We went to Dominante and handed over Byrne with the gift to Count Brand.

The Count told me he would manage responsibly, and it would be okay to leave it to me.

I met Mr. Dan before handing him over and told him how things were going, and he grabbed Byrne's hair abusively.

To see the frightened look on Byrne's face, apparently you two know each other.

"Jink. I want to talk to him, can you lend me a little?

"Fine... don't stab the todome because it's a valuable source"

"Of course!

After talking to Dan and the guy, his face swelled up to such an extent that there was no shadow left... but it doesn't matter, and he pretends not to notice.

I won't have a chance to get involved with a woman in the future, so I won't have any trouble with her face collapsing, and I don't feel sorry for her because I deserve it considering what Purgatory did.

By handing over his personality to the Kingdom of Quor, I also thought it might be possible to find out that I have memories of my past life... but maybe they won't notice.

It's so ridiculous, and the experimental results fail.

Unless you think so obsessively, the hypothesis that I've become a subject shouldn't come to mind.

After handing over Byrne, the days of developing districts that have become Quor territory and helping hunt for the remnants of the party.

He beat the Nazar army and drove them out of former Los Saltas territory, and the morale on the scene is very high.

I'm curious that Esther has been staring at me the past few days... but nothing else has changed in particular, it's a fun day.

"Brother, may I have your time now?

I was taking turns with Ian on the watch, resting in the tent with Esther, and he spoke to me.

"Sure. What's wrong?

"Uh... I wrote to your brother, so I'd like you to read it"

With that said, my brother gives me an envelope with an anxious look on his face.

My eyes have tears... what happened!?

'When you speak up, Ian and the others may notice you, so let me tell you in a letter.

If it's my mistake, scold me harshly then.

When I heard about Byrne the other day, your brother looked different than usual, so I was thinking about why, and I came to a certain hypothesis.

It is that your brother was caught up in an experiment in the Kingdom of Nazareth and remembered the memory of his previous life….

After the decision to expel Rosarta, your brother became more gentle with you than before.

Your obsession with status and ornaments also feels different from what it used to be.

But your brother's essence is the same as before.

Even if I remember my past life, I admire your brother. '

While I was reading the letter, Esther grabbed my pants cuddly and hid in the blanket.

However, I can see that you are feeling anxious without using signs detection.

"Have you noticed... Esther, I'm sorry I kept it from you."

"No. I'm sorry I did something insensitive, too. As the letter says, I have always respected your brother."

Though his voice is bright, he doesn't come out of the blanket... and his body is trembling in small pieces, and it's obvious he can't.

"Esther, will you listen to me?


Pull my brother out of the blanket, face each other and sit right down.

I took the paper and pen out of the item box and had a letter conversation with him.

"When I woke up after Elliot was fired and fell, I had memories of a previous life."

"What's your old brother's memory...?

"I do. Differences in memory, strong personalities from previous lives, but also proper memories from this world"

Otherwise, he said he couldn't attack without hesitation!

"Really? In fact, when I first met your brother after the expulsion sentence was decided, the atmosphere was softer and a little more uncomfortable than usual."

"Nobody would believe me if I told you this... and I'd have trouble getting targeted by weird guys, so I kept my mouth shut"

"I think your brother made the right decision. I also thought it was dangerous for this story to leak outside."

"Thank you for caring. Sorry I kept my mouth shut."

"As my brother, it's a natural duty. Brother, may I ask you just one thing?


"It's not due to awkwardness that your brother adores me now, it's from the heart...... right?

"Absolutely. You're my dear brother."

When I told him that, Esther's tremor stopped and he seemed happy, albeit illuminated.

"Are you going to tell Ian and the others about this?

My brother asks me questions in polite letters.

I was worried there too...

"I still don't tell him. But one day, I wish I could talk."

With more people knowing the facts, there is really more chance of leakage to the outside world.

Ian will be fine... but Nina and Marina are honest kids, so when adults camouflage them, they'll be on their faces.

"Yes, I did. Then I, too, declare that I will not divulge it to anyone until your brother tells them his secret!

"Thank you, Esther"

Cute your eyes for making me feel hard!

I want to nadenade my head for now, so come to Koch ~.

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