All tournaments are over... now there are awards ceremonies and side prizes on the ring.

Since my people have declined the reward (of the Holy Magic Enchant), the grades and the side prizes are not matched, and all of them said, "Please go to the inventory.I'll pay for the bumps later. "

"Number 5: Gilberto Coquin... forward!"You've done a good job, even though you're a clerk.Here's the list of the side prizes. Give it to the person in charge after the ceremony. "

Hah! Thank you for your warmth.

Instead of refusing the sacred magic items, Gil received the honorary officer title of "Commodore Strong".

This title is bestowed on a "masterpiece who specializes in meat battles"...... It is a good substitute for politicians who have a voice as military personnel even though they do not have a quota for military service or training.

"Number two: Esther... forward!"Your work was worthy of Lord Zink's brother.Here's the list of the side prizes. Give it to the person in charge after the ceremony. "

"I will carry your compliments to my heart and continue to work hard."

"Number one: Ian... forward!"I was scared when I stood around without a clue.Protect Lord Zink from now on.Here's an inventory of the side prizes, to be handed over to the clerk later. "

“Thank you very much, and I look forward to seeing my husband in the future.”

As usual, Ian, who won the tournament, received a Business Interest...... and Esther, who won the semi-winning tournament, received a Medal of the Type that can only be awarded to men.

Alto decided to aim for the S-rank adventurer and asked for a "Letter of Recommendation for Promotion Examination".

Alexander was rewarded as much as he wanted for his "right to order quests with foil" in order to showcase his achievements to the young adventurers of his clan.....

Other tournament participants were also awarded sacred magic gear that matched their traits.

All of these are "gems that money can't buy", and I missed the awards ceremony (because I fell asleep). Except for the "3rd Prince of Sexual Harassment", I think it was a pleasant result.

"Hmm. Whatever happened to the Quor you were in, in the surrounding countries they would be the main force when the Demon King came."Zink... after you finish your special training in the labyrinth, you'll have to call back the Holy Magic Enchant. ”

'Yeah. I can't visit everyone's place, but if I have an errand to run, I'll take the Enchant Renewal Battalion.The level of holy magic is important. "

It's all right, Tano-kun.

There were some exceptions, but he was generally worthy of the S ranks.

Even if you return to your homeland, protect it from the impending demons with its superior force and enchanted gear.

As the awards ceremony was over, Ian and the others returned to the viewing room as they prepared to return to the auditorium while listening to the closing ceremony.

"Good work, both of you!"...... Hmm? Esther, why is it attached to Ian? "

If you don't come to Koch like you always do, oniichan will miss you.

"Ahhh... this is embarrassing, but..."

Yeah, yeah, I'll take it for any reason.

"I don't know how to practice the technique that Ian demonstrated earlier."He didn't tell me, so I'm insisting in this way! ”

Oh, I see... you did the same thing with Gil-kun first.

”Master, what should we do?I can tell you... but maybe Esther isn't working.In the first place, it's too pure a constitution to cast magic spells on. "

{Ugh. I hope it's light... but it should be a training for parallel thinking.As soon as I make an enchanted item, I'll tell you the tricks of Sochi. "

Yes, sir.

Ian. Nina and Marina want to remember this, but logically, it's impossible, so... think about alternatives that can be used for senses later.

I see. Different perspectives may make it difficult, but I'll try as much as I can.

The child is honest... the moment Ian said, "I'll teach you the trick of parallel thinking," Esther flies to Kochira in a cheerful mood.

"Onii-sama, thank you for accompanying Ian!"Today's results were daunting, but I'm getting stronger, so watch! "

"Of course, I've been watching."I'm your big brother. "

Even if this child can't produce the results she thinks... don't scold or blame her head off, and praise her process and efforts.

Contrary to the joyous Esther, Ian was fixing his wrinkled butler clothes....

Gill-kun, who was far more capable than Esther, was hugging me and giving me magic boost tricks.

"Hey, Mr. Ian, okay?" Tell me that, too!"Curse, magic, parallel thinking." I'm good at both, and when I hear the tricks, I'll do my best on my own. "

"Master Gill, please don't bribe me."And... three broken ribs in the embraced beat.Please wait a long time as I will cast a healing magic ”

Ian's is still loved by disaster.

In this way, like me and Gil-kun who lost the bet, I couldn't spread the name of the new Ada through mass induction.....

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