The protective equipment that was no longer needed because the buff could be put back on gave way to the clan members after launching a new enchant.

Chris and the others are aristocrats for once, so they have quite a bit of gear... and you can't even put a man's armor on the maids.

Although the protective equipment I gave you was not a first-class item, we were all happy because it was much better than the equipment used by the C-rank party.

Although used, I and Ian lived quite a sanitary life, so I don't have to worry about dirt or mold.

It's just a good product that Ian bought with care, and everyone will love it.

The armor, which was surplus even after being distributed to all, gave up and returned to the warehouse.

If a friend or acquaintance joins our clan in the future, I'm going to split it it for you.

Too much alchemy and grant magic made me unable to sleep in the toilet waiting for a while because I drank a ton of potion.

A good old man can't paint a yellow map on his bed.

If you wear underwear with item boxes, you can sleep like this... I don't want to wear that until it's on the ground.

"Phew, it's finally all over ~"

So I'm going to finish what I was going to do after tomorrow.

Leveling in large numbers tends to lag behind in work and study, on the other hand, when there is a lot of conversation and fun.

To enjoy levelling with friends and associates, it's better to get rid of the trouble.

Is that it?

I was supposed to slow down today, but it's already midnight.

Signs of getting caught up in detecting signs are all asleep except Ian......

Another vice of the company livestock era has emerged.

But I've made a new discovery today, and it's been a pleasant day for all of us, so don't you have to worry about some overwork?

When I was reading the textbook in bed, it was time to wake up, so I washed my face with cold water and made my way to the Adventurer's Guild.

It's a waste of time for all of us to get to the Alliance just to get paid, so only Ian will follow me.

Esther and the others are supposed to meet at the entrance to the labyrinth.

It's supposed to be a time when the guild isn't open yet, but Mona says, "I'll accommodate it!" He told me, "so maybe I'll be fine.

"Whoa, you're opening the door. Is that it? Take care..."


"Ouch! Good morning, Mr. Dan. It's an extravagant eyesat."

"Oh, good morning. You slept well, didn't you?

As soon as I entered the guild, Mr. Dan greeted me with a gen trick.

"I was working too, and I couldn't sleep at all. I mean, Mr. Dan. If you hit me too much, my precious brain cells will die!

They hustled last night too, not much pain because it's a fist with no hips in it at all...... too much beating and what would you do if I was stupid!?

"Isn't it better to blow all your brains out and ventilate your head?

Dan makes noisy remarks while staring at this one.

Well, although words are scary, my eyes are laughing, so it doesn't seem like I'm seriously angry.

"This is the reward for the slime and the statement. I kept it from Alpha because time is time."

"Thank you"

Dan said the key to the guild hasn't changed since before, so he's still free to come and go after firing the guild leader.

That's why he was waiting for me here, while Mr. Alpha pushed him to clean up his troublesome paperwork.

"Now that the price of slime jelly is up, it's more rewarding than before."

"Right. It helps because some participants feel like they are out of money. Just skip the clan's share..."

Ian and I will determine the rewards for each according to the arrangements we have made with the clan members.

It's a hassle to calculate... because if we don't keep things straight around here, it can also lead to discord among our members.

I told Dan about Enchant because I had finished deciding on everyone's share.

"I had no idea. Boulder, Ian. I knew you were smart ~!


I'm fixing it up, but Ian seems happy to be praised by Mr. Dan.

I'm good at complimenting people on this Odysan.

"That's why let me rework Mr. Dan's protective gear too!

His gear went into the labyrinth, and I was going to mess with him on the break as well... I still have time to meet up with Esther and the others, and I'll clean it up here.

"Thanks, that's kind of bad. I'll make sure you get a good buff on it."

"I'm from the same clan, and you don't have to worry ~"

Although the material is good, there are fine scratches everywhere and I repair Mr. Dan's armor with alchemy magic that I know is from the year.

The original design would also be simple and cool enough to put a single point in the chest.

"Hey, come on, what are you putting in! Fix it now!! (This is so embarrassing!

"Cool! Difficult to tear down to work with ~"

Before engraving the “engraving” mark, when I engraved my wife's sketch, Dan relentlessly put a scratch in it.

"so that I can always be with my beloved wife," even though it's my concern... why?

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