I refrained from talking like this before the conditions were set, because they might say "threat"... but I don't need to be reluctant after the discussion is over.

In common sense, if we're going to rub against the Kingdom of Quor, it's not now, but right after the end of the war, when the superiority and inferiority of the Nazar battle began.

I don't think that the emperor of a country that is weak enough to rub against it will send the S rank of an aristocrat who can be used as a pawn to another country for each event.

It looks like you haven't even spoken to your middleman, Will, to see what's going on... As the leader of the organization, we need to know what's going on.

"...... Mr. Zink, it is not my intention to lower your state of mind by hiding."But the survival of our country depends on it.If you want to hear it, don't say anything else. "

“It depends on what we're talking about.I don't want to tell the Qaol government, but if I decide that I should move, I will tell the executives of the organization. "

"Understood. Will......"

"Mr. Bob, what if you hide your affidavit and Zink suffers a huge disadvantage?"I'm also responsible for the intermediary's blame, so I will certainly listen. ”

"I'm sorry I got you into this when you left the country."I don't think Lord Zink will be bothered by the obligation to fulfill the affidavit, but if you decide that you need to collect it, kill me and take it from me. "

In response to Will's reprehensible tone, Bob sighed deeply and began to talk about the situation.

"Due to the laying of the imperial decree, only some people know about it... but now, the Zalvatr Empire is in danger of survival."The supply of salt is about to be cut off. "

Huh? Even though there is a Cosmo Labyrinth in the country?

"That's right, Will. Actually....."

According to what Bob told me... the Zaru Battle Empire is also inland, making it difficult to secure salt, which has been a source of trouble for many years.

Like the Quaol kingdom before, I was aiming to see a plane and attack a country with a sea.....

The surrounding small countries were either under the protection of major powers or landlocked countries without a sea, and the invasion was difficult.

My predecessors married a princess from the Nazar Kingdom and formed a military alliance because they wanted salt trading rights more than the international situation.

However, the situation changed when the "Cosmo Labyrinth" with the sea floor was found on the upper floor during the inspection immediately after the present emperor took the throne.

As a result of the successful domestic consumption of salt from the labyrinth's seawater, the Zalbatu Empire broke its ties with the Kingdom of Nazar.

“With the nationalization of the labyrinth and the assumption of the right to distribute salt, the current Emperor Zwei has great power and has been able to implement innovative policies.”

"When I was a child, only pure-blooded aristocrats could go to school, but now it looks like things have changed a lot."I hear that the literacy rate has increased. ”

"Yeah. The whole nation's level of knowledge has increased, reducing the number of people who suffer from tax exploitation and unfair contracts."The nobility's sense of constituency is better than before. "

But now you're struggling with salt shortage again, right?

Ah... the upper level of the labyrinth is a source of supply...

"But... there's something wrong with the Cosmo Labyrinth these days."The salt concentration of seawater that had previously returned even after salt removal is gradually fading. "

I knew it.

Not the real sea, but the national use of the sea in the labyrinth has cut down the energy points of the labyrinth and starved the core!

It is easy to imagine that core sources of income are being cut off, such as restricting access to adventurers or having ordinary men who are not tasty enough to work.

Even the inland-born labyrinth core maintains the sea floor inefficiently...

"If we can't conclude a trade treaty with another country, we won't be able to get the salt from the labyrinth... the Demon King will destroy the Empire before the end of time."Salt depletion creates civil unrest from panic. "


Bob, an aristocrat of the Zaru Battle Empire, might not be able to say it, but there are other seeds of civil unrest.

At the level of Will, a resident of Quaul, the current emperor pushed for reform, which means that there are quite a few people who suffered disadvantages.

With the rise in the level of knowledge, more people will realize that they "have been treated unfairly until now"... it's just an internal and external illness.

If a life-threatening incident like a salt shortage occurs, Bob and the current Emperor will know that their grievances will explode in chains into a storm of civil unrest.

"In other words... Bob came to this country under the orders of Emperor Zwei to participate in the Festival of Establishment in order to conclude a trade treaty with the kingdom of Quor, which gained the sea in the war."

"Ah." Under the pretext of "coordinated line against the demon king's attack," he was ordered to establish a trade treaty between the countries.In my trade with the private sector, it's over when the checkpoints are sealed. "

However, it would be unnatural to import large quantities of domestically self-sufficient salt from the Kingdom of Qaol Yamato... and the labyrinth that laid down the Koukou order would eventually be out of date.

At that time, in order to show that there is a connection with the conferring magician so as not to be treated as "drowned dogs beat with sticks", did you take an affidavit with a content that looks natural?

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