Three days to live a regular life while preparing for the raid... a full moon night seems to be set in motion by the enemy.

"Ugh. An unnatural cloudless sky. It may be a coincidence, but I think someone did their best not to inhibit the" Chikara of the Moon ""

"Sure. It's not like I can't be a prayer man." It's just... energy that depends on the weather. It must have been several people praying for days. "

Hah ~. Shouldn't Kotchi have challenged us and Ian to a curse covered in thick clouds?

"Eh ~? I can't collect the blood of the moon, so I'm going to go penalize you for failing to meet the conditions." I don't care if I or Ian, it would be a big problem if you were to take the heavy punishment. "

"Ahahah, I'm just kidding. The penalty for" curse failure "is irrevocable, and I still don't want to be bald."

Well, I can't help thinking about it anymore.

There's a brain in the enemy's head... let's just think that we've done everything we can to make it a "convenient outcome for ourselves."

A staff member who was in charge of repairing a wall in a provincial city was attacked by a gang that ran a slum and returned in butler clothes.

A staff member working in another city cheated on a lord who demanded a bribe and crushed his private soldiers who had come to capture him.

Then, looking at the "petition of privileged consciousness" and "dishonest response in the countryside" sent from various places, His Majesty Zwei "kills" with a face like a nobleman and boya......

Yeah, there really were a lot of things going on.

I was pulled by a vested interest group like garbage, and I reached the full moon in an unspeakable state of perfection, but I think the result is better than nothing.

The staff of the Zink Chamber of Commerce said, "I blame all of you for letting you talk about power and violence. Good work!"

In an effort to prepare for the Monkey Battle Empire, I sent a help call to Tano-kun, who thought that he had connected the Mansion of Qualalto to the Labyrinth.

I don't feel a life-threatening level of chills, so I think we can handle it alone.....

It's hard to predict that things will get worse, and I wanted to insure that the Zar 'Bat Empire would not suffer catastrophic damage.

As expected, Tatano connected the deep labyrinth to the Mansion of Qualalto... In half a day after sending the letter, he said, "Roger!" I received a letter from you. "

Basically, the defense of his sphere of influence, the Kingdom of Quor and the Kingdom of Yamato.

Only when my enemies struggle harder than I thought, will they use the new Labyrinth in the Zalu Battle Empire to send me to the field.

You can fight with peace of mind, even if you can only guarantee the safety of our home, the Kingdom of Quor, and the familiar Kingdom of Yamato.

In less than a month, small labyrinths for moving around the East Continent were set up and the labyrinths that had been abandoned for 300 years were reactivated.....

Tatano-kun is really a "perfect man" except for his erotic attributes.

The dim light of the sunset also goes out, and I think it's time for the enemy to set it up... so I focus on keeping my posture in a state of full buffs and avoiding surprises.

Party members and friendly S-rank faces are ready to face off in their respective locations.

"Ah, it's coming! Circulate the mana, all of you, so you can move at any time!"

"" "" Yes "" "

Suddenly, my whole body trembled and I felt a spooky chill... so I circulated the mana so that I could unfold the defensive wall and looked up at the moon floating in the night sky.

Then, the moon pattern changed to "three-legged crow", and the hand of fire rose from the other side of the moon.

"What's the matter!? Hurry and protect your majesty!"

"Those who can't fight, don't move inadvertently!" Let's start by checking the situation!! "

The nobleman who had not been informed of the "full moon raid plan" said, "Did a rebellion happen?!"...... the nearby guards said, "Protect the emperor!” he shouted.

Some of the young people your Majesty cares about are quite capable of giving instructions, and the future of the Empire of Zalvatr may be bright if they are brought up.

"Shit, let's get out of here! If it's a coup, the palace will be targeted first." There's no way your life could be in danger from this! "

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwh No, can we just safely" disrespect the treasure "?"

"There's a flame coming up from the people." If you set fire to the palace under the guise of the enemy, you'll be able to extinguish the evidence of bribery that was under investigation..... "

It's a remnant of the "corrupt period", and it's a mixture of scraps coming to the entrance and exit and garbage plotting a fire burglar.

"Hmm. The source of the fire... is the" fire failure "caused by the confusion caused by the wife who felt chills at the same time as us." It's time for dinner. "

Gil, who was monitoring the whole of the royal capital with his signal detection buffs, smiles bitterly and tells us the cause of the fire.

I was thinking about the possibility of being set on fire, but I didn't expect the fire to break out because of the Kamado magic stove.

"There's no sign of the enemy in my detection... how's it going, Gil?" With the exception of the garbage that is crawling around, is there anyone suspicious? "

"Yeah. I don't see any signs of it, except for the self-interested, self-interested people who have been drowned out in the mud." I don't think the capital was too vigilant to get rid of the enemy. "

"I see, thank you! Then... let's put out the fire and calm things down."

"Yes!" "Yes!" "

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