The Sacred Sword, the useful magic equipment... I threw a gift from Tatano into the item box and called out to Ian and the others on my way home.

I got all his notes, forbidden books, and magic books, so I'll read them when I have time as a troubleshooter.

"I know this door is a rare item, too ~"

The notebook said, "Take the magic equipment embedded in the base," and I was wondering if I should remove it... Tatano-kun was alive, so I stopped him.

Regardless of the lust question, it is a first-class building in terms of performance.

In the future, when we get caught up in a disturbance near here, we're going to use it as a hiding place.

"Oniisama, listen! I tried a new spear shape in yesterday's battle!

This battle was so pathetic that I just thought "dance”... to be honest, I'd be sad, right?

"Yeah, I was watching. It was brave and cool."

"Thank you! This is so cool....."

Hiding the truth and praising him, Esther cheered proudly.

When I stroke my head, it sticks happily.

As always, my brother is so cute that it doesn't hurt in my eyes.

"Master, are you going to Baron Garcos's territory next?

"I see, Ian. According to reports from our allies, the castle where they are hiding is on the mountain. We'd better hit him."

"Yes, sir. You can drop it in the water, but it's also a matter of time."


Understand how I feel, Ian and Esther avoided talking about the results of the investigation.

Both of you seem to have a slight conjecture... but without pursuing it, they'll wave another topic.

Honestly, I can't decide how far to go, so I appreciate the respite.

I'm confused by the information alone... and I want to think slowly while I cool my head.

If the Moorish Empire comes into contact with me maliciously... it is highly likely that someone under its command will be captured and extracted from it.

All you have to do is give a restraining order to the followers who work behind the scenes.

Regardless of the party members, our end-made is just as powerful as a B-ranked adventurer.

There's nothing you can't catch if someone behind your back fills a gap.

It is troublesome to deal with a powerful man who is greedy, but it is even more troublesome for people who are religious intoxicated.

The effect of brainwashing is incredible... if God wants it, he moves with the intention of succeeding in any difficult task.

It is difficult to manipulate a person dyed in the teachings of God with fear, even if they are caught and tortured.

"It's not like there's no countermeasure....."

Information leakage can be avoided by instructing all subordinates to "chew off their tongues or stop breathing and die when caught" in the subordination agreement.

But I don't want to do that to them... and I'd rather not take measures than take such measures.

I don't want to use my harsh hands anymore... if the enemy moves, there will be a leak.

Dan greeted me on my way back to the base.

"Thank you, Mr. Tired. I'll keep watch until morning, so you guys go to bed."

"Thank you very much. I'll sweeten your words."

He took the watch, so Ian and the others can go back to the tent and rest in a blanket.

From the information in the notebook... the sword, physical strength, and attacking magic qualities are high because I was involved in the Summon Warrior.

Though the attempt itself ended in failure, it can be inferred that the involved zink suffered a heroic correction.

The Prime Minister and the Royals of Rosarta were also good at swords and magic... politically specialized Prime Ministers and Oak Mass Production Royals.

As a matter of common sense, it does not become a trait full of blood muscles.

Tatano-kun, as you say, there are many brave people who are good at ”swordsmanship”.

It would be more natural for me to assume that I'm not going to be involved in this.

"The fact that Jink, who had been practicing his spear, only had that level of physical strengthening skills....."

It was when I remembered the memory of my previous life that the brave man was corrected.

Given Tatano-kun's skill structure, which was written in the notebook... it was only then that the quality of appraisal arose.

"I suppose the gift of magic and alchemy originally belonged to me."

I don't know if it's a Prime Minister's blood line or a mutation... but it's the qualities that Jink was born into.

The heroes of the past don't have the magic to grant.

"Tatano-kun also had the item box. But it's the same size as Ian.

I've never seen anyone else have an “extra-large” item box.

Perhaps both Saito Kokuro and Jinku have benefited from the item box... maybe both gifts have merged.

"Hmm. I don't know... I feel like I've become a super super cheat bastard because of the combination of granting magic and heroic healing."

Regardless of my own combat power... (paper defense) It's against the rules to have SS-class personnel available in just a few dozen seconds.

No matter what you think, you're off the level of common sense.

"It's a troubled body, but it's better than a weak pattern."

Now, I can't hide my strength... and I have to stick to my cheat policy so that I can screw it down with my power no matter what happens!

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