"I'm sorry, Mr. Gilberto. It was fun and I stayed a long time."

"Jink, don't worry about it. I enjoyed talking to my generation. With Ian, of course."

The mastery of the name, saying the operational meeting with Gilberto…, lasted until the sun set.

Along the way, Ian joined in, debating how the three of us would crush the accelerator.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what Axel looks like on the battlefield now"

"Right, sir"

“If the three of you come by, the wisdom of the literature"... but after serious discussions between the three of us, a good operation came to mind that I would never come up with alone.

I was able to get along with Gilberto, and I'm glad I chose him as my advisor.

"Already, Jink. My belly blackness is on the table ~. We need to fix it!

"Dear Gilberto, Your husband's face is black because it's the usual thing."

"Hey, Ian!?

"I accidentally leaked the truth. Excuse me."

After the Chess affair, Ian became actively involved.

I'm so glad to see he's trying to narrow his distance from me, because he's kind enough to get on with the private consultation.

"Well...... I'm sorry to stay any longer, so I'm leaving today. I'll root for the masses."

"Okay. I'll tell the Duke of Mebius. If it's your idea, they won't say no."

"Thank you. Mr. Gilberto, I'd like to pack some details, but can I come back tomorrow?

"Sure! Zink, I enjoy talking to you, you're always welcome."

Break up with Gilberto and head right over to the tent next door.

I've kept Mr. Will and the others waiting a long time.

Upon entering the adjacent tent, the three of them had widened the map near the Wang capital for discussion.

I feel like I've done something wrong, so I immediately apologize.

"Sorry to keep you waiting! Gilberto and I were just talking."

"Don't worry, Mr. Zink. Because I'm the one who said I'd wait, and I expected it to take longer."

Mr. Will forgives me with a laugh.

"Gilberto, you seem to go well with Jink ~"

"They're both alike."

Neither does Karen or Bogard seem angry.

"It's about you, so you were discussing the Wang du oppression, weren't you? If there's no obstacle, tell us what kind of maneuver we have. Smells like a handle!

Sitting in my seat as prompted, Mr. Will pushes the map toward me.

"Oh, hi! Details will be discussed later, so roughly..."

"Of course that's okay."

With the cooperation of, the difficulty of the operation will decrease, so carefully explain the flow one by one.

I didn't expect you to cut the story out of Mr. Will's.

"I see. Put Karen in this position and you'll be less burdened by Mr. Nina"

I just explained the whole thing, and Mr. Will, who understood the operation, put in a supplementary explanation.

"Yeah. I'd like to ask Mr. Cullen to take turns with Nina. If you can afford it, attack Koch with an arrow..."

"Fine. You guys seem to have a good chance of winning."

"Non is acting differently away. I've been thinking about scary maneuvers."

"Haha...... Sorry to bother you, thank you."

Karen and the others rode, so we decided to fight together.

"Welcome back, brother. Shall I rub your shoulder?

"Esther, I'm home. Can you do me a favor?"


After installing the cooperation, we talked a little with them before heading back to our tent.

The brain is looking for sugar as a price for meaningful discussion.

"Nina, give me a cup of tea. With lots of sugar and milk."


Now I can challenge you to a big bite of sugar.

"Your husband. Sweet tea, thank you for waiting! There's cake, too, but do you want to serve it?

"Thanks. I want two slices"

"Copy that!

Take a sip of the tea handed to you by Nina and puke the cake offered.

Happiness and energy permeate your body.

"Phew, I'm calm. I've been using too many brain blemishes and I'm running out of sugar. Thanks, Nina."

"No. In that case, Mr. Gilberto was a good one!

"Yeah. He's a reliable ally, but he's someone I don't want to be hostile to. I stayed a long time because it fit the story."

"Brother. What did you tell me?


Explain to Esther, Nina and Marina the measures we discussed today.

Once we take a break, we have to go root for Count Brand and the friendly Mass Nobility.

Then, list the write-ups of the themes you'd like to discuss tomorrow and the changes made by the addition of Holy... This is an all-night course.

"Master, I can help you too, with a slight force."

"Thank you, Ian. I'm counting on you."

Having found a belly-black companion of my generation, Dopamine is out of Dovadova, so I'll manage to get through it.

Looks like Ian can help, and we'll work hard to make the operation more complete!

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