~ Gordon Nonland side ~

"It's been six months since I became a combat slave..."

I realized that the Nonlanders were doomed when my father, who was so sifting through power, was executed while being cursed by civilians.

Even at a good age, I was only your father's puppet.

The only thing left behind was Lettere, a murderer, and contempt from those who used to be subordinates... spear technology.

"Even the spear I've been waving every day since I was a kid couldn't beat my father"

Without Conne, his emergence in the army could have stopped there.

There must have been a lot of resentment toward your father and me.

The eyes of those in the army who saw me as a slave were cold.

"I didn't think you'd be treated this far."

Days when you continue to be treated badly, even in combat slavery.

On the battlefield, he was held a crude spear that was not commensurate with his arms and was used as a meat wall on the front line.

Surviving to this day will be the result of identifying enemies you can win without getting hurt and continuing to avoid fighting the fierce.

The Kingdom of Nazareth has long been a great country and I don't hate killing with them.

Now that we've lost our slaves, we don't have to worry about the position of the Kingdom of Rosarta.

"But at least let me have a little more mattomo spear"

Even if you want to make war work, you can't even keep your life with such a crude weapon!

"One day there will be a battle is still good. On days without, morning to evening, even cleaning the faeces. I don't like being alive."

Originally, dirt cleaning that should be done in rotation.

But the site director hates me, too, for the sharks I can apply to the excrement every day......

If you're just cleaning, you can still stand it... but the other slaves are harassing you and hitting the shit out of you.

Because of this, there was always a stench from my body, which made me even more bald due to stress.

"You've been dumped in rice before."

Even if you jerk me off, there's no one to be angry with.

For stress relief, it would be a great opponent.

A life where you can't even take a bath after work and sleep in a place where you don't even have a roof.

Being beaten or whipped with eight hits is also a daily tea meal.

Though I'm still alive, I hear my spirit soften every day.

"Is Esther having a hard day, like me, too"

A rumor of the wind told me that my son followed Zink to the Kingdom of Quor and became his slave.

I was fortunate enough to escape to the Kingdom of Quor before I was caught in the fall of the Nonland family, but why the slaves etc...

"No. My son and Jink were close, and he's an out-of-the-box sweet guy. You haven't been treated that badly."

But there is no bright future for a son who cannot even go to school and who is to spend his precious childhood on manual labor.

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Have you finally finished your boss's long story?

It's too long, I fall asleep if I don't think about it.

If you close your eyes, other slaves will tick you off and you will wake up with a whip, so you will not sleep in a blast.

If I don't do my job well, my unpleasant boss will hit me every time and punish me unreasonably.

He was a former subordinate of my subordinate... and he is devoting his heart to shaking me.

Today is the day to fight the Nazar army, so it's still better...... basically the story of Koz is long and boring.

"Come on, I wish I could remember the word" save time "

A strong enemy emerged as he waved his spear on the front line, as usual, as he was frightened by his non-growing boss.

The battle slaves who were near him are slashed down one after the other.

I guess he's a pretty bad character to look at the point where he's aiming at his hands, feet and belly so he doesn't intentionally die instantly.

The severely wounded, who could not die at his feet, are in pain, savoring the few lives left.

"It's not good..."

If you're equipped, you're someone you can manage to do it with, but I can't win 100% right now.

If you fight, they will definitely kill you.

"We have to fight carefully to keep an eye on him..."

Running in front of the enemy is forbidden by order, so we fight him at a moderate distance, concealing our strength.

"Please, just move it somewhere else..."

"Damn. Why can't anyone beat him!?

A rushed boss raises his voice when he sees the soldiers being defeated one after the other.

"One! There's only one of us! Why can't you crush it!?

He just doesn't have enough soldiers to beat him, but he doesn't understand the reality to his boss, who was made up of his family and his connections alone.

"Hey, trash! You, you must have been strong. You fight! Gordon, it's you!!

Damn, I've been ordered!

"Wait a minute! With this kind of gear, you can't win!

I hastily argued, but my body relentlessly turns to those with enemies.

"Ho, you're next. I hope he's worth a little shaking."

Oh, my life ends today too......

It was a terribly vain life to think of.

He lives according to his father, kills his righteous wife, and ends up being crushed as a slave.

My real son chose an unconnected zink of blood, not me, who is also his father.

Naturally they hate the murderer's father, etc., but if they have a chance to meet him in the afterlife, I want to apologize...

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