Now that the Battle of the Arsonists vs Bugs 2 has begun, we'll walk through the slime jelly door and out of the room together.

I saw something scary and peeked into the interrogation room, and there were a few Nuoji horses who threw up... but it was a common thing, so now it was.

"Kanon-sama is cool and cool, right?" I want to be a fairy like Canon-sama! I'm longing for it.♪ "

"If you're Marina, you can become a more wonderful fairy." When you grow up, I'll explain to you the ways that "Zink-san" and "Ian-kun" are good at.♪ "

"Thank you! Master, I'll tell you everything else... I'm glad you can tell me more!"

"Fufu. Mr. Zink is overprotective."

"Confirmation of confession and motivation" was an important task, and Canon, who was in a good mood because of his disciples, was happy with his wings.....

Please don't make Marina < Small Devil 2 >!

Marina is our precious "healing agent"... so she will continue to purify our abdominal black aura with a pure heart!

If you grew up with a pure heart, you might evolve into a Dark Spirit, dyed black!

"Ah, oniisama!" Gil and the Rominans are back. ”

While looking at the two fairies, four of the Rominans who had been evacuated and their servants returned to the scene.

After seeing Mr. Canon's "Slime Room Torture", he decided that it was bad enough to return him in a Marimo, and Mr. Will picked him up nearby.....

Gill-san, who is over 70 years old, and Will-san, his wife, Julie-san... are walking on their backs.

"I'm glad you're all safe!" Gil, thank you for escorting me. Huh? It smells good. Did you eat anything? "

"Yes! There is a small food shop at the evacuation point that has" zal battle local cuisine "with plenty of garlic." We all ate it! It was delicious ~ "

"I see, that's good!" It's a detailed story, but I want to cut the expenses for the "Messiah" by treating it as "the shelter I found when I ran away", so please make the paperwork later. "

"Roger! The more you add to the damage, the more compensation the family of the sinner will pay ~." I'll charge you up to a coin, including the cost of the dessert the kids ate. ”

Yeah. Nice to meet you!

The free rice we ate at the Enemy's Price seemed delicious, and we should have swam around for three gold coins before returning to the crime scene!

Gil-kun, this kind of place is good, right?

I don't know if I'll have the same opportunity next time, but I'll use "Operation Free Rice" as a reference!

It stands out that he's always talking to the victim, so he builds a tent right next to the burnt-out mansion, where he talks to the investigator (Canon).

Suddenly, the victims will atrophy, so I can't correct the "D-rank fraud lies" first, so I started by re-introducing myself.

Count Rominan saw Esther disguised and mistook her for "the beautiful girl who was playing the role of her younger brother". He said, "Your daughter is ~" and landmined her....

It was common, so Ian used wind magic to block the voice, and I also used physical means (blindfolding) to cover it up.

Esther was suspicious, but while we were buying time, Will introduced herself as a "cute looking boy"... and somehow she managed to get away with it.

In the same way, I introduced Kanon-san, and he remembered the profile of "S-rank adventurer operating around the royal capital of the Kingdom of Quor" (omitting the scary part).

With this, you should be able to answer her questions without fear, so.....

"I see, it's you, senpai." Master Canon, is Will a good girl? I'm a kind child who cares, but there's also a bit of a naughty part. "

Ah, Julie shot me first!

If you're an ordinary adult, I'll give you an answer that won't hurt you... but there's something about Canon that's flying.

The Rominan family must also be judged by Shiva as "a famous family by blood", and I hope that you don't show the true nature of "Small Devil"...

"Hmm, right. Will is the only man in the rank of S in the Kingdom of Qualor who can get five fingers if he's just" good character ". In particular, it's good to take care of your junior."

"Ah, is that so after all?" I'm glad you praised Will, Master Canon ~

"Hah, hi! Soudesneh... I will continue to work hard."

“What story will be exposed?” But Canon surprisedly gave Julie a common sense.

It would be troublesome if I could bend the hedgehog before hearing the facts, so I may have flushed it with a "slurp".

"But with that kindness, someone will try to use Will as a hostage." Ladies and gentlemen... don't be afraid to say "I don't know what the other person is aiming for"! "

»» »Yes!» »

I thought, and I pierced the sock nail with the next statement.

I see... it's hard to say, but I wanted to connect you to this "advice" that someone has to tell you (so they don't get into trouble).

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