"By the way, Gill-kun, I just wanted to make sure... you're not going to fight me this time, are you?"

"Hmm? Ahhhh, what do you mean," Do you want to take the jewels? ""

"That's right. I don't think so, but if you're going to fight, tell me now." I'll deal with you fair and square. "

Until I crossed the 50th floor, I had a moderate set of rules to prevent mandatory disqualification by members...

As the rules no longer apply, the "new rules" communicated during the holidays are more restrictive than the previous ones.

Therefore, when Gil-kun thought, "I want to take all of Zink's jewels," he said, "I can fight the battle with one declaration."

~ Official Rules in the Kogashima Labyrinth ~

Part 1: Use one of the temples scattered throughout the labyrinth as a base to pay a fixed number of colors and jewels to the central altar each day.

If a specified number of jewels is not delivered for three consecutive days, the person will be subject to mandatory retirement.

Part 2: Exchange of jewelry with other members is permitted, but transactions that cause losses to one party will not be permitted. As soon as I found it, I was warned that it would be a forced retirement.

You may also take the jewels from other members, but it is forbidden to transfer them by courtesy.

Part 3: You can use it as a safety area because you can't enter a temple that is based on anybody but humans.

However, the day after someone fails to reach the quota, everyone else will not be able to enter their temple until 23: 00.

Part 4: Anyone who loses a battle with another member loses all their jewels and is held captive for the whole day.

Part 5: Once someone has stored three consecutive days of jewels in a 100-tier temple, the dungeon capture will end, and the other members will also be forced to end.

Also, those who were in a place shallower than 50 strata at that time were regarded as "motivated pears" and were forced to retire at.

Old and unofficial rules

Part 1: If you are batting with multiple people, if there is a person who has not reached the "quota" the day before, let them secure the jewelry as the first priority.

Part 2: After complying with Rule 1, prioritize spinning the jewels until you reach the 50th tier, "The one who is close to achieving the quota when encountering".

Humans who have achieved the quota may exchange extra jewels for generosity.

New/Informal Rules

Part 1: Putting your own clearance first. You don't have to hesitate because of your relationship with the other person.

Part 2: If multiple people bat, cooperate only if they can afford to ask for help from those who "did not reach the quota the day before."

Part 3: Humans who have achieved their quota may exchange extra jewels for generosity.

Part 4: When fighting, declare before the first blow that you will not leave a grudge. Also, after the settlement, we should fight each other hard and take care not to draw the tail from the damage caused by injuries.

Part 5: In order to avoid the penalties of the Official Rules, it is better to abandon your jewels and win both jewels in battle.

"Ahahah. Even if I were greedy, I won't fight Zink-kun today ~" During the holidays, the jewels self-destructed, and they were almost out of stock with each other. "

Well, I'm pretty sure. I don't even have the jewels I need to achieve my quota, so there's little to gain from fighting for.

"That's right. If I'm cornered to the extreme, I may declare an attack to survive... but unless I do, I'm a pacifist.♪"

"Fufu. Glad to hear it."

I also felt that it would be ridiculous to fight Gil-kun in the current situation, so I'm glad we're in agreement.

That said, more and more people are staying in the "same hierarchy" to stock up on jewelry....

The number of encounters between members increases as we can't stay longer on the floor.

That's where "missions beyond our control" and "countdown to mandatory disqualification before the quota is reached" are added.....

Whether you want it or not, there will eventually be a "day to settle in battle".

After breaking up with Gill-kun, I was still in a 76-story temple for 150 days, with a "hint of anxiety" about continuing to conquer the labyrinth.

Fortunately, "competing" is avoided, but because there are many protruding "vs Tada field" just me, the progress is slower than other members.

After all, if you lose to Tatano and your quota is not reached, you will be returned to more than three tiers at a time with a penalty.

With each level followed, the trap craftsman stopped passing, and in this situation, he had more time to fight Tano from the front....

Even if I barely go through the hierarchy, I think I can be proud of my hard work!

"But I didn't think you'd come like this." Oh noo ~

Yesterday, I finished the quota at the 75th level and said, "Another Tada field battle?" Thinking that I had decided to go to level 76, what I was seeing right now in front of the monitor.....

Rather than being a party member, it was an announcement of a “hierarchy swap” using jewels that could become a battle with all the people in the labyrinth.

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