Will said, "I'm embarrassed. Help me!" and discussing the building materials of the Countess Mansion with Ian and Gil-kun...

He was captured by the Rominan Countesses and made to sleep in the "river".

"First of all, I think it's not good for me to sleep in the same bed as a woman's mother, right? I apologize for occupying the bed, so please forgive me...."

"Fufu. My husband and I agree, so don't worry about it." How long can you stay in the Zal Battle Empire? We'll stay together as long as we can. "

"Will, your father is right." We don't need to be afraid of family reunions! "

"That's right." If it's not "I'm kicking my mother down because I don't sleep well", then there's no problem anywhere! "

"Until my brothers..."

Il-san and El-san also said, "If the bed is spacious, five people can sleep."... it would be very difficult if there were many "natural bobbles" in the family.

"Will, look at you wearing these pajamas. I tried sewing with the material you gave me, imagining a magician!"

"I also had my matching pajamas made." "Silk spider cloth" is a precious item that you have well obtained ~ "

"Ahh, thank you. Thank you... thank you..."

Will thought, "I want to break the situation," but the Rominans are "ordinary people who have nothing to do with the rough," so I can't even yell and silence them.

He didn't have a choice but to say "yes", but he ended up wearing a "family pyjamas" and blushing in bed.

"Ah! Zink-kun Ian, you're in the ranks of 1 Sesame Rub!" Get rid of Junken, Junkenpong! "

"I'm" Goo ", Gil and Ian are" Par "..." OK! I'll kick you out ~ "

"Welcome!♪" "Please."

Only the shy ones are shy, and we're thrilled, so we'll just get rid of the "sesame rubbing aristocrat".

Will's emotions flowing in... it's so sweet that my heart is warm, and I can feel happy just by looking at it!

In this way, when the three of them were flattered while "exposing themselves"...... instead of the "sesame rubbing nobleman", a civil servant sent by His Majesty came.

"Huh! Are you going to start the sinner's trial tomorrow morning?" Even though I caught the gossip today, can I get the report in time? "

Unlike Japan, where "doubt is not punished", if there is "testimony of nobility" and "sufficient evidence", it is the justice of this world that will be judged......

When punishing an aristocrat who is a privileged class, there must be a political crime, so it is decided that a "form-fitting statement" must be prepared.

Since aristocracy often results in "presiding judge = emperor", if there are 1 or 2 cases, the punishment may be handed down on the spot and "post-processing" may be done......

With hundreds of aristocrats involved, including some of the biggest marquis in the class, this speed trial is unusual!

“Yes. If you have too many sinners at once, the nobles awaiting judgment may rebel, so they will be judged one after the other. Tomorrow's the trial for arson."

"Ah, I see. There are many nobles in the Zalbatu Empire who have" guts "in a sense..." Your Majesty's concerns have been taken into account. "

An aristocrat who can't forget his "identity" is "hunted to the extreme" and "awaiting judgment" in many cases... he should be disarmed as soon as possible.

Even though I'm quietly careful in the Mansion at the moment, I still hire private soldiers in every house, so I don't lack the strength to fight the coup.

“Tonight, there were actually plans for five noble families to conspire. Seeing the results of the Rominan attack, I was so afraid that I suddenly aborted it... but if I left it alone, it would come back to life."

"Oh, oh, oh, oh."

If the upper echelons of the government are aware of it like this...... as the "number of rebellion plans" grows, the surveillance net will slip through and the capital will become a sea of fire.

The idiot who exploded can't handle it, so it's important to get rid of his fangs before that happens.

"But... Her Majesty Zwei is also in trouble." Just because it's troublesome, it creates a grudge when it's "uniform death penalty", so you have to decide what to do with it one by one.... "

At 3 o'clock in the evening, he surrounded the desk with his closest friends "in the back", and from his rigorous work, emotions of "hungry and sleepy" came out.

"Yes. His Majesty is busy at work and always awake until the sun rises." Sometimes she faints, so she may be supplementing her sleep time there. "

Ahahah... that's a sight I often see in the Kingdom of Qualor.

If you work too hard, you'll be as stressed and bald as Philip.

"I want you and your companions to participate in the trial as a" witness "... so I will pick you up in the room tomorrow morning." Thank you for your patience. "

"Of course!" We were annoyed when the Rominan family we stayed at was burned down for selfish reasons. I'll let you put on "sacrifice". "

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