After leaving Esther a message to Mr. Alexander to Ian to contact Mr. Dan, they had a home party together with their consolation meeting.

There's no time to prepare because it's too fast, and it's a bad idea to strain Nina... in front of the restaurant and in the juice she keeps making.

"There is a detachment that we are not using for our mansion, so if you haven't decided on an inn or something, please stay for a while"

"No... I'm sorry about that on the boulder, it's okay"

Perhaps their lack of money has not yet been eliminated, and the Inn in Wang Du is quite expensive, so I advised him to stay at the Mansion, and he was dismissed with a bitter laugh.

It's easier for Alexander and the others to be near each other in order to move quickly...

"I'm glad to hear it, but maybe I only pay a much cheaper price than Mr. Zink expects, so you don't have to worry about it."


Mr. Danilo, it seems okay because we rent a house near Slam Street on a weekly basis and we're all staying there.

Looks like you've already paid for it, so you can't help it.

"I'm a little narrow for 16 people to sleep in, but if I can sleep in a rainstorm, it's fine, so I prioritized saving money."

Miscellaneous fish sleeping accommodation for low-ranking adventurers is also available if you go in the alley...... in their experience it seems cheaper to rent a house.

Ever since I was a young man, I've shared a room with some good adventurers, and I've had my expenses floated.

"Besides, if it's a lodging, you're worried about stealing, right? It's easier to live with someone you can trust."

"I see. Then at least take it home with you when you have extra food at the table. It can also be used for evening meals and lunches."

"I'm sorry to distract you... I'm sure you'll appreciate it."

"Yes, definitely!

After 16 of them returned, Mr. Alexander came to see them thinking about their future treatment.

They were escorting noblemen, hunting low-ranking monsters around the King's Capital today, and got the job done sooner than usual.

"He and the others escaped safely! I was worried you weren't at war."

"I was a little thin, but everyone seemed fine. So what do you think about the letter?

When I first met Mr. Alexander and them in Los Saltas... they didn't give them an export.

Of course, it is only natural not to give the export, which is both a valuable item and a trump card, to someone who has not even offered the price.

Besides, when we acted together after that, they cared a lot not to be burdened with < Dragon Tears >, so resentment would be wrong.

But in Alexander's mind, I was hoping that there would still be a sickle at that time, and I contacted him once.

"If Mr. Zink doesn't mind, we agree! We don't know each other, and we owe him."


I asked them for more information, and after they arrived in Mobiburg, they also camped for the funds and supplies.

"It's like old sturdy bread, dried meat slices, spare armor... but it's been very helpful to us when we lost one of them. You've divided the cost of selling monster materials more."

He hasn't had a chance to get in touch since his delivery to King's Capital in Esther, but he still appreciates it.

"Good for you, then. I'm in the middle of checking with my buddies in Labyrinth City, so I'm going to ask them to join the clan once I get word from him."

After discussing the contract with them with Mr. Alexander, it was concluded that it was good under the same conditions as < Tears of the Dragon >.

There are some tough parts for me, so I was worried... Mr. Alexander said, "I can't disagree because it's a financially advantageous condition!" So you say.

A few days later, Dan also sent me an OK reply, so I made a contract with the clan membership process.

Well, to be precise, the reply is "If you want to work out to the B-rank level so you can deal with it when you get into tangled trouble"......

I'm sorry about what you did.

I told them the terms as I apologized and they agreed with me pleasantly.

As a result of the discussions, it was decided to level them as well in a labyrinth city with a clanhouse.

Dan's letter also said that Herbert had escaped into the labyrinth, that he had done well, and that he had explained the circumstances to the Crusaders.

Looks like the messenger's cranhouse was crushed, too, and the labyrinth city must have returned to safety.

Chris and the others on their way to the battlefield should level up a little too.

Maybe I won't say no, so let's all go to the labyrinth city and level it out amicably.

Enchanting is fine if you send it from the labyrinth city, and what I have to do in the king's capital is not for long...

Given the way we treat them in the military, I'd like to keep Esther and Chris and Roy close.

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