Looking at the cheerful appearance of the owner until a few minutes ago, I am afraid that His Majesty Zwei will tell the relatives of the perpetrator to dispose of it lightly.

"Count Hawkins is right. The defendant who spoke freely before I instructed shall be deemed to have used the" opportunity to argue. "Let's move on to the verdict."

"Please wait, Your Majesty! That's too rough!"

"That's right! Only the Marquis of Grante and the Marquis of Ochitic made extra remarks." We haven't disputed anything yet! ”

"Viscount Hasholi Gansakmor, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce... they have just spoken without my permission." Therefore, I will be guilty of disrespect! Well then, I'll hand down the verdict again. "

"" "" "" "" "" "Haha!" "" "" "" ""

If the emperor concentrates too much power, I'll be scared when he runs wild...

It's a waste of time to preach common sense to the "people who put all their spears in", and I know how it feels to want to clean it up with "disrespectful sin".

Ko-soo (As usual, he's a man without blood or tears.)

"Gosh (Oh, look at that face. Even though the young woman is crying, the iron mask that doesn't move a single eyebrow is plentiful)"

His majesty, Zwei, the faceless type, shuddered even to the nobility in the audience as he flinched at the "Festival of Impiety", which was highly valued for its value....

The chain of secrets spread the dishonorable ada name of "unsympathetic".

"First of all... 16 executors and the main culprit's biological father, the Marquis of Grante and Ochitic, are under sentence of death!" Furthermore, because of the accumulation of "disrespectful sins", the execution method was changed from beheading to sawing. "


"These two families have confiscated all their private property, including the split house, and their homes have been severed!" The rest of the righteous relatives will be sent to the monastery, and those who have problems with their behavior will be sent to the brothel for slavery. "

"" "" "" "" "Ahhh..." "" "" "

No... wore stingy haute couture clothes, and were crying and screaming as they dismantled their thick makeup like a "monster".

You and the others have been protected by the chikara of "identity", sucking sweet juice without making any effort, and looking down on others from time to time, right?

With that status system, relatives annoyed the superior Will, so go to hell according to the judgment of "the greatest man in the country".

Anyway, you and the others who were bad-mouthed... the righteous children can stay in the monastery until it almost cools down.

"Furthermore, the money earned in the brothel will be confiscated by the state as a compensation to the victim. There are people with different tastes, and both men and women can earn a living until they die. Don't worry."

No, Your Majesty... I don't think any man buys Obasan in his 40s, hiding his crooked personality with thick makeup like "painted walls".

I mean, if you run away, you're gonna roar!

"Next... the relatives of the accomplice within the third degree shall be sent to the Bibiru mine after the death of the palace." The proceeds of the sale will be forfeited for the full amount of "compensation to the victim."

"" "" "" "Hiyyyy!" "?" "" ""

"Since this is also a crime of disrespect, the whole family will have their private property confiscated and their home broken." The disrespectful Changsan people will be sentenced to death by "whipping". Be ready! "

Ah... Chang's Viscount Hasholi and Chairman Gansaku Mall fainted after wiping the bubble.

Why would a fool dig his own grave when he would have been a knight in a "downgrade" if he had remained silent?

"A child unrelated to the incident" is pardoned regardless of bloodline, but....

If they run out of homes to eat and go home, they won't be able to survive!

Because humans are cruel creatures, even running to the orphanage would be foolish, and on the day you register as an adventurer, "senpai who was once oppressed by the powerful" would be lynched.

In this world without safety nets, it's just a common story.....

Since I feel so pathetic, I think I should introduce the "system of receiving rice for work" to the Zink Chamber of Commerce in the Zalbatari Empire.

"And... not an executioner, but anyone who receives a bribe from a related party and runs to the fire will be sent to the construction site." The wives and children are not guilty, but all personal property of 10 gold coins or more is confiscated. "


Finally, he was informed of the punishment of "officials who wrote petty crafts for the purpose of bribery", and all the criminals who would be judged today were brought to justice.

The "Construction Site Send" they were sentenced to is safer than the "Mine Send"... but it won't change to hell because they will be forced to work until they can no longer stand on their ankles as permanent slaves.

The position that has been inherited in a way that is close to ancestral heritage will be stopped in modern times, so it can be said that the price of bribery was huge.

"This concludes the trial of the arson case. The Rominans will be judged tomorrow, so please gather at the same time as this morning."

"" "" "" "" "" "Haha!" "" "" "" ""

His Majesty Zwei, who finished the quota, is thinking of self-blacking with a refreshing atmosphere... in his heart, saying, "I'm ready for tomorrow, so I'll stay up all night today".

Because motivated emperors work without rest in stressful workplaces until they are killed or ousted.....

In a sense, he may be receiving a “harder sentence than a criminal.”

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