If you don't hurry up and think of a way to open it, the Quor army that is attacking the Kingdom of Nazar will lose out of strength.

So I immediately wrote to His Majesty after I came up with the idea of flexing the bastard.

"Deliver this to the Kingdom of Quor via Count Brand and it will reach His Majesty by the end of the day"

Because the ”Far Text” I have is of poor quality, I can only send letters to the near field.

For this reason, it is necessary to pass the Count of Brand once to deliver the letter to His Majesty.

It's a little cumbersome... but I'm not dissatisfied at the moment because having a ”faraway sentence” of good quality can also cause people to explore painless bellies from unfriendly aristocrats.

As soon as the letter arrived, His Majesty confirmed the contents, and the next day he replied to me.

If you go back to the kingdom of Quor, you're guaranteed a life, a marquis, a rich life. "

"In his current position, good and life-long breeding...... bad will be disposed of within a few years. With this condition, it's going to be easy to turn around."

Esther is right, if this is such a good condition, he will be attached to the Kingdom of Quor.

That's about as tough a position he's been put in right now.

"But as it stands, we don't have the means to contact the enemy soldiers so they won't understand. So it won't be until Mr. Cullen arrives at the scene to scout him."

She is famous not only for her restorative magic, but also for her bow mastery.

So it was decided to wait for Mr. Cullen to arrive and scout with an arrow sentence in the middle of the night.

"Karen is an experienced S-rank adventurer. If there's no other situation, I think it's Ali who leaves it to her."

Even if Yawen is found by his enemies, he can only be betrayed and suspected by the common man.

If his voice is weakened, the Royal Direct Army should breathe back... and either way, it's an oily development.

While we prayed for the success of Operation Kaoru, we were fully committed to the support of the popular nobility.

Carrying supplies, aiding and abetting allies with bad flags… there are many things you can do.

If the situation continues to be bad, there will be no street maintenance within Nazareth, as there is no zero possibility of withdrawing either.

But the bases used by our allies are better sturdy, so when we have time, we also practice earthly magic to help repair and reinforce the walls injured in the war.

Unlike street maintenance, where you just have to push and consolidate, wall reinforcement is a delicate task, making it perfect for training magic controls.

We were all delighted that our base was strengthened, and let's keep doing the trick!

"Ah, urgent communication from Count Brand"

"Is it about the example?

"Oh, Ian. Looks like it. Mr. Karen sent me an arrow and he said he'd get back to me a few days later."

He said he could summon magic... using a small bat monster to deliver an answer.

As we expected, he resents his own parents and brothers, and is willing to betray them.

I think I'm going to use that bat in the future and keep in touch.

"Under the circumstances, he wants to work with the Royal Direct Army to set the Nazareth Army in a trap because he can't escape because he's on tight watch."

Sometimes the word itself is a trap against the Quor army… given the circumstances in which he was placed, it should be unlikely.

"In the first place, it seems that the reason why he was to be sent to the battlefield was the return of the former Queen of Rosarta to the Kingdom of Nazareth"

Knowing my existence, the former queen, who increasingly hated bastards, said his position was even worse because of the flashy spreading of rumors.

"As a result of the spread of the idea of killing the bastard to the entire royal palace, it was a process of sending war..."

He was searching for a way to survive while letting a summoned monster look for information, unable to cope with sudden changes, and was sent to the dead.

"Perhaps...... you spoken ill of your brother until your throat dried up every day"

Esther, who knows the character of the former queen, looks uncomfortable.

"Maybe. I think it comes with rumors of me being scattered, an oversized tail. You may also have spines and chest rashes..."

"I think a giant fin is growing in your body. Brother."

If it were on him, the matter would be as an apology... let's just forget about it now.

It just makes me uncomfortable to think.

"But some good things happened. Among the information he disclosed to show his sincerity was an appointment with the Necromancer."

According to that, a suicide bomb attack using 20 gamma necromancers will soon take place in this neighborhood.

"Troops led by popular aristocrats have so far suffered little damage. I think you want to slap it around here once."

"Ian is right. Beta was killed by us and the pawn shortage accelerated, so it was retaliation."

He's going to put a lot of disposable pawns into it, buy us time, and cut our power.

"In Count Brand's letter, a thank-you for being informed in advance was carefully spelled out. I'm more vigilant than ever to avoid accidental blows."

Although gamma, zombie soldiers manipulated by necromancers are powerful, so we'd better support them too.

I'm glad I got the info in advance.

I owe him a souvenir.

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