I think hard about how I can beat Walmart.

I wasn't as smart as everyone else, so I couldn't form a theoretical flow... but I came to a conclusion.

"(He waits for my joints to scream)"

In other words... we just have to burn even more before that limit is reached!!

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!!"

While recalling the memories of oniisama's praise, I raised my motivation to the limit and switched to an attack that utilized my quickness with my arm.

"Ugh..." "Master Esther, let's do it..."

I feel my muscles twitch and my flesh screams every time I move... I just need to heal after the match, and my burning heart is no match for me!

I beat the warrior in front of me!

And get oniisama to praise you for being "cool!"

"Guu...... (Is this guy really a human?"But I can barely prevent it from moving..."Even if I try to poke the weak spot, my whole body is burning and rolling... there's no gap anyway) "

"Hey, ahhhh!!"


I will definitely win!!


"(Damn, it's a bad recipe! If you keep this up, you won't be able to stop the attack of the eight minions......) Guaaa!?"

I don't know why you beat Wal-Mart.

But... when I came back to my senses, he was bleeding in front of me, and the referee was ringing the call to end the match.

"Hah... hah... hah... hah... Walmart-sama, are you okay?" Can you stand up? "

"Goho, goho... oh, I'm fine." But... Master Esther, you're separated from humans.It's been a long time since I've had a heartfelt fight. "

"I would be happy if you could say that.We will continue to work tirelessly to help oniisama in the future! "

Way to go, Walmart has acknowledged my victory!

The audience's voice could only be heard faintly because Master Canon cuts the sound so that it doesn't get too noisy.....

There are a lot of people who stand up and wave to me... I'm sure they recognize and admire me as a "brave warrior".

"(I see. This is Quor's most famous celebrity......" "Cutting head princess". "Rumor has it.) Let's fight again if we get a chance, Master Esther. It was fun. "

"Yes, Walmart! I'm an immature person, but thank you for your continued support!"

Oh, today is a happy day.

Hurry up and go to the observation room, and I want oniisama to praise me!

~ Zink side ~

"Onii-sama, I won!"I don't remember the process, but I think I fought bravely as a "warrior"! Praise me! "

A few minutes after the person in charge of the facilitator announced the "end of the program today"...... Esther, who defeated the dwarf with a brain muscle boost, came to the observation room.

I was so happy that I was able to defeat the S-Rank prowess... I rushed straight to Kochira and hugged me.

"Ugh...! Fufu, you've done your best, eestar.I'm so happy to see your bravery, oniichan. "

Tomorrow is a rest day for athletes, so take a full day's rest... and do your best again the day after tomorrow.

"Thank you! We will continue to work hard to dedicate our victory to oniisama!"

"Yeah. Eat, sleep, train... no matter what happens next, you'll have the strength to lead a happy life."

"Yes! By the way, oniisama... this slime that's stuck to my leg... what did you do?"

Yeah, I guess so.

"Elsa's slime massage is being treated by Gil-kun." It feels so good. "

"I see. (Mr. Gill, that's terrible! Oniisama's massage is a job I'm looking forward to...... so I'm rubbing my shoulders."

"Hmm? You're tired of having just fought, aren't you?"You don't have to.Esther, would you like a slime massage? "

"...... I'll rub oniisama's shoulder"

Oh, I see.

Just after putting on the "brain muscle boost", Esther was overflowing with intracerebral drugs and turned high.

"All right. Thank you. I'll wait until Ian comes back."

Yes! Leave it to me!

When this happens, it's best to let them do it as they please, and tomorrow is a "rest day", so they won't be tired.

"Tsk, Esther, are you jealous? Along with Zink, my whole body is also massaged... ghaha!?"

"Shut up, you lower body. I'm cumming in vain, and I'm going to chop off this" crude thing ".

[Oh, scary!?! (Switching to Japanese, but I won't let my brother hear the vulgar words...) Seriously, you're a muscle-loaded brassiere.]

Shut up.

Tatano-kun, whoever he is, is to blame!

I'm over 500 years old already, so get the hell out of here, you erotic hero!

"Master, thank you for your hard work." Is Master Gill still alive? "

"Welcome back, Ian, you've done your best." Gil, you're sleeping over there. "

Enjoying a blissful moment of double massage on the shoulders and feet...... Ian, with a pile of tongue-cobs on his head, entered the viewing room.

Speaking of which, the faces of his home, the Lorenz Chamber of Commerce, have also come to watch the games, and you've heard the vulgar "Aori Complaints".

I'm sure he used the "Oriharkon Ring" to hit him hard for re-education.....

It's sad that Ian's HP and mental skills have been trained while we were spending time together, and he hasn't endured at all.

"(Father, everyone in the Chamber... Don Mai.Ian was a good guy, and I was just trying my best.You don't have to worry about it.) "

"Oh, Gill-sama's slime wrap!"Is that what Elsa said about beauty treatments...?It seems to feel good, doesn't it? "

"I got my legs cut too, but it works really well!"If you massage your body like Gil is doing right now... you can work almost all night every day. "

"Huh... I'll have you treat me tonight, too.""I bet it was 50 silver coins at a time..."If you can stay up all night, it won't be a bad value. ”

No, that's not good tonight, is it?

Gill, you're not the type to hold it in your roots, so I don't think you'll resent it in vain... but that's the day you provoked me.

If you ask for treatment, he will make full use of the dragonized Chikara and massage her (severe pain).

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