After messing with Mr. Dan for a while, I checked the messenger's trends and how the maids grew.

I have received some reports in the letter, but it is better to make sure while talking, so I can get to the details.

"First of all, Herbert and an army fled into the labyrinth. We're looking into the rest of the party now... but apparently, they abandoned less than two armies."

According to the two or fewer members of the Arrested Army, Herbert and his men had disappeared while sleeping at night.

I guess the labyrinth route couldn't afford to take a foot job because even Herbert, the S-rank adventurer, is a level of wager that could survive or be at stake.

"That's intelligent ~"

"Right. I felt signs of Herbert, and after I had passed them, I contacted the Alliance. The adventurers directly under the Alliance and the private soldiers of the Duke of Vonker have left the rest of us with an exhaustive list."

Herbert and the others turned back to the ground and had trouble standing up again, so the cranhouse was completely dismantled and now it seems to be even more sophisticated.

"Apparently, one army took the valuables away and couldn't take them very well. If you want something from my wife, I'll pay it in kind, so I'll check the list later."


As for the guild, there's a fee for redeeming the seizure, so if you can do some of the payment in storage, they're more than happy to do so.

Maybe there's something I like, so I'll check with Esther and the others tonight.

"About the maids, but in a nutshell, they're doing reasonably well."

Though there are individual differences in growth, even the weakest maid seems to have got as much HP as a C-rank adventurer.

The movement itself is getting better and better, so they say the rest depends on their efforts.

"Really? Thank you."

"Some of the guys who were motivated grew up to a B-rank adventurer and an unscrupulous level. Good luck with your magic."

Their growth speed seems to be so fast that even Dan, who has seen so many adventurers before, is jealous.

"When I was younger, if I was as strong as I am now," he praised the usefulness of buff-loaded leveling, even as I was slightly sober.

"Then in leveling from tomorrow, I'll take on the maids. Dan asks for adventurers who joined the clan."

"Got it!

In case Herbert comes back, it's dangerous, so the leveling is going to alternate in the slime room.

If we consolidate, we can handle a single messenger.

While one group is leveling in the slime room, the other stands by at the base.

Efficiency falls, but I don't like to risk my people in a bad hurry, so I'm going this way for about 10 days.

"Looks like some adventurers have three B-rank guys, and they're going to do it easier than they did when they were maids"

Dan seems to be looking to ask Alexander and his B-rank adventurers for help.

"But with all the slime, the adventurers will be bored too, so Dan can do a mock fight for you while you're waiting. I'm sure they'll all be delighted! And a lecture on exploring the labyrinth, please!

"Hey.... when am I supposed to sleep?

Why don't you just go back to the ground, flirt with your wife, and then get some rest in bed?

You must be tired from exercising a lot, so I think you'll get some deep sleep.

My "rear charge, blow it up!" I took Dan, who was grinning bitterly, to greet the guild chief.

I checked my contribution before I went, and Dan snooped in... I won't tell you.

When we got to the guild, the Duke of Vonker was just here, so we all talked.

A familiar 5th floor reception room, surrounding the table with the guild chief, the Duke of Vonker and Mr. Dan.

"Dan, you haven't been able to do this lately, have you? You look pale."

The Duke of Vonker, who does not know why Mr. Dan is so grumpy, has been very concerned about Mr. Dan since earlier.

Mr. Dan is laughing bitterly, and he's trying to do something about it, but he won't!

"Lord Vonker. Mr. Dan tells his wife that he's just squeezed and shriveled every night, so it's okay to leave him alone."

"Here, Jinku!

"The Duke needs to be anxious, so I thought I'd tell you"

"This shitty kid, I'll punch you later. Get ready, motherfucker!

Ignoring Dan, who stares at us with a bright red face, while explaining his history to the Duke of Vonker, the Duke also understood the situation.

"It is wild to speak out about the couple, and we will keep a warm eye on them in the future. Dear Zink, if you need anything, please let me know."

"Of course, sir."

The Duke of Vonker made a declaration of thoroughness to the wild horses as he looked at the stupid couple with a smiling look.

I'm a little careless, so not only will I watch, I'll get my hands on it.

"Guild leader. I brought you a present today. It's something my brother stole from the Nonlanders before... but I didn't have the people to use it, so I had trouble processing it."

That's what I'm saying, while I hand the chest to the guild leader.

"Thanks. What kind of stuff?

"That's a pleasure to have when you get home..."

Some of them are packed tightly with valuable adult magic props and oak general vigor.

Dozens of gold coins will be given once everything is put together, a worthy gift.

Giving such a bum to a dear woman is just sexual harassment... but a guild leader would probably be happy with it.

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