"Somehow over there, it's probably refreshing. It used to be a subtly lonely, Rosarta-like city..."

The district of Rosarta, which should have been beyond the bridge, had turned into a pile of rubble.

There are a lot of tents, and people seem to live there... but not a single building is left.

"That was the territory of the Kingdom of Rosarta, wasn't it? Probably smashed it flashy when he broke the barricade into it."


Ian, the first to come to this city, returns his words to my whining as he explores the area with signs detection.

After the occupation, I was wondering "what to do with the disturbing building"... Count Brand seems to have chosen a policy to make it further.

"On the Rosarta side, I don't think we should turn to sign detection. My feelings of resentment towards your husband are too strong. I wonder if this feels like a staging ground for slaves..."

"Is that the level you face? Thank you, Ian. I won't be able to detect signs in this city."

Perhaps Ian's predictions have been met.

There is a clear increase in the number of slaves compared to before.

Slaves transported from Los Saltas to Quor will have to be gathered in a city near the border.

Slavery itself is not uncommon in Quor... but I guess I feel like I've seen it and there are more slaves than civilians?

Many of them would be ex-Losalta nationals, and I can see why they have a strong grudge against me.

I don't feel anything in particular from slaves working downstairs in street stores... but on the other side of the bridge, I guess Dos black feelings for me are swirling.

"There's also been an increase in the number of people with weapons. He has swords on his hips, even merchants and weak women."

"In case a slave attacks you, you need to deal with it. As the war is still over and the sun is shallow, I was wondering if there might be an increased level of vigilance across the city."

Even if more people carry weapons, what seems to be more secure is the boulder "the city ruled by Count Brand"?

I guess the sword you're offering on your hips is just for self-defense.

Return the Hippogriff car to the rental office and head to the Adventurer's Guild.

Former Los Saltas territory intends to run and move because the streets are not very well maintained.

When I arrived at the guild, a building that was bigger than before greeted me.

"Huh, you piss-smelling youngsters..."

When we open the gate and go in, the adventurers make a fool of us by mistake of us as a "moral party," so we smile and return the intimidation.

Then they turned away sassy and began to sweat cold.

"Master, do you want to impose sanctions on them?

"Never mind, Ian. As is often the case."

You look like an adventurer, okay?

"Welcome. Are you an adventurer?

Through the men desperately turning away, slowly proceeding to the counter, a voice is heard from the receptionist.

"Yes. Sorry to disturb you"

That being said, when I presented her with the guild card, she called the guild leader after a moment of surprise.

"Jink, it's been a long time! Aren't you a little taller?

"Mr. Snow, it's been a while. You've become more powerful than I've seen you before."

Mr. Snow, who had been around for a long time, felt signs of a fierce man.

Your status seems to have improved somewhat... but that doesn't seem to be all.

"I was in the fight nearby, so I still have a tingle." to inspire our adventurers. "

"What? Are you an ant to join the war yourself?

"Yeah, I'm fine."

If you ask him in detail, he says he took part in the war as an A-rank adventurer, serving as a slayer on the front lines.

The Adventurer Guild says it's no good putting shoulders in a particular country, but it's okay for adventurers to side with their country, so there's no problem with the rules.

"Jink, thanks to you for making magic bags and enchanting rings, the amount of meals that are distributed to adventurers hired as mercenaries has increased. Thanks!"

"No. It's plain stuff, but I hope it helped"

There were also advantages such as raids from necromancers, but if the people in the field were happy, I think it was good to make them.

Food and water shortages are a real problem for warriors.

"The uplifting adventurer used rings over the course of rations, practicing fire magic and water magic. A few, but some of them were able to use their magic on their own!

"If you can use fire magic or water magic, the level of camp will increase. Glad you made the most of it."

Even at level 1, I would love for them to do their best because magic is so convenient to use.

Speaking with Mr. Snow, after finishing collecting information, I headed to Count Brand's residence.

"My biggest purpose in stopping by this city, I wish I didn't fulfill it."

On arrival at the mansion, a butler stands in front of the gate and is led to the warehouse.

"Dear Zink, this way please"


Remove the military supplies and food that the Count had asked for from his magic bag and deliver them one after the other.

On this journey, we plan to not only rendezvous with Esther, but also carry supplies.

Quorta Beginning with, we deliver the necessary supplies for a fee to cities that are short of supplies in the war and to Quortan troops fighting inside Los Saltas.

We have a large number of item boxes and velcro bags, so it would be appropriate.

Of course, we have the space to enjoy a pleasant journey as a matter of priority.

I think we should first ensure our own happy lives and help others on top of that.

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