"Ughhh! I'm going to throw up. I'm lazy..."

Five hours of infusing MP into the dungeon core while battling the volume of mana potions... finally accumulated enough energy points to stop the rush.

I felt the discomfort of becoming a "labyrinth charger", and I retired several times along the way.....

There is always a caretaker monster daughter in the control room, so you can't show your weaknesses as a man, and if you're supported by♪ "good luck", you can't stand up!

I couldn't betray her, who believed in her husband without a cloud of clouds, and I squeezed my MPs in my heart, shedding tears of blood.

A cool guy who likes beauty is like a swan who is desperately snuggling up in the water, working desperately in an invisible place.

- Conkon!

"Master, I apologize for your busy schedule." That mischievous man... kohon! Your friend Zink has returned to the temple after completing today's quota. ”

"Oh, thank you for the report! I've finished my work in a hurry, and it's a good time." I want to rest for about half an hour, so I need you to schedule a fight from 9: 00 p.m. ”

Got it.

When I came to battle like this, my stomach was so full of tapotapo... I couldn't help it.

Although there is a slight load on the body, let's physically "drain" it with the application technique of water magic.

"Good evening, Tatano-kun." Huh? I feel like my wrinkles are more noticeable than usual... but I was frightened by a beautiful woman again, and I dried out in accordance with my age? You should drink water properly. "

Drain your body to a level that doesn't interfere with the fight, change into a battle suit, and greet Zink with an enchanted gear, before a poisonous tongue attack flies.

"Shut up, I'm still in active service, and I'm also a beauty!" Don't worry, your overworked constitution has just shifted and you're exhausted. "

However, the dull one noticed the change in appearance... so I may have drained a little too much moisture from the surface of my body.

When Zink returns, let's use the gel cream I got from Canon to moisturise and care for my skin.

"Ahaha. Gil, who's double-working with the bureaucrats, says that Ian and I don't have the elements to move because I'm free from my job and I'm just exercising every day."

"Huh? No, that's true." (Not at all. I used to say "I don't know the Buddha".) "

In fact, since the length of stay in the labyrinth exceeded 1,000 days, Ian suffered from the "disease of wanting to work" and took on "outside work" in the same way as Gil did......

If I tell you that now, the "disease of wanting to work" will reappear from the rival to Ian, and we may bring the documents into the labyrinth, so let's stop.

Currently, the density of training is dense with the brave Zink...... If you do desk work on this, you will seriously die of overwork.

"Well, don't worry about the details." Now...... Zink, let's blow you to pieces today, so let's fight. "

"Hmph! I won't let erotic gods do it forever!" Today, I'll break your nose, so be prepared! "

Ohhh, you're as cute as ever.

If I had met a kind-hearted woman and built a peaceful family after retiring as a brave man, I would have been able to play with my own children like this.

~ Zink side ~

As usual, when I pointed my sword at Tano-kun, I was provoked by bending my fingers with a nasty face, so I did not hesitate to charge at full speed.

When I first challenged this battle, no matter how clever I was, I was easily deflected by the attack... I was thrown by the momentum...

I wonder if my body grabbed the trick over and over again. Now there are fewer gaps, and Tano-kun won't be attacked anymore.

Even if you fill the status difference with "claws" and "buffed rice", Tatano's evasive technique is too sophisticated, and the attack won't go through as usual.


Even so, I kept attacking until my health ran out and I reached my limit.

Recently, Tatano-kun was particularly relentless, and once he started to fight back, he wouldn't lower his sword until I was a rag....

He only stands a chance when I'm dealing with a furious attack rush.


Wait a minute, for a moment now... it's like the tip of the sword twitched Tano-kun's cheek...

"Shit! It's just a thin skin, but it drifted." "[]/(exp, adv) (uk) (on-mim) with pleasure/with pleasure/with pleasure/"

"I knew it! The blood is soaking up, and now it's a bit of an attack!?" Joshaaaaa!! "

"Shut up, you idiot. To this extent, my cheat gift is a complete cure. You can't get inside the wound."

That's good, Tano-kun.

This is the first time I've dealt with Matomo and attacked him, so please be happy that I've grown up!

Stop, stop!!

"Why are you attacking me at this timing?" Proof that the apprentice grew up!? Keep an eye on it with the big vessel!! "

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