It's been a whole day since I joined the Samje squad.

The A-rank monster ratio has gone up a little... so far, I haven't seen any significant changes in the situation.

"Samje squad, I knew it was stable"

"Right. Normal adventurers suffer only a few scratches that can be cured in cheap potions, even in a phase where they are likely to get hurt."

When you gain great power with an enchanted item, most people, unconsciously, think of it.

But the way they fight is as solid as ever.

Being admired by young people seems like less... but their mentality without shaking deserves respect.

"Master, the S-Rank Monster is here!

As I moistened my throat with cold fruit water and toured the battle of the Samje squad, Marina, the sign detector, informed me of the S-rank raid.

"Thank you, Marina. Can you check the monsters from above?

"Yes, I did. I'm going!

I felt like I saw a monster distribution map, and the only S-rank monster Axel could direct from the King's Capital was Arr...

"Your husband. From afar, something big and betty approaches."

"Right. As expected, Mother Slime is here."

From the king's capital of Nazar, "Slime Forest" is about a 3-day walk away.

Axel seems to have guided the S-rank monster, "Mother Slime," the lord there.

"Mr. Samje, the S-rank monster is here. Mother Slime."

Inform the Samje Squad in battle of the S-Rank Raid.

"Jink, your prediction, it's a hit. I'm sorry, but we're just gonna get melted. Regards!"

"Yes, leave it to me!

Mother Slime is a more powerful individual than Emperor Slime, which Mr. Cannon was summoning.

Due to the characteristics and size of the slime, it is too incompatible with the Samje squad because any physical attack will not work.

Not only is the attack ineffective...... when you approach it, it is taken into your body and eaten, so it is not even defensible in the physics profession.

They would have been wiped out if we hadn't come to the rescue because the giant couldn't even poison them.

"Mother Slime's weakness is fire magic. Water, wind, and dirt do little work, so we'll attack them with fire!

"" "" Yes!

The fire magic of Quality B was sometimes behind in training, and still has Skill Level 60.

If you serve Enchant, you can use it to the full extent… it is less frequently used, so I am less comfortable with it than other attributes.

"Nevertheless, Mother Slime is huge. Even if the magic control is terrible, it will hit somewhere in your body"

It's our strength, I'm going to kill you with fire!



We fight Mother Slime and the Samje squad destroys the monsters around us.

"Fire curtains!"

"Fire tornado!"

It's a big target, so I won't take the attack off... but it's a little hard to continue the fire magic attack uninterrupted.

Because he's surrounded by all sides so he doesn't run away, he can't see his people's movements, and it's hard to get the timing right.

"Master, we're attacking!

"It's okay, Marina. Firestorm!"

Mother Slime isn't being burned in silence, either.

They're stretching their tentacles to absorb us and flying the lysate... so it's hard to control Hate so that the attack doesn't go to the Samje squad.

But compared to the Red Dragon, I don't feel so threatened.

So far, we're in the vanguard, and we can keep winning.

"Inferno! The enemy's body is slowly becoming smaller. Let's keep up the good work!

"" "" Yes!

As he continued to grill the wrinkles while attacking the mother slime... his movements slowed down as the moisture in his body evaporated.

"You've been weakened."

The drooling body becomes as stiff as a superball... and the tentacle attack collapses before it reaches us.

With all the chance, when we all burned down our enemies, all we had left was a demonic stone wrapped in charcoal.

"That's a successful crusade. Glad it was easier to beat than I thought. The level of fire magic has risen."

"Right. Motherslime gels are traded at a high price, so they are a little unwieldy…"

Ian pokes at the painful spot while wearing charcoal attached to the demonic stone.

Sure, that was a tough fight for your wallet.

"Well... I think it's better than staying here for a long time. I want to get back to the precinct."

"Right, sir. More than defeating Mother Slime, this stampede should also lead to convergence."

Monster Distribution Diagrammatically, Axel cannot direct S-rank monsters any further.

You can see that Samje squad's problem has been solved.

"I'll help you hunt for the remnants when MP recovers in Mana Potion"

Looks like they've pretty much cleaned up... but we still have a lot of room.

"" "" Yes!

You have to follow Samjee Squad, who are tired of fighting in a row!

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