Gill-kun gave me a lecture, but I took too much damage to my heart without saying anything. I improved my [Stress Resistance Skill].

Perhaps Chris (before brainwashing) also received this sermon several times, and as a result of opening his enlightenment, he was able to acquire the [Sermon Resistance Skill].

Anyway, I don't want to use Sermon Resistance against Demon Lords or Fallen Angels, so I don't want to raise it any further.

Zink (17)

HP: 13281/15100/15300

MP: 12401/19898 20714

Skill (partial excerpt): MP Regeneration 1 (New), Evade 3 (New), Stress Resistance 5 (New), Sermon Resistance 1 2

Gil-kun is sweet except for the opponent who was hostile and Chris, so he stopped preaching and guided me to lunchtime, apparently thinking that he had "scolded me too much."

I'm reflecting, but sitting in the labyrinth where high-ranked monsters suddenly attack me for hours numbing my legs and turning into a chalet.....

I'm glad you didn't have to preach endlessly, like Chris did.

Hmmm. So if Gil summons a monster other than the Massage Slime, the quota for that day will be forced.

"Yes. You can only serve massage slime inside the temple, but it's completely forbidden to summon it outside." Of course, the Enchanted Gear I received from Zink-kun is also no good. "

Wow, it's tough ~

After exchanging information while eating lunch cutlet sandwiches... Gill-kun is more loosely tied than I am, but there is an advantage called the Dragon Man Clan...

There were quite a few restrictions, such as the total prohibition of summoning magic, the confiscation of all my belongings except those used for work, and the wearing of debuff items.

Under such circumstances, while clearing the quota, I will do the work related to the Kingdom of Qualor and store even the spare jewels... I think that "Gill-kun is too much" every time.

He doesn't have to brainwash, but he really thinks, "I'm happy to have an environment where I can train as much as I can spit blood", because it's a chunk of the Hungry spirit.

Really, all I know is respect.

"The increase in status is also amazing." I can imagine what has stretched the most over the last few days is stress resistance, and what has been done. "

"Fufu. I knew Zink-kun was going to" tease Chris-kun. "That's terrible ~. Even if I'm supposed to be strong, I'm tired enough to lose my appetite."

"Haha. Every shot is a critical hit to the brain..."

Gilberto Coquin (17)

Level: 260 (322 1204/3220)

Race: Dragon Man (Ancient Dragon)

Occupation: Qaol Kingdom Noble (Marquis)/Adventurer (Summoner/S)

HP: 12825/12600 13220 (3220 +10000)

MP: 5328/12987 13354 (10354 +3000)

Abilities: Spear 7, Bar 11, Sword Technique 61, 72, Throwing 4, 11, Physical Reinforcement 90, 121, Melee Technique 23, 33, High Arm 6 (New), Summon Magic 104, 105, Fire Magic 54, 55, Water Magic 67, Wind Magic 65, Earth Magic 152, Healing Magic 81, 84, Alchemy Magic 1, Dark Magic 28, 30, Curse Magic 30, 32, Physical Resistance 21, 25, Magic Resistance 10, Poison Resistance 23, 29, Stress Resistance 67, 75, Nightmare 2 (New), Sign Detection 1 (New), Odor Detection 9 (New), Super Hearing 1 (New), Arithmetic 33, 35, Directorial 15, Speech 29, Parallel Thinking 7, 9, Etiquiptic 34, Fresh Flower 1, Singing 1, Photography 3, Beautiful 2, Stener 4, Speed Reading 5, All Night Brain 5, Brain 17, Intimidus 6, Tong 7, Memory 10

Gift: Item Box (Slight) - Rigid - Wise Eyes

Blessing: Ancient Dragon Blessing (HP +10000, MP +3000, Physical Resistance 10), Brave Tatano Blessing (Dexterity excluded from female relations)

Others: Title (Ghost of the Library, Lucky Ghost, Noble Prince of Aboriginal Black, Zinque Mainstream, Ghost of Work, Human Lover of Tribulation, Lover of Punishment, Bonebreaker, Master of Physical Language, Power of Violence, Aristocratic Killer, Villain Whale, Appearance Fraud, Oji Sun Killer, Devil Hug, Aboriginal Black Great Demon King), Material List

In terms of status, I'm not the young man in front of me who has already adapted to the Kigajima Labyrinth, but I'm the only one who feels uncomfortable...

If I lose my feelings, I won't be able to be a leader, so I'll have to work harder than Gil to grow up.

"By the way, Mr. Zink, when you're done eating gohan, you might as well collect the jewels to die today." If you get a quota, it's going to be a bad day tomorrow. "

"Ah, how many colored jewels should I collect? They'll be thrown out of the temple without you telling me." When that happens, you'll be framed for collecting all the types on the floor. ”

And that's quite a possibility.

The day after the tutorial, Gil and I batted... it's natural for the other members to think that the floor is wearing it...

When they are thrown into the "missing treasure chest floor" with the jewel stock 0, like me, it will be impossible for everyone to gather the jewels.

"As soon as the tutorial is over, it's very difficult to conquer the labyrinth of Onigashima prepared by Tatano-kun."

"Yeah, but we all want to laugh and clear, so we'll do our best!" Hey, Zink-kun.♪ "

Sure, I'll take all the treasures from the floor today!

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