"Your husband. Soon, you will be the king's capital of the former Kingdom of Rosarta ~"

"Right, Nina. It was really hard on the road, so we'll take a short break when we get to Wang Du."


Through the territory Roy was going to get and back to the big streets...... I ran and moved normally because it was no longer a road full of trees, twigs and stones.

For ordinary people who will pass by carriage in the future, where they are crumbling with falling stones or getting bumpy in battle, the magic training has been fixed, though.

"The treasures that the former butler of the Nonland family was storing, halfway to Esther and the orphanage, are you sure you want to process them?

"So please. Oh, Ian. I only want Far Text, so don't cash it in."

"Yes, I did. That's how it works."

On his way to Wang Capital, he stopped at a cave along the street and received the property of a former butler.

It's hard to tell at first sight, but it was in a place that I could easily tell if I looked carefully, so I could collect it.

"I didn't think there was not only gold and jewelry, but also low quality” far-text ”, back books, and even a list of people to start with."

Probably took it as a bribe.

The cave, along with gold and precious metals, also had a few rare magic items rolling around.

Chandeliers and deodorizing magic props can be cashed because they don't need to be used, but it is difficult to get ”Far Text”, so I will take this opportunity.

It was annoying and distressing to disturb the aristocracy every time I contacted you from afar.

"The back book also contained information about former Losalta nobles and evidence of illicit trafficking in human beings, so would you like to simulate it and send it to the Kingdom of Quor?

"Ian, send me a list of the people you want to finish."

"That's that unpleasant booklet. Yes, sir."

The thin booklet "List of people who want to finish" also said my mother's name and mine.

It was carefully pressed to the mark of completion, so I felt sick reading it.

I mean... why did the former butler create something like this?

Someone would have stumbled upon this place and wouldn't have had a zero chance to read it either......

I don't care what he thinks about being a piece of meat, but I'm stunned by that inadvertence and speechless.

When I arrived in the Wang capital, the atmosphere was much better than when I lived there.

All the bad guys were moved elsewhere, so it's obvious.

"Wow, they did it flashy."

"Master, is this the former Duke of Nonland house? I don't care what you think, it's a garbage mansion..."

I guess the ex-Losalta people did it to me until the king's capital was subdued.

Nina was right, the mansion had been crushed without a trace, turning it into a mixed rubble with garbage and debris.

On the other hand, I feel comfortable saving myself the hassle of demolition.

Greeting the son of the Duke of Vonker, who is essentially entrusted with the former King's Capital of Rosarta, he was asked what he would do with the Nonland mansion.

All of Nonland's wealth had been confiscated by Rosalta, but he said it would be partially returned because he sided with the Kingdom of Quor in this war.

He also seems to know about the tragedy of the Nonland mansion, and was asked if he would cash the land, but I thought Esther might hate it and put a hold on reply.

Sent ”Far Text” to Count Brand Army to hear Esther's hopes.

"Do you want me to sell it because I don't need it and make it my brother's military fund...? That sounds like Esther's reply."

Damn...... I'm no longer a slave, and I need you to be a little greedy.

"Ian, ask me to cash in and transfer it to Esther's account."

"Esther's account, right? Yes, I will tell you."

It's good to be humble, but it's not good to be too degrees.

So it's Esther herself who loses money, and when we meet again, that's a little sermon.

We went to the city of Pablo to reunite with the army of Counts of Brand.

Slightly closer to the kingdom of Nazar, the city is situated on the border, where the Count Brand Army recently took control.

It's a small city in the countryside, without any particular features that I said this.

"Jink, long time no see! I missed you ~"

"Long time no see. Chris, you've become a man"

Upon entering the city, Chris, Louis and Roy greeted me with a stern look as to whether I had been trained in action.

Dan, Esther, the maids, they're taking a nap right now.

Greet the Count of Brand before delivering the food and military supplies that were requested.

My friends seem to be active in the war as well, and the Count gladly informed me of their results during the delivery.

"Cochilla will be your room. Master Ian is in the room next door. Nina and Marina are in the room across the street."

"Got it. Thanks for the guide."

"It's an unbearable word. Enjoy your stay."

In the favor of Count Brand, I was allowed to use the former lord's mansion.

I was tired from the long journey so I appreciate being able to use the shower and bed.

Take a quick shower attached to the room and wash away the sweat and dirt.

Resting after being tidy, I felt signs of my brother approaching the room.

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