"SS ranked, Enchanted Dragon? You don't look like a zombie."

If you don't look at the notation of status, its body retains its majestic beauty so much that you don't know it's a zombie.

The elegantly luminous milky scales are such a delicacy that royalty wants them even in war.

There's no sign of zombies, so it won't compare to life...... but it's still powerful enough to get on your knees if you lose your mind.

"The Necromancer in the dragon, at the same time as fearing your husband, seems to despise you. I can't read what you're going to do. Attention."

"Oh, Ian. I know. If you're in this beautiful condition, you can't even attack from the wound. Let's wait till the Necromancer does his best."

"Yes, sir."

The power of the Enchanted Dragon is a threat, but the time a Necromancer can manipulate a body is long and 30 minutes in battle.

It's easier to drag a breathless Mikael out of the dragon and kill him than to take a risk and attack him.


Enchanted dragon's mouth opened and a tough brace was released.

There was a slight build-up after my mouth opened, so I managed to avoid it... but it's clearly more powerful than the Red Dragon brace.

There are only monsters in the SS rank.


Now with a brace, a diagonal twisted attack.

We were able to avoid it, but Nina was inevitable and the end of the battle suit was cut off.

"Nina, are you hurt?

"My clothes are torn, but it doesn't affect my body and my magic bag!

"Okay. If it's tight, don't hesitate to evacuate."

"I'm used to it now, it's okay. Besides, this dragon doesn't feel bad..."

Does Nina think so?

The Enchanted Dragon from earlier on, I can't feel any hostility in my eyes looking at this one.

Either way, it's the kind of eyes that identify us.

The brace attack itself is unforgiving, but the SS rank means that the first move is poor... it feels like it's deliberately easier to understand how it works and is helping us.

Maybe you're helping us because you don't like Mikael?

"Alphonu ceamis oute domiexaine?"


Spinning the Xanchal language, which was passed down to the western part of Joseph, to such an extent that it was hard to hear, the color of the eyes of the dragon zombie changed.

Apparently the Enchanted Dragon is long-lived and has a wealth of knowledge.

The question I asked you, "Tell me where you stand and why you're here."

"Hmm, faster than I expected."

When I was asking how the dragon came out, I suddenly heard a voice in my head.

"I'm an enchanted dragon fighting them. I am not hearing this conversation with anyone else because I am delivering my voice directly into my brain"

"Nouvelle Imuit Wozzien? (This pronouncement, of your own free will?

"That's right. Listen to me as I pretend to be the wind I'm fighting. I can read their thoughts, so I don't need to return them in Xanthian."


"I am being manipulated by a young man named Mikael, against my will, and I am being forced to attack them. It's unpleasant."

"So, did you loosen your hand in the attack?

"Oh. Young people won't notice if you slightly alter the preliminary motion before throwing up the braces"

"Thank you. If they were seriously attacking me, I'd almost be soaked in potion."

When thoughts fall short of the opponent, they decide to struggle.

"Never mind. I'm just not happy with the situation. There is no obvious cooperation beyond being manipulated by young people... but I am not willing to harm them."

"Neither do we intend to destroy your body."

"Right. Can't you make a deal with me?

"Is that a deal?

"Oh, I realized a few hundred years ago that I had a life to spare, and after giving up my territory to the next generation, I moved to the Tree Sea and died. And when I realized it, Bernhardt manipulated me."

I see.

Did the Bernhardt ancestors anticipate the timing and recover the bodies of the Enchanted Dragon?

Or did you buy the body someone else recovered for money?

"If they lost the battle and took the wreckage, they would accept the humiliation manipulated by me. That's the law of the loser."


"But I died of longevity. Definitely to the Bernhardt clan, I didn't lose. And yet, this humiliation...... you must not forgive me!

"I understand your situation. Does the deal mean we want to defeat Mikael together?

"Oh. If they keep their promises better, I'll be on their side. There's only one thing I want. I want my remains buried deep in the woods. Come on, I want to sleep."

You mean you don't want to be used by humans any more.

"Okay. If you'll excuse me after the war, I'll bury your body in the back of a forest where no one enters."

The Enchanted Dragon material is the finest, but I'm not a livestock enough to sell the bodies of my opponents.

Let him sleep in peace, as he wishes, in the woods where no one enters.

"There will also be a position for them. I don't mind peeling if it's about scale. Like right now, I just don't like the whole body being used."

"Thank you for your concern. For a short time, thank you."

"Oh. Nice to meet you"

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