As the signs of the Ians approached me, waiting in the middle of the street, I saw three people on the cliff.

"Good day Ian, Nina, Marina. I'm glad you're feeling better."

"Your husband seems fine and above all. Good luck, Esther."

"Good day, Ian"

I feel like I've seen it all the time and there's no major injury to them.

The expression is also bright, so he probably did his part without any problems.

"Your husband, Sankool's offense was a success, wasn't it?

"Ian said it was a success because no enemy soldiers came from Thanksgiving."

As soon as she jumped off the cliff, Nina and Marina hugged me to see how this turned out.

I guess they even ate cake for a snack...... they both smell sweet from their bodies and are so cute.

"Yeah. I took more time than I expected, but it worked out right."

"Congratulations, Master!

"Thank you, Marina"

"I'm your boulder master! Put more on your arms today, you'll make rice!

"I'm looking forward to that. Nina's food is delicious."

Because of this, why don't you let her cook Esther and the fancy mushrooms she picked?

You're also ant to gut juicy meat and stamina.

Uh-huh... I just imagined it, and I'm hungry.

"In the last 10 days or so, no one has come from Thanksgiving, so your trap has been lifted."

"Okay. Count Brand says he'll be attacking Dominante tomorrow, too, and we'll hear the results before we move."

"Yes, I did. You stop by Thanksgiving once before you support the other troops, right?

"Oh, I'd like to give the preserved food to the Count of Sub-In."

While Nina's cooking me dinner, I'll share information with Ian.

The three of them were lurking in the same spot after they broke up with us, taking supplies and information from the enemies passing through the streets.

In the beginning, although prey came several times a day… about 10 days ago, they stopped coming from Thanksgiving one enemy.

Because Dominante receives supplies from Sancool due to his location, he never uses a wagon, so the only enemies passing through the streets are orders.

To just one commanding opponent, fighting for three is a waste of time.

So when the wagon stopped coming, we assumed we took control of Thanksgiving and split into two teams.

"I left the street watch to Nina and Marina, and I was collecting herbs where I could rush to their support"

"You've been doing something similar to us."

Ian, I hear there are a lot of beneficial plants growing around here besides mushrooms.

Even as far as we can capture Nina and the others with signs detection, they're going to get enough material.

Therefore, she used the material appraisal skills to adopt herbs and high-end herbs that were the raw materials for the export.

"All together, it's a harvest for four big bags. You can make a lot of money selling to the Pharmacist Guild."

Now that we're in the middle of a war, we're running out of potions.

"Master, we're ready for dinner ~"

"Thanks. I'll be there now!

Nina made me mushroom butter rice and chowder.

The beverage is herbal tea, a luxury herb Ian picked for me.

Muniel, a diced steak or white fish, made and placed in a pot, is also stuffed on a large plate.

The rice we collect ourselves with all the main ingredients feels familiar and appetizing.

"This chowder...... the mellowness of the azidake and the richness and deliciousness"

"Brother. Butter rice is also stained with the flavour of azugasadake, which is deep. Herbal tea is also a level delicacy that comes out in the upper house of nobility."

Surrounding the table in the woods, everyone pounds their tongues on Nina's cooking.

We did it in Thanksgiving, and the mushroom barbecue was delicious, but I knew it was no match for her cooking.

"There's more, so eat a lot! Today, I made desserts after meals in the mood."

"Sister Nina made me a rich cherry tart. It's sweet and sour and delicious!

Ah... this is the one who eats too much and gets fat.

Well, I exercise every day, and we're growing up, so it's okay...

The day after enjoying Nina's meal and making a scene with all the members, Count Brand entered a report of the Dominante attack.

He said that he had exhausted his opponents due to his food attacks and thorough night raids, and he was able to destroy his enemies with little to no death.

The Count was also cautious because the Nazar army, which was in formation to Dominante, had a few strong enemies, but he was reassured that he was given a safe victory star.

I heard a thank-you for stopping the shipment and a report that Chris and the others handled it, so I think it was worth the effort.

"The Count of Brando is going to march into Nazareth at the same time as the other nobles after the post-war treatment in Dominante."

We want to move at the same time as them too… after stopping by Thanksgiving, make sure to carry supplies and support your allies as planned!

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