~ Moore's God Empire side ~

"...... So you lost contact with the locals?"Those idiots! After eating the national tax for many years, I can't give Quor a single blow to the end. ”

Upon hearing the results of the "Festival of Establishment Sabotage Operation" from the cadres, the Emperor Hamper Kudarizaka roared at the ground.

Crunchy Crunchy...

The cockroaches frightened by the shock move in search of a safe area.

"With all due respect, Your Majesty is right."You could say, "Moore, the shame of the gods and the kingdom."

"Left lord. Even though you are the descendant of a brave man, even though you have been privileged... I can't forgive the sin of hoofing and neglecting to study!"

They follow the hamper, but they're not as energetic as they used to be.

The Griffon raid has prolonged and no one is approaching the Royal Capital, draining food and starving.

Even at the top of the country, everyday meals become portable food for adventurers, which can cause dissatisfaction.

The suffering of those who work under them will be self-evident.

"You should try to summon the brave and regain the prosperity of the country with prestige!"There is no way to break this situation without taking the risk. ”

"Your Majesty, we will all leave this world unscrupulously and be devoured by the rats."Please make up your mind! "

Compared to before, the priests summoned the Emperor Hamper to help him feel slimmer.

The hamper is over, and you're disgusted with your vague life...... I sighed loudly, looked at their faces, and then nodded.

"As you say, we will have to summon the brave to survive this national tragedy."Let's announce the birth of a brave man to each country on the day of the Festival of Establishment. "

"" "" "" "" "" "Ha!" "" "" ""

Now the face of the kingdom of Qaol is rounded.

The nations that help Qualor will also notice their foolishness and laugh.

When they had no other way to fight, they said, "Hurry up, for the good is good!I was just saying, "I was ready to start summoning the brave."

"Giggle... I hate it. I'm scared..."

"Mother, help me... I won't tell you anymore..."

In order to perform the "summoning ceremony" as early as a day, the emperors gathered a young child who drew the blood of a brave man to the altar...... the site.

Because I wanted to cover the lack of resources caused by the failure of the “Plan for the Creation of Heroes” in the Kingdom of Nazar with the blood of Heroes.

The descendants of the use personality, who inherited only the power of the hero, were also gathered with diminished mouth.

The leader thinks that if the summoning success rate increases by as much as 1%, we can lose the lives of servants who are not even worthy of blood.

Is this all you can use?

"Yes, Your Majesty. A grown man with a feather doesn't go well with rituals."I can't make our daughter my mother, so I was wondering if I could increase it any more. "

"Okay, then let's get to the ritual."Fortunately, the Griffon raid came to a halt.There will be some time until the next raid. "

"" "" "" "" "" "Ha!" "" "" ""

Originally, the temple maiden ate nothing for 10 days, cleansed her body with holy water, offered a long prayer, and asked for a summons......

There are no more high level saints left, so the Emperor Hampa Kudarizaka, the descendant of the hero, will temporarily dress as a woman and take her place.

As expected, the hammer felt uncomfortable, and said to the guru, "Is this all right?"I asked, but now it's all a problem.

The nine gurus who understood that "if you tell the truth, you will be killed" pushed the back of the hamper with a lid on the inconvenient truth this time.

After being cleansed with handmade holy water, the hamper was able to follow the cadres behind, offering a "summoning prayer" passed down from generation to generation in front of the goddess statue.

"Our Goddess who wanders into the heavens, please listen to the wish of the stray."My name is Hampa Kudarizaka, Emperor of the Munka God Empire.

Although the laborious pre-event was skipped, he understood that his position would be dangerous if he failed to summon, and he said politely without omitting.

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~. Therefore, Goddess, please have mercy on us who are lost, and show us the miracle of a hero in exchange for these bamboo shoots ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"


"Uuu...... I don't like it......"

"Ahhh... ahhh..."

As the chanting progresses, the people who became dead suffer, and their souls are torn from their bodies.

"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ We will follow your guidance and promise you the further prosperity of Goddess Church."Goddess of Beauty, please show us the way. "

A dozen minutes later, all the prayers were over... what the out-of-breath Emperor Hamper saw... were dozens of soul-throwing sacrifices lying beside the magic circle.

And it was a man with a sense of presence who appeared in the middle of the magic circle.

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