After returning to the mansion, I left the slaves to Elsa, and I took Marina to the kitchen.

At this hour she should be cooking dinner......

"Nina. I have a kid I want to introduce you to, are you okay now?

"Welcome back, master. You found good people."

Entering the kitchen with a delicious smell, speaking to Nina, she turned as she was cooking her nose song mumbling.

"Oh, I'll introduce you. This kid is the new member Marina. Same fairy clan as Mr. Cannon, with summoning magical qualities. I'm going to incorporate it into our party and raise it."

With that said, I offer my hand with Marina in front of Nina.

Marina is in a very good mood because she likes the environment where she can move around somewhat freely without being trapped in a basket.

The feathers on my back are also moving in a patchy way with joy.

"Fairy! You're a pretty girl, how old are you?

"You're 10 now. I'm not very capable at the moment, but stretch it out... as a sister, do it cute."

Nina's eyes glowed the moment she found out about Marina's age.

Maybe the younger girls would be happy to join their party.

For once Esther is also younger than Nina, but he is a boy, and he is clearly older at his mental age......

"Of course! Nice to meet you, Marina. Call me" Sister Nina ”!

"Yes, Sister Nina, thank you"

"Cute ~!!

Quickly, Nina loves Marina while she takes the mount as her sister's precious.

Marina, who is being stroked, seems to feel good about narrowing her eyes, and she seems to be getting along.

"I'm a cook's servant. Marina, here's the cookie I made. Try it!

With that said, before Marina's mouth, Nina takes the cookies.

He's willing to fish with food and get a liking from his sister's share.

"Your husband..."

Marina ate, but she's waiting for my permission. [M]

He's a disciplined kid.

"You can eat."

When I put out the OK, I moved into Nina's hands and caught a glimpse of the cookies.

The way you taste sweets with a happy look makes me watch and dust.

"Sister Nina, these cookies are so delicious! You're a good cook."

"Thanks ♪ Tell me what you like later and what you can't eat. Marina likes rice, because I'll make a lot for you!

"Are you sure? Thanks!

To Marina, who praises cookies at the top, Nina seems to have fallen, mellow, "I'll do my best, sister!" I intend to.

While I was introducing Marina, Ian returned.

Letting Nina take care of Marina and heading to him, more than 40 skinny boys are behind him......

"Good day, Ian. Looks like we got a lot more together than I thought."

"Yes, we have inevitably bought sinners, mainly the boys caught in sledding and pulling"

I heard in detail that they were orphans who originally lived in Slam Street, did not have access to food and ran to burglary.

I'm not willing to affirm the crime, but I would also say "enough clothing to know courtesy," and I guess I couldn't choose the means to live.

"The personality aspect doesn't seem to be a problem, and I think if you fill your belly, you'll work hard for your husband."

Ian thought the same thing about me, and I think he chose them.

"Okay. Looks like a bunch of guys... Ian, I'll leave you to manage, so use it well."

"Yes, I did. For the time being, I'm going to level in a labyrinth city, while engaging in mining in an ore zone. When you're stronger, use it as a guard for your mansion."

The Ore Zone, with my appraisal glasses and metal golems, is a hole where I can make money, so I'm going to work them out while I make money.

I'm letting Ian, a former merchant, handle all of our money, and it's not a weird use, so it'll be fine.

Though understaffed, we can't let boys who can't even protect themselves dot the mansions of every city.

You'll need help for a while... but the boys Ian bought are about my age and should be able to stand on their own soon.

After giving only the minimum order to the newly enslaved boys, he returned to the kitchen to retrieve Marina.

"Nina. I'll teach Marina magic, so give it to me."

"Okay. Marina, let's play again ~"

"Yeah. Nina, thank you for sharing so much"

Marina, who was a tribute when I introduced her, uses a tame mouth on Nina.

Looks like we got along a lot while I was sharing information with Ian.

Put Marina on her shoulder and move to the courtyard.

"Today, let's practice wind magic"

"Yes, thank you, Master!

Summoning magic is a pass this time because I think it would be more efficient for Mr. Cannon to teach you.

Until there are more MPs, let's stretch around wind magic, easy to practice and high quality.

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