To tell the truth, I have to admit that these people are really arrogant, and they don't even take the first sect in the world in their eyes, what is the origin behind this?

But this idea was cut off by him as soon as it came to his senses, and if he didn't put the Great Wilderness Sect in his eyes, the weak means would be above board, but this kind of stealing and touching of chickens and dogs is unacceptable to individuals.

The man who was beaten wanted to say something, but soon there was no sound, only the sound of the wind breaking by the hands of some people, and I don't know how long it took for the gang to stop, as if to check his injuries.

"Don't kill this good thing. One of them said a little nonchalantly, and the tone in his words seemed to say that it didn't matter if he died or not.

There are many people who wake up like Fu Chengyang in such a careless regard, but after seeing or hearing such a scene, they all dispelled the idea of resisting.

What kind of joke, the other party doesn't care if you are dead or alive, as soon as you make a move, you will beat people to death.

Fu Chengyang heard the sound of the body dragging , the person seemed to have little anger anymore, and was about to be taken out to be disposed of, when the body he was dragging passed by him, he had a plan, secretly opened an eye, and took advantage of no one to pay attention here.

While the corpse was dragging over his body, he probed a little spiritual power into the man's body.

No one noticed his little move, and when the men left, the door was locked.

Fu Chengyang waited for a while, and after the people around him woke up from pretending to be dead one after another, and confirmed that there were no eyeliners left around him, he also opened his eyes and sat up one by one.

The people around him all looked at their situation with shocked or angry expressions, but Fu Chengyang looked around leisurely.

There was no trace of panic on his face, as if he was just here to spend a vacation, Fu Chengyang closed his eyes and felt the place where the aura left, and finally the idea hit the gate.

If you can get out of here, the rest will be easy to say.

"We might as well kill it all at once, anyway, we're all being yin. Suddenly, someone asked.

Fu Chengyang hooked the corners of his mouth very inappropriately, how to say it, these people's actions were a bit too ...... for him It's simple.

Actually, if he's the one in charge of bringing these people here, if there's any ulterior secret, he's going to do it first, and make sure they wake up with a sense of nowhere to go to heaven and no way to get into.

Fu Chengyang's gaze fell on the man who proposed that everyone rush out, that person had a pockmarked face and tattered clothes, it was hard to imagine that he was a cultivator, more like an ascetic in the mortal world.

That person is still giving his speech, and I have to say that in the area of mobilizing people's hearts, the person in front of him is far more talented than him.

But Fu Chengyang didn't need it in the next second, because he saw that on the script of his life, several gray words were reflected in his eyes.

When he saw the script of his life, the sound of the flesh breaking in the next second came, and the young man who was still talking just now turned around and saw a face that looked like a dead man.

Then the hollow-eyed man, who had been sitting up and silent, did not hesitate to launch a surprise attack after he had said this. To ensure the youth's death, the man also turned the hilt of the knife into a puppet-like creepy smile.

Seeing the corpse fall to the ground, everyone's faces changed, and Fu Chengyang noticed that the person who attacked him didn't seem to be the eyeliner of the gang just now, but more like a puppet who followed orders.

His eyes were hollow, his face was stiff, and his movements were stiff, and he was completely victorious by sneak attacks.

And looking at him, it's more like the person they just said was already stupid because they used too much medicine.

To be precise, this person doesn't look stupid, it's more like he uses just the right amount of medicine, and has turned them into his own weapons, which is the most terrifying, Fu Chengyang feels a little uncomfortable, and if he goes on like this, he will be one of them.

These people have completely achieved their absence, and with only their own drugged servants, they can be firmly put in place, Fu Chengyang looked around and found that those who had been drugged stupid, more or less, there were one or two behind everyone.

This kind of method of using drugs to manipulate people seems to be rare in my impression.

For a while, Fu Chengyang didn't have a better way, but he also linked the words they said to the Great Wilderness Sect, could it be that the people in the sect who have recently tracked down are all these people?

Whether it is or not, it is better to get out of here as soon as possible.

As soon as Fu Chengyang moved, the empty eyes of those people instantly focused on him.

Although the look didn't show any meaning, it seemed to be able to say nakedly that if he moved, it would have serious consequences.

He gasped, sat down again under their gaze, these people seemed to be tireless, usually sitting up in a state of ignoring anyone, but once someone tried to resist, they would be ruthlessly wiped out.

The 'fool' who killed people before, no one dared to provoke him, because when everyone found out that they came, their bodies had been carefully looted, and they didn't have any weapons, and once they fought, they would fight to the death with these people with their bare hands.

These behaviors ...... It's all like the dead.

After an afternoon, six or seven people had already died under the knives of this group of people, and the rest of them did not dare to come out, and waited until the evening, when this group brought a meal.

Everyone was hungry for a long time, hungry, and the determined just looked at the food and stopped touching it, and the weak-willed picked up the chopsticks without hesitation while the other party brought the delicious meal, and ate it in a big gulp.

For a while, the silence in An's room was terrifying, Fu Chengyang felt the maintenance of himself and that wisp of aura, and found that that thing was already far away from him, if he didn't go out again, God knows where they were going to transport these corpses.

And I don't know what they want to arrest people for, if the people of the Great Wilderness Sect are outside at this time, it will be easier to break through by themselves.

Fu Chengyang, who couldn't afford to make a profit, calculated all the benefits related to him, maximized the people he could use, and finally came to a helpless conclusion, if he didn't pass on the news, no one would know that he was here.

In other words, you have to rely on yourself at first.

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