The man we are trying to make an opponent of the Ascension Examination is the S-ranked adventurer of the Zal Battle Empire, Bob Horskin.

An aristocrat with the title of Viscount, but a strong man with a strong body and skill as a weapon and a shield, he rose to the rank of S.

Why would he participate in an event in a rival country...... the current Emperor of Zalu battle, "Come and help me!because I was ordered to. "

There are many other mighty men from the Monarchy, and Bob is the leader of them all.

That country is one of the most famous in the East...... It is not very close to the Kingdom of Qaol and the Kingdom of Yamato, and the emperor of two generations has married a queen from Nazar.

The current emperor is like Matomo, and he broke off his relationship with Nazar more than 10 years ago, but he is worried that he will be invaded by the Kingdom of Quor due to recent events.

Therefore, by cooperating with the establishment festival, they are appealing to the concerted line of the current emperor at home and abroad, and are trying to improve their relationship with the Kingdom of Qualor and the Kingdom of Yamato.

The distance from the demon continent is a little close, so if Enchanted Items are stopped from being distributed to the Kingdom of Qualor, they could perish... I guess it's because of the concerted route.

"In other words, Bob, an aristocrat of the Zaru Battle Empire... from my standpoint, he can't hurt my mood."

Of course, you won't bring the politics of the country into the guild and play entertainment games, but you should be able to accept the opponent's application.

"For Bob, there is also the advantage of being able to connect with someone who is super important.So, Mr. Zink. Let's have some bargaining. "

“Yes, don't be shy, I'm going to ask!”

It depends on the number of people you accept... but at the very least, I'm going to ask for Nina's help.

Because it's a S-rank defense type, it's unlikely that you could be killed instantly in an accident during a match!

Bob has a reputation for tough flesh and shield tackles... but on the contrary, there's nothing to be afraid of.

Nina wants to "promote herself", so she flies in the sky with the wind magic full of buffs, and magical attacks from above... I don't think it's possible to deploy TUEE...

The chances of winning are high if you take advantage of the ease of a small turn and aim at a critical spot with your swordsmanship and magic attacks.

Equip a shield and armor made from the scraps you gave me, so you don't have to worry about losing your gear and crashing.

"But I didn't think that Mr. Will was from the Empire of Zabal."I thought you were born in the Kingdom of Qualor..... "

"Fufu. When I was young, I was a Yancha."Now I have Quor nationality, and I think of this country first. ”

I was curious, so I asked... and Will told me that he was the mourner of the Empire.

Since the mother who died soon after giving birth was a prostitute, she became a "commoner", but she was also in good company with the family of the Count who was taken away and grew up without being brutalized.

"If I had been a good boy like that... I would have served my eldest brother and lived a mediocre but happy life."

"What if I did?" Mr. Will, have you done something wrong? "

"Well, well... I admired adventurers when I was 13 years old.When I talked to my family, they were very opposed to me saying, "Because it's dangerous," and I felt like I had to leave the house in defiance... "

Wow, that's unbelievable from Will right now.

"You didn't think to go home on the way? Then you know how much you can make when you're 13 years old, right?"

"I was a magician, so I was able to earn about the cost of living."The pride was too high, I couldn't find anyone to throw a party with, and I had my own reward..... "


Will, who had been cheating since he was a child, had also registered as an adventurer outside the country, making sure that his family never searched for information.

Some of them were strangers to the world... and they lunged into the hunting grounds with their defenses peppered, buying all the fights they were selling.

"I don't know... Dan ran away from home as a child, and I was banished when I was 14 years old, so I can't really talk about other people..."

It's a pattern that says, "You survived well, solo."

"When I wrote to my parents the other day, they returned with a platinum coin saying," Come back to feed them. "I... it's been more than 20 years since I ran away from home, but I'm on the run. "


"Fufu, I didn't tell you my rank, I only wrote" I'm alive as an adventurer, "so I thought it was a lack of money."

I'm not as famous as Master Canon and Karen... but Will is happy to tell you what's going on.

His eyes were unusually moist, so what worried his family, who hadn't interacted with him for many years, stung his heart deeply.

You're a kind family.

“Yes, it's a waste of my family.”

Maybe it's because of Will that he bought me and Bob's middleman, even though he didn't get a dime.

Once the Zaru Battle Empire is stable, his family will be able to live there without worry.

Oh, it looks like someone is waiting for you.

"Yes, Mr. Will, please mediate."

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