Lady Ancient Dragon, do you know the conditions for spirits?

"Hmm, I know." When a clean-hearted fairy exceeds level 500, it becomes a spirit with a certain attribute.The earth, the water, the flames... "

I see, 500 levels conditional.

Even the S-ranked adventurer, Mr. Canon, had a level of about 350...... and Marina was a little over 200.

Moreover, it was difficult to reach level 500 with a clean mind.

If you're a near-life fairy clan... I think you know that the Ancient Dragon has taken care of Marina, who is young and futuristic.

"By the way, other members besides Marina... can I, Ian Nina Esther become a Dragon Man?"I want you to tell me for reference. "

On the other hand, it's too tactful, so if you ask for it, you'll need to pay for it, but if you can, Nina and Esther will be happy.

"That's right. First of all, Zink can't do it."The soul has already been expanded in another way. "

Ah, that's a nice summoning of a brave man.

"Ian Nina Esther is possible, but there is a greater risk of increasing her weaknesses than having the appropriate strength at the moment."Therefore, I do not recommend it. "

The Ancient Dragon says... that if it becomes a dragon, it will become vulnerable to "dragon-only magic tools", so it is good to maintain the current status quo for those members who have not started the fight.

The story that Gil told me just in case you didn't hear it.....

The Ancient Dragon helped him turn into a Dragon Man, knowing that he had a weakness, because a serious fight was imminent.

If they were as strong as us, they didn't like seeing their favorite opponent suffer from a fatal lack of talent.

Honestly, I didn't realize it until I was pointed out... I'm glad I didn't waste any effort on Gil-kun.

Also, when the dragon becomes a human, the growth of the flesh will slow down as its life span increases, so it seems that there will be harm in other ways than Ian.

When I heard that my height would stop growing, Esther still hid behind me... it was surprising that even Nina refused to become a dragon man.

The Ancient Dragon dumbfounded Nina, saying that she would cooperate if she wanted to expand her soul as an adult....

There's no reason why I shouldn't be a dragon until she's 14 years old and has a head start.

I was touching my chest and ass a lot, but with the Ancient Dragon's Dragon Man, there was a low chance that my body would become full of pimples.....

I don't think it will affect the comfort of sitting in a chair or the choice of clothes.

Well then, I'll give you regular meat dishes from Marina or Gil-sama.

"Hmm, don't hesitate to ask if you have the ingredients you need."I'll secure it for you while you take a walk. "

"Thank you! If you can tell me your taste preference, I will deal with it from the next time, so please be patient in the future ♪"

"Kuku, the fun of dragon life has increased.""Nina, I'm going to give her a particularly strong blessing."Instead, you have to offer your offerings regularly. "


Well, the Ancient Dragon was showing Nina a lot of love, and she was hungry for rice, so it was fine.

Even Gill and Ian, who had finished practicing hugging, said, "Jink-kun, it's the only flaw.I don't understand the maiden's heart. "

Although I thought about it, everyone except me had Nina's shoulder, so I could only tilt my neck and go to dinner time.

Gil broke a dish worth practicing and threw steaks in his mouth with his children to celebrate his transformation into a dragon.

"Gilbert, now that we've strengthened ourselves, it's time to sign a summoning contract."Have you decided on my name yet? "

"Yes, Ancient Dragon! I am glad that you have honored me with the honor of naming me... even though I am immature!"

Gil, who had become a Dragon Man and had his Summon Magic qualities extended to D B, was still low compared to Marina, and summoning the Ancient Dragon was a burden.

Therefore, as the last small workmanship, it was said that it would be named before the summoning contract was signed.

As an SS Rank monster, it would be humiliating for an Ancient Dragon with a wealth of knowledge and high pride to be named after an inferior tribe.

You gave me that... maybe he's buying Gill-kun more than I thought.

"Please, Gilbert, my name is..."

"Twa, I thought it was perfect for you to inherit memories."

Eternity (Towa)... I don't know if that's what it means, or if you want to be friends forever, but I think it's a nice name.

The Ancient Dragon is snorting happily, so I think you like it.

"My name is Tova. Gilbert... I recognize him as the Lord, and I ask you to make a covenant in my name."

Observing them from a distance from the dining table and completing the "naming ritual", the ancient dragon lifted its head at Gil-kun and a huge cube appeared on the ground.

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