The warden and slave used by him during the trip to the rock where the smoke was coming from, with the captive in the marimo.

Marimo ate the rock on the surface and looked into the back.

"Oniisama. The rock here is not from the source."

"Yes, Esther. It's a rock brought in by people's hands."

The shades are similar, but the way the rock skin is scraped is too unnatural.

Probably carried something taken from a nearby mine to hide something behind it.

"Marina. Remove the rock even deeper."

"Yes, Marimo, please!

Let Marimo eat rocks while making instant support with Alchemy magic to prevent further collapse.

After about 5 meters, a stone passage appeared in the back.

"Artificial cobblestones in a tunnel? Is this the garbage officer's hideout?

"No.... When compared to the surrounding terrain you saw before entering, the scale doesn't match. This is probably a labyrinth."

I see.

Like Ian said, a new labyrinth may have been created.

Or is it deep underground and connected to Gamel or the Yamato Kingdom Labyrinth?

"Either way... someone who found the entrance to the labyrinth tried to abuse this place and harm us."

"The killer's eyes are on."

Behind my gaze... in a cobbled corridor, a gay zombie smokes poisonous smoke and sends it here in a giant walrus.

"Normal zombies don't burn poisonous smoke ~"

"Right, Nina? When you look at us, they don't change our movements... they must be low-level ghost magic, manipulated zombies that can only give simple orders."

The fish-like sign around the corner of the hallway turning left is probably the executor's ghost magician.

"Master. This zombie does not have an agent's last name. It must be Bernhardt's involvement....."


Skill: Bar Magic 13, Physical Reinforcement 28

Operating (Operator: Mitch)

Ian is right, the surgeon's name is Mimich.

"My appraisal doesn't show my last name. Not even gamma is a bastard who draws Bernhardt's blood?

If the blood is mixed outside, the quality of the Dead Spirit Magic will also be low... but it's not strange to have someone who can use it at this level.

The Bernhardt family also had stallion scum like Axel, so it's no wonder there were bastards who couldn't even give their family names.

"Oniisama, I've finished spraying the antidote potion. Even with the glasses, there are no anomalies."

"Thank you, Esther. Let's go get the killer."


After collecting the zombies and detoxifying the smoke that spreads around us, we escape from the marimo.

He put his foot on a cobblestone that seemed to be in the labyrinth.

"The sign of the surgeon is that way. You realize that the zombie was recovered, and you're in a huge hurry.... oh, did the signs go away? Why is that?

Marina, who was watching for signs of the Necromancer, shouted at the sudden disappearance of signs.

"There's really no sign of it. If I cut myself, I'll slowly lose my vibe....."

Suddenly the signs disappear... if this was a labyrinth, the enemy moved the hierarchy by some means.

The interior of the labyrinth is distorted, so signs detection won't be able to locate the opponent in a different hierarchy.

But there won't be a door to the lower level near the entrance....

"Wonderful, Master. Me and Esther will check it out ♪"

"Nina, wait! Maybe this labyrinth is a trap system. It's dangerous to move inadvertently!

The ”Gamel Labyrinth” traps we were exploring were like poison arrows and pitfalls... but there's also a trap-ridden malevolent labyrinth in this world.

Even though we have detection skills, if we're not used to trapping, it could happen that we accidentally step through the transfer trap and all fall apart...

"It would be troublesome to walk around badly and fly to a different level. Let's pull it up and let the experts investigate."

Whatever we are on vacation, we are on our way to the Yamato Kingdom.

Adventures are romantic and intriguing for men... but I don't have time to relax and explore a labyrinth that doesn't even grasp the trend.

There's no one else lurking around here.

"Warden!? Master Zink, what the hell happened!?

We left the tunnel that might lead to the labyrinth and returned to where the criminal slaves were working.

Surprised about the labyrinth, Ian's mentality has been restored... so let's finish this case before it's too late.

"He tried to kill us in the tunnel. There's something else I'd like to talk to you about, so call the person in charge.... ahh, please be a tomato."

"Yes, sir!

The young guard who listened to my request went looking for my boss. [M]

Judging by his emotional movements, he seems to hate the warden... he's unlikely to bring scum officials to cover up the case.

"Nevertheless, I wonder if I can extract information from this guy ~"

The warden, who was still babbling, grabbed Marimo and threw him on the ground.


The alien trip can be cured with an antidote potion, but obviously how do you cook the tail cutter's dick...?

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