. He said, “I know that when your mother and son are safe, my first thought is not to worry about your fear, to vent your anger, how to calm down the man’s affairs. You later blame me, blame me, all right! Just like me, I even dared to complain that you didn’t really treat me, it’s really a bastard!”

He squeezed the fist hard and the knuckles were whispering.

"When the grandmother is in trouble, you are kneeling in front of the hospital bed, crying so sad, so heart-wrenching. In order to get justice for the old lady, you are completely out, life and death, and you will not turn back! I am like a dream. I woke up - I used to walk so many ways, learned so many gains and losses, but forgot the most important thing... I forgot how to treat people really..."

He was almost hoarse, and it seemed to tear the old sheepskin roll. The voice fell and a teardrop fell. The sky opened a slit and the light appeared. Destiny has never been a smooth way for him. He has gone through the rough roads and adventures. Looking back, he found that he lost his precious past.

Ming Lan whispered, his backhand pressed his fist: "No. It is my careful eyes. It is so difficult for you to run outside. I can see such a beautiful day. It is not that I am smart, not that I am good, not that I am slick. I will do things for others. But you are decent in the court, everyone is flattering me and holding me..."

The tears fell on the hands of the two men, and they were hot and hot.

"You, the predecessors, protect me, refuse to call me a little wronged, who is not envious in the capital! I am not content, it is me..." Ming Lan bite a row of deep scallops under the lips, tears A big one, "I am afraid! I am afraid that you will not like me one day, then what should I do? So I always care about it, more than one inch, one is not willing to suffer! I am afraid that there will be such a terrible day. I will be sad to death!"

She finally burst into tears, endured the hidden secrets for a long time, and suddenly opened to the bottom of the sun. All the reasons were so weak, so selfish, so I was ashamed.

"Actually, I know your heart, you treat me well, not just a wife who will be a family, but will have children. You love me sincerely, respect me, I am happy, I want to call me. I have no worries... but I just don’t understand! Because I am afraid, I am afraid..."

The beard clumsily took the sleeves and wiped her tears: "You... don't cry, you can't cry in the moon..." He said, he dropped a big teardrop himself.

Ming Lan cried even harder.

They clasped together, their heads licking their heads, their bodies squatting, their tears inexplicably lingering, licking their clothes and sleeves, like two frustrated children, soothing and warming each other.

They have been innocent and enthusiasm in the early days of their lives. They have learned all kinds of fakes in their lives. They are wary and wary of people and things, and they are cautious and unwilling to believe.

Until the mountains and the mountains, suspicion, sadness, hesitation, and a large circle of roads, it was discovered that what I wanted was close at hand.

- This is the last time Manniang appeared in their conversation, in their lives.

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