Knight Kruger told me that tomorrow the Duke of Vonker would arrive in the King's Capital, so I decided to go to bed immediately after entertaining him.

Apparently, the excuse the Duke of Vonker made to leave the labyrinth city was to "report the results of the Purgatory case to His Majesty”.

Naturally such a thing, I would have reported it in a letter... but I guess anything would have been fine if the table had even prepared an excuse not to be blamed.

Maybe you wanted to talk to His Majesty about the Battle of Nazareth as well as a meeting about it.

"My lord, the Duke of Vonker has arrived in the King's Capital."

"Okay. Thanks, Ian."

There is a good chance that things will get messy, so I woke up before the sun rises and went through today's workout... Ian contacted me as I was getting myself ready and waiting.

"We have received a letter from His Excellency the Duke."

When I checked inside because they gave me the letter, I said, "I want you to come to the royal palace because there are stories that have been filled in."

It would be tiring for Ian and the others to entertain someone in front of them in this mansion, and that was helpful in the discussions at the Royal Palace.

"It says to climb to the royal palace, so I'll be there in a minute."

"Yes, sir."

When he climbed the castle on the pick-up carriage, he was passed further behind rather than into the central building where he was always guided.

There are also many women who dress differently, not men......

Are you willing to take me to the rear palace?

When I followed the guide with suspicion, he was led to a rather deep place and passed to the room.

As you can see from the pause, although the furniture of the luxury goods is kept, the overall room has an elegant and calm atmosphere.

Inside were the Duke of Vonker and the current Chancellor, Mr. Philip...... and three of His Majesty the Normill.

I was told it was an intrusive story... but I guess there's going to be some pretty important discussions to see the mentions on this occasion.

"I hear your uncle said things he couldn't do. I'm sorry, Lord Zink."

"Master Jink also had the advantage. We got a good man named Dan and a lot of money. Wouldn't that have been nice?"

"Totally... what would I have done if I'd been offended"

His Majesty Normill and the Duke of Vonker speak lightly.

From what I've heard, Duke Vonker and His Majesty Normill seem to be related to their uncle/nephew.

The Duke of Vonker's sister is his mother… His Majesty is always harassed by the belly duke.

Well, although I have my head, to see His Majesty, who seems to enjoy it somehow... the two seem to get along well.

"This room is my private reception room in the back palace, and I can't let any of you in without my permission. There are no strangers, so Lord Zink, don't worry about your eyes outside."

His Majesty Normill, with a gentle expression, urged me to sit down.

Since all the different people were beautiful women, I wondered if... Was this still the backyard?

The Back House is imagery forbidden for men... but in this country, men are allowed in as long as they have permission.

"Thank you. Let me do that."

When I sat down, the Duke of Vonker himself prepared me some tea and cake.

There aren't even any escorts or servants in the room, and we seem to be doing these chores ourselves.

Even sign detection doesn't show any signs of people in the range where the sound leaks, so I guess this is the room to use when doing important intimate meetings.

"Dear Zink, thank you for your cooperation. Thanks to this, we're going to be able to eliminate all the pus in the Labyrinth City."

The Duke of Vonker reports while he puts the cake in front of me in a good mood.

"It's good to finally get rid of the clan pus too!" I'd like to return the poison... but there's no way I can say that in front of this mentor.

"Precisely, it was helpful to get rid of all the disturbed branches, wasn't it? Duke of Vonker."

When I was making the most of the laughter, Mr. Phillip entertained himself.

The Duke of Vonker, who should have been poked in the pain, and His Majesty also remain smiling... I guess these three are deep friends who can speak with a broken stomach.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you seem close."

"The Duke of Vonker is also my master. It was all thanks to the Duke that I, the second son of the Marquis, was young enough to become Chancellor."

From what I've heard in detail, it seems that Mr. Philip is a loving apprentice of the Duke of Vonker, raised from childhood to hand salt.

After leaving his first son, who was unable to do so, and placing Mr. Philip in the trail of the Marquis, he took the masses to his side and let him inherit the Chancellor's seat.

"He's competent, so although the capability-oriented masses quickly embraced him, the aristocrats were noisy about it all... It was hard to shut him up."

"There have been so many malicious injustices that more than 10 aristocrats have fallen."

"They were all the sweet ones on the side..."

"With that butt wipe, I've been framed for over half a month working on an insomnia break! Well... as a king, I appreciate the better ventilation."

I see.

You stood around as well as this one and kicked the political enemies out of the way...... I get it.

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