"Brother, do you want to interrupt leveling and return to the ground?

After torturing the pair and extracting the necessary information, Esther asked me a question.

Originally, I plan to continue leveling for a while now, but the survival with the prisoners is a lot of hassle.

"If this is a little above the hierarchy, I'll go back to the ground and put him..."

Getting back to the ground from 24 levels and diving to < meadow area > takes a lot of time.

"Traveling is a lot of work, so let's keep him on the level."


I get a little unpleasant murmur mixed up in my fun routine, but I can't help but grow Chris and the others for a limited time.

I don't care. They drive my plans crazy.

Throw the two men into the Golem prison, which I also used during Purgatory.

The machining that makes the floor gizzy is annoying because every time I walk I hear screams and my buddies annoy me, so this time I left him alone.

It would spread the space, and it would be a good treatment for prisoners.

It's a less painful cell, so maybe we'll get on track and make noise along the way, but then we can deal with it then.

With two prisoners with them, the days of levelling continue.

As the strength of the members grew, so did the time to annihilate Ant's nest, leaving him with more time.

"Get on with it and increase the number of nest exterminations, you might dig a grave, and make the most of your free time fun"

Now we are making simulated battles between members, between those with near strength.

If you can afford a little more time, it might be fun to compete for the number of bull monster crusades on a party-by-party basis.

Although leveling efficiency is inferior to anthunting, you get plenty of delicious meat, so it's no harm playing with it.

"Master, can't you make out with me?

"Ian, let's do this."

You can't lose as a husband, so I won't condone it.

"Damn, give us a decent meal too!

"Even prisoners have human rights! Demand better treatment!

After much exercise, I sweated in the bath and enjoyed a sumptuous dinner, and suddenly the messengers made a scene.

I'm sorry to the Duke of Vonker when he dies on the way, so I think I'm feeling more concerned because I was treating him kindly.

"Only a slice of sudgy goblin meat could be fed a sumptuous dinner in front of me in a situation that I couldn't stand."

Ian, who fought a mock war with me, talks with a bitter laugh.

It's a little awkward because I fought unarmed.

Although all the wounds disappeared in the potion, we shot each other until we were seriously injured...

"It's only natural that we can afford a hungry meal attack, but it's time to do it again."

Human rights for prisoners... this isn't Japan, is it?

Slime into a large pan and set on fire, leaving until gutsy and boiling.

"Brother, what are you doing?

"I've come up with a cost-free way to try it out with them."

After covering his captivity with a tent to counteract screaming and putting a long handle on the pan with alchemy magic, he smashed the liquid inside toward the cell.

"" Gaaaaaa!!?


From head to toe, you slime all over the place.

Looks like he lost his mind in shock, and he'll be quiet for a while.

"You blame the hot water."

Nod as Esther was convinced.

"Master, can't it be water?

Nina seems to be wondering why she used slime.

"The slime is more viscous than the water, so the temperature doesn't drop in the middle."

"Oh, I see! Even soup." "

And I'm nebulous, so I'm firmly entwined with my body.

It would be a good way to leave a degree of burn that won't kill you.

"Again, I thought I should defy you."

Chris speaking with a slightly dongled look.

To this extent, I think it's still a gentle category......

The routine training menu was also over, and as I was reading the textbooks in the tent, three maids told me they wanted to follow me to the Battle of Nazareth.

"Mr. Esther and Mr. Dan are men, and let me take care of them around me"

They negotiate reluctantly in a small voice.

Looks like you're scared to do me a favor. [M]

"We can both do the least on our own, so you don't have to worry about it. It would be convenient to have a servant, but when you fight, you'll get your feet together."

When I refused because I couldn't guarantee my life, all three of them dropped their shoulders.

"You want to go to war so badly? If there's any reason, I want you to tell me honestly without hiding it."

"Um, actually..."

When I asked in detail, I found out that all three of them had lost husbands and sons in previous battles with Nazar.

"You said you wanted to make enemies in the Battle of Nazareth because you got strength in leveling?

"Yes, I know it's a humble idea, but as the battle approaches, my son's face flickers on his head..."

What am I gonna do?

Since there has been no impossible conscription in the Kingdom of Quor, their families must have participated in the war of their own free will.

It's not a compliment to resent someone more than to join in and die at your own risk.

But I'll get into Nazar when Esther dies, too, and I know you want revenge.

To see how they were doing, I guess I came to ask you to do me a favor, knowing it was annoying.

Sometimes even if you know you can't do it with your head, your mind isn't convinced...

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