"Fuahh, it's finally over! I feel like I'm 20 years old."

Now that the martial arts meeting is finally over, I'm waiting in the waiting room until the nobles who want to approach me return.

"Jink-kun, you had a dead eye at the end. Good work."

"Really. Good luck to everyone."

Gilberto is right, tired of the idiots coming from next to next, it's the limit of patience.

When I was in Rosarta, it was more than 10 times worse than this... but I feel like my endurance has dropped recently because of my relationship with a decent aristocrat.

"Thank you again, Mr. Zink. Thank you for giving us the chance to be born!

"Thanks to you, I was able to become a Count. If I hadn't met Jink, I would have stopped working as a petty official for lack of shields after graduation. [M] Thank you."

While drinking tea and laughing, Louis and Roy, who were wearing badges indicating the position of the Count on the ground floor, thanked him.

"Because they did their best. Besides, if you're as good as Louis...."

The Duke of Vonker, who is focused on human resource development, would have been watching, even if I wasn't involved.

Regardless of the pace of birth, by the time you reached the age of grandeur, you would have earned the title of Earl.

"In the case of the Fuse brothers, I'm sure you're right.... Jink-kun, let me thank you again."

Gilbert, who was laughing at Louis and the others, suddenly knelt on the floor.

"I'm grateful for the work you've done to pull me out... and for the shelter you've just given me. Thank you."

And then you droop deeply.

"Yikes... Thanks to Gilberto, I've been able to save you, and we're all around here. Never mind."

If a friend asks you, you're going to freak out.

"Ahahah. Jink-kun, I don't think you like me, and I won't do it anymore. But I appreciate it."

"We appreciate it too!

I'm glad you think so, but when you say it to the face, it stinks.

I'm glad you didn't get a chance to thank people... because there was hardly any time in your previous life, even in the non-land era!

After that, when I was still talking in the company, the signs of the nobles who were trying to contact me gradually disappeared from the royal palace.

Looks like you finally gave up.

Mass aristocracy is fine, but I don't want to introduce my daughter, who smells like honeitra, or go out with aristocrats who ask for debt without collateral.

All in all, those people seem to have the temptation to take advantage of me. [M]

Still, it's better than the old Losartan aristocrats who just don't say it directly...

"The distractors are gone, so should we go home?

"" "" "Yes!

Use a carriage with a discreet appearance and leave the royal palace in the dark.

The exterior is plain, but the interior is comfortable... a gem used for patience by senior nobles.

"Ian, Esther, thank you for the escort. It was tough standing there listening to stupid bullshit, wasn't it? When you get home, oniichan will rub your legs.

"I'm fine. Oniisama will be tired, and I'll rub your shoulders when you return to the Mansion!

"Hmm, I'm sorry, but I think I'll sweeten it up. Esther, you're a good shoulder bracer."

"Yes, leave it to me! I'll do my best!

The two of you who let me do their boring work seem better than I thought.

Your Majesty's reward also includes a reward for party members, so we'll have to distribute it to everyone tomorrow.

When I took a nap in my shift and was shaken by a carriage and returned to the Mansion, I was waiting for my maids who tortured it, along with the bastards in Ztaboro.

"Welcome back, Master. I'm sorry for showing you something ugly."

"That's fine, but what are they? Did someone sneak in again?

Some of the junior aristocrats, who were pushing up until just before the martial arts meeting, had the dark jobs sneak into the Mansion and physically tried to visit them.

Compared to the noisy people in front of the Mansion, they were killed by defense equipment and maids, so there was no particular damage except the iron fence and weapon were stained with blood.

"Yes, physically and mentally, it turns out to be revenge by the junior aristocracy, which was destroyed today."

While saying that, the maid twisted the branch into the intruder's nose.

You're accustomed to torture while defending your apron dress with water magic so that it doesn't get dirty with returned blood...

"Okay. Call the gendarmerie as usual when you're done extracting information. I'm having dinner tonight, so I want to keep the house clean."

Made to say, since I was born, the junior aristocracy has planned to poison the cooking of the party that will be held... compared to the poisoning of the Prime Minister's family.

It's not uncomfortable, but we don't like to spend time dealing with it ourselves, so please ask the professionals.

Along with a letter explaining the situation, the former aristocrats who hired the intruder will also take care of it.

"Yes, sir. Nina is making a special course for you."

"Stream Nina! Well then, let's all have a good time together!

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