After completing the S-rank exam, I studied as Esther's tutor and took the final exam of the High School of the Kingdom of Quor.

I got all the credits I was aiming for with an average of 96 points, and I confirmed my high school graduation.

Nagenda-san, like me, has completed the credits required for graduation so....

Next year, they will focus on government affairs, and only take electives that interest them, such as tea ceremonies and Yamato dances.

Likewise, Louis Roy, who came to take the test from the Rosalta region, also competed in terms of the number of subjects based on the score, and got credits for two exams!

They are busy exploring the county territory and seem to be aiming for "flying graduation" earlier than the stipulated period on the grounds that they "cannot physically take classes".

I also said, "Najendah-sama will stay for a political matter, but Zink-sama can graduate already, right? Why don't you get out early and put the foil on?"......"

When I graduated from jump class, I refused because I could not see Esther in her original uniform playing in the school.

Brother Hughes, in the last two years, he's been transformed into a "cute boy cool nobleman", and the growth of his children will happen very soon.

From subtle signs such as "early enrollment & jump graduation" that do not affect the earnings of the main business... it is a natural decision for my brother to take a cute brother.

"Hmm. Maybe the teachers didn't understand my high level answer.Next, pay attention to the text and create answers that everyone will fall in love with! ”

Kris, who is beside me and complaining to Gil, is worth the [Curse that makes me want to study], and gets all the units (my "three teachers" have targeted)!

Instead of staying two days, I avoided staying one day and returned to the line where I could graduate from active service.

However... just because you have reached the second-class passing criterion (30 points or more for each subject), the description problem has increased to a series of "rare answers".

The average score is about half that of mine, so I'm not on the top scorer list.....

Complaints came inward from the teacher of each subject. (I'm sorry.I'm just "brainwashing"......) I was framed to explain.

"That's right, Chris." You should teach your teacher the joy of learning with an explanation that anyone can read, “I see!”I'll give you an example of my answer when I get home. "

"Thank you, Doctor Gilbert! This time, my brilliant mind has developed a level playing field with the general level."I will read everything and fulfill my duty as a genius. ”

Well, Chris keeps puzzling about the test results... and the teacher decided that it was better than being left behind.

Once you've decided to graduate, you just have to break his curse and retaliate with the publication of the "Collection of Lost Words", so I'll be patient for another year.

"By the way, Gil, are you a full scorer this time?"It feels like it◯'s all there..... "

"Yes, it was as difficult as it used to be, and there were no political issues to consider (as a former Nazar royalty)."

As expected, Gill-kun, who mass-produced a full score, was refused to return the answer sheet by the teachers who leaned on the answer sheet, and was posted next to the ranking table as a model answer.

Like me, I said, "You want to expose the answer? Please refuse the posting fee." He was kind to people without malice, and this time it was OK.

"Since the person is on the clouds, at least the possessions!""And the girls who stalked her, stole Gil's answer sheet in the middle of the night.....

The "100-point paper" that was twitching on the bulletin board is gone tomorrow morning and will not be returned to him this time.

“Zink, what's going on?Is there something on my face? "

"No, it's nothing. (It's no problem as long as you give it a unit, and it's like you're going to take a second button, so is it an ant?"I hate to be so scared, but) "

As soon as the test period was over, Gil also took the Adventurer's Guild promotion test... and promoted the Guild Leader to the Bokori A Rank with a combination of Rare Job Preferences and Twas.

While helping Chris and Esther study, I did my job with the Quor government, and I can only say that this result is... amazing.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you're a genius or not, because I've known you for a long time..."The problem is.....) "

"Oniisama, you're here!"

"Of course! My dear brother announced his passing.Oniichan will rush to you no matter what! "

It's Esther's entrance exam result that will be announced from now on ~

Since I received two classes of anti-slip, even if I fell, I could enroll myself... but I've worked hard every day!

If I can, I want my efforts to bear fruit in the best possible way!

I'm sorry to keep you waiting.However, from now on, we will announce the results of the 385th Entrance Examination to the Higher School of the Kingdom of Kuor.After confirming the examination number, the successful candidates should gather in the auditorium. "

After the administrative sister handcuffs the relatives of the students gathered in front of the bulletin board, she suddenly pasted the paper of the passing announcement.

Esther's examination number is "M10034", and the categories are "Magic Department Class I" and "Magic Department Class II"....

My brother's passing or failing.....

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