"Don't worry, wait a little longer. Although Shen Ye heard this, he was not in a hurry, and his eyes sank down with a slight movement.

Aside from the huge rat, Fu Chengyang immediately went to ask the outer disciples how to go outside after cleaning up his room.

Although the outer disciples live in a simple place, it does not mean that everyone does not know each other, and Fu Chengyang is a newcomer, whether it is an unfamiliar face or an identity card, it makes people know his identity at once.

"The freshman has just come to the inner gate on the first day, and he wants to enter the outer door?" As soon as they heard this, everyone looked at Fu Chengyang with a play-watching mentality, as if he had said something amazing.

But in fact, it is not difficult to understand, everyone squeezes their heads, and even many ordinary people want to squeeze their heads to enter the Great Wilderness Sect, and when they arrive at the outer gate of the Great Wilderness Sect, they know that the inner door is good, and they charge the inner door again, and few disciples want to return to the outer gate after entering the inner gate.

"It's not impossible to go to the outer door, just find the person in charge of registering you, and ask him to cross out your name directly, and the same luggage has to be packed and taken away. There was also a kind-hearted inner brother who gave him advice, but no matter how he listened to this advice, Fu Chengyang felt that the other party had misunderstood what he meant.

"I see, is it the outer gate that took over the task and didn't do it, or even sent it to the elder?" The man glanced at Fu Chengyang suspiciously, a little bit unsure why the elders could give the task in their hands to Fu Chengyang, but the person in front of him was still an ordinary inner disciple.

But the spirit stone is a trading tool, and it is very easy to use wherever you go.

"It doesn't matter, you just need to say a word to an old guy guarding the door, you go to the platform where you are teleported behind you three times, say a sentence in your mouth, and the other party will naturally appear. The

other party showed Fu Chenyang the way quite enthusiastically, and after thanking him, he didn't miss the cunning in the other party's eyes, he hesitated, but decided to take a look at the table first.

There were no disciples guarding the door, it was even a round platform made of stones in the open air, and only a little further away was planted with grass and trees, and in the middle was a huge disc with a turtle carved inside.

It's just that this platform is so big, at the beginning, the ten of them, plus the disciples who led the way, were more than enough, and said that they wanted to go around in circles on this platform, there is no specific place, is it okay

to turn around? Fu Chengyang hesitated for a moment, but still made a compromise, chose a place and began to turn in circles, accompanied by a body, and suddenly felt that the aura around him seemed to be stirred, but looking around, nothing happened.

Could it be that I am mistaken? Or maybe the disciple was just playing tricks.

However, if you, you won't tell him the way to go down the mountain, unless the way to go down the mountain is also fake.

Fu Chengyang couldn't help but sigh heavily, and soon gave up the idea of continuing to circle around, if someone else was present, he only needed to take a look, and he felt ridiculous, he didn't want to be a joke in the after-dinner of others for the time being.

And just as he was about to leave, a very old voice sounded, accompanied by a sound of surprise, and a soft sigh.

Fu Chengyang turned his head in shock, there was still nothing on this round platform, but his sharp eyes found that the turtle that was originally carved on this round platform seemed to be alive, and its head turned slightly, deviating in his direction.

"Is this alive?" he couldn't believe his eyes, he had seen a cat who knew how to do space exercises, but this turtle made of stone could be resurrected, and it was the first time he had seen it.

"The old man was originally alive. When the turtle heard this, he was a little unhappy, and snorted heavily from his nostrils, causing the two whiskers hanging on his face to tremble a few times.

However, its body is too small, and it is carved on a stone plate, and its beard that rises without wind makes people laugh a little at first sight.

"What happened to you, little boy?"

met Fu Chengyang's curious gaze, the turtle cleared his throat again, and introduced: "I am the gatekeeper guarding the Jingmen, if you encounter any trouble, you can talk to me." "

Can the disciples of the inner gate communicate with you?" Fu Chengyang thought of Fang Cai's strange move, and the scene of several people spinning in circles at the same time and shouting together came to his mind was also very spectacular.

"No, the old man only knows one. The turtle's nose exhaled two more white breaths, and from the top of the stone plate, it looked a little weird, "I guess he introduced you to you." On

the other side, listening to the sound of the rat constantly gnawing on the trees, the disciples heard their scalps tingling and their faces were ugly, and only Shen Ye listened attentively to the loud chewing sound of the rat.

There was also a very subtle sound in this voice that made people very concerned, and he had a bad premonition.

Sure enough, with just a stick of incense, the mutation was born, and without the mouse noticing, his claws were actually crawling with vines.

The strange vines silently stopped the mouse, and forced it to toss and turn, and the mouse kept falling into its trap, and when the other party found out, whether it was going back or forth, the trunk was covered with dense vines, like an invisible net.

It was a scream from a rat that broke the silence, and with that sound, the vines that realized that their prey had noticed the situation also burst into flames, entangled the giant rat in the blink of an eye.

Between its claws were vines that bound the rat and made it immobile.

The rat sensed the danger and squeaked and screamed, but no matter how much it struggled, it could not escape the vines.

At the same time, the scenes that spread out because of the twisting of the vines also appeared in front of everyone one by one, and these vines concealed from the jungle, with an indescribable smell of blood.

And at this moment, beside the mouse, there are many demon beast corpses piled up under the tree, both human and beast, and the number is not small, there are thousands of them.

Seeing this, Shen Ye frowned slightly, he didn't expect that the Ten Thousand Beast Ridge, which was originally determined to be an illusion, was so realistic here, and the bloody breath exhaled by the demon beast giant rat came to his face while gasping.

Shen Ye's face was solemn, and he exhaled a small cluster of flames from his fingertips and threw it forward, but the flames dissipated as soon as they approached the vine, and the mouse wanted to take the opportunity to break free when he saw someone, but at this time, the vine suddenly contracted, wrapping the mouse tightly.

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