The Kung Fu Council approached and could not pretend anymore. The aristocrats who were tragically defeated in the Nazareth battle pushed them into the mansion of the powerful.

Only the junior aristocrats have moved so far, and the former aristocrats who lost their way during the Nazareth battle have persisted in silence.

"Is it the result of spreading the rumor that the upper aristocracy can only pay a fine in order to restore national power?"

As long as the throne and territory remain, they think it is possible to rewind, and they are willing to accept disposition.

"Mr. Zink, you're the only one I can count on! Please, save Baron Hussein!

"I am offering my purity, so please help the Vicomte Hitter!

"No, who are you in the first place?

"Jink, they don't understand common sense. It's a waste of time to think, so it's best to ignore it."

"Yes, Gilberto. But it's depressing....."

Not only the great house with HR rights, but also my house. [M]

I promised to stay under my umbrella, asked for debts, mistressed my daughter, and so on... all these are annoying offers.

You can take care of it gradually, but if you do too much, it will add to the title, so I chose to close the gate firmly and pull it back.

If you leave me alone, Your Majesty will periodically miss you.

"I can't use the garden near the front gate until after the martial arts meeting, because the pleas increase when I get into their sight."

My Mansion's gates are specially made with Orihalcon inside, so it won't hurt if it hits you... but I can't help but be noisy because my voice is out of my box!

If I'm the only one who gets hurt, I can still put up with it... but they put their hands around me.

Louis and Roy were targeted at the Mansion, and the Lorenz Chamber of Commerce, Ian's parents' home, was pushed and harassed by aristocrats and well-connected merchants.

I hired about a hundred guards to stand up for the Adventurer Alliance in advance, so I got the job done.

The man who raised his hand around him was relentlessly rude and exposed his body to the crime scene with his guilt.

Still, idiots show up, so I'm going to need the help of an adventurer until the disturbance subsides.

"I mean, why don't they realize that their movements are making things worse?

Prior to my participation in the war, Your Majesty had placed restrictions on the nobility of his own people so that they could not contact me.

After the war, he even made an autographed "disrespectful conversation” permit.

Why do you think they won't be punished if some of them are actually ”rude"?

"Master. I have enumerated the nobles who committed the nuisance and sent them to His Majesty in" distant text. "

"Thank you, Ian. It's almost sundown, and the guards are coming around."

Over the past few days, your Majesty's ordered guards have been patrolling the area where the nobles are pushing for trouble.

Those who think only of their own convenience will periodically exterminate them to grow like cockroaches if left alone.

Those captured by the Guard will be held in a bungalow in the Royal Palace until the end of the Military Merit Conference.

It doesn't change what happens when you join a meeting... it's an intolerable humiliation to be punished for not even being able to join.

"Whether the lord dies or the throne flies... the fine will be collected relentlessly."

Those who commit acts of nuisance are subject to additional fines for breach of order or indecency.

Most people don't have enough money left to pay, so they'll fall into slavery.

Ah, the retrieval started today.

"That's right, oniisama. Why don't they learn from the precedent?

"Esther, hunted people can't turn their heads with fear."


That being said, it's rare for me to fail so far... honestly, I don't understand either, so it's no wonder my brother isn't convinced.

But, Esther.

Just before the Nonland family collapsed, there were few more people with livers than you, who fell into slavery and escaped the kingdom of Rosalta.

Well, it's time to go.

"" "" Yes!

The evening before yesterday, I received news of a meeting I had been waiting for.

I can't help but be delighted to think that if we survive this military martial arts conference, we will be free from the curse of nuisance.

If you travel by carriage, it will be an obstacle competition for the nobles everywhere, so take Gilbert and fly magically to the Royal Palace.

Your Majesty allowed me to escort you, so Ian and Esther are with you.

Louis and Roy, who were leaning into my mansion to avoid an attack in the school building, were also carried by Ian and the others.

They'll be counts tomorrow, so they're still counts today... and they're particularly vulnerable because they don't have any superior nobles with blood connections.

"Mr. Zink, I've been expecting you. Come on, hurry up and get inside."

Philip picked us up when we entered the royal palace.

I think he was strong enough to defend himself from nuisances by dragging him all the way to the royal palace in the name of government and borrowing a guard knight from His Majesty.

Despite the great man with HR rights... it seems that there was not a single fierce man who made reckless remarks to the current Prime Minister surrounded by dozens of knights.

"It's been a long time, Mr. Zink. Thanks to you, the opening plan is going well....."

The Duke of Foncker came as he was being taken to the waiting room, where only the great man could use it, and eating sweets.

The Duke arrived from the Mansion with no damage, using a tunnel connected to the Royal Palace.

I'm taking my own escort with me today to bring the knight to other important people.

"Duke. The sign of Count Brand has also entered the Royal Palace. And Chris, my wedded son, is with me."

"That's good. Chris, you're going to get a reward this time."

The Count of Brand used Dummy's carriage to spread the nuisance of the nobles... disguised as a merchant and said he would come via the shop.

Each of the other nobles who had merit also sabotaged their way to the royal palace.

Because of the bad guys, it's a real obstacle competition... but for now, there are no casualties among the masses and it's going well.

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