Today I decided to go to the Count of Brand residence to meet Chris in order to get more information about Quarta and to get a better idea of the movement of the Count of Brand Army.

From my standpoint, I can even give you some pretty important information... but I don't think I know much about it compared to my real family.

I was called to the palace as soon as I got back to Wang Du and ordered an enchanted part-time job, so Chris and I hadn't even met yet.

"Jink, long time no see! We've had a lot of trouble."

I haven't seen Chris in a while, although he's still healthy... he had a little grown-up vibe together.

I'm kind of sorry if I framed you for gaining life experience in the case of the Marquis Putanil.

"Mr. Zink, it's been a while!

The Count Brand residence also had Louis and Roy, classmates of the higher school building class.

With that said, in a letter I got from Chris...... it said you and Louis have been friends since you cooperated on the Marquis Putanil thing.

"Jink, that was a great test ~. Mr. Nagenda and Louis regretted losing!

"Here, Roy! Don't talk too much! Mr. Zink, excuse me."

Louis slapping Roy, turning his face bright red.

He was ashamed to learn the fact that Teng himself had regretted losing the test.

"I studied regularly in the labyrinth, so it's good to have the results with me. Better than that, both of you, were you okay about the Marquis Putanil?

I was not on the spot, so I only know the details with Zackli... he was insulted by the Marquis of Putanil as "the leftover son of a lower nobleman" and was beaten many times by the big man of Mukimki.

We both took part in the operation convinced, and it looks like we received a good reward... because reason and emotion are separate.

"Yeah. Thanks to that pig marquis, I was able to be a nobleman to let my children succeed me. Thank you, Mr. Zink, for giving me a chance to be born!

"It's a position you wouldn't get if you were supposed to risk your life to compete for birth. We were very fortunate to have become formal aristocrats to that extent. Thank you so much!

They both seem to be emotionally convinced, so I was horrified for now.

Ask them in detail... they each got a Viscount and Territory, a territorial operating expense of 10 white gold coins, and a bounty of 1 white gold coin.

The fact that he became an official nobleman also decided on a cute fiancée, and they both have a full day.

"The Countess of Brand and Mr. Chris introduced us to two of the countess of the popular aristocracy."

"They're both so cute!

I see.

Does that mean Louis and Roy are in the same faction as us?

"With your engagement, Louis, you've decided to belong to the same masses as us. We're both talented, so the executives were delighted."

"There's no faction like us that can belong to anything but the masses. It would be tough if you were unaffiliated and eyed by a big nobleman, and it was so helpful to be able to join a faction."

The Louis and the others are a class of students in the higher school building, so I hardly have to worry about being disposed of in wet clothes... given the competition for later births, it would be advantageous to keep them in the masses.

"A lot of nobles have lost their legs about Purgatory, so now they're all desperate in the chair removal game. Zink, you were at the entrance ceremony, pig, and the Duke of Landsell house where you were... the coup found out and I lost my leg."

The Duke of Landsell said he was working with the Kingdom of Nazareth through a coup.

He was an excellent aristocrat politically... but the Duke of Vonker was better at one, he was thoroughly examined and dropped into mine slavery.

Pork you were squeezed every day by teachers and seniors after enrolling in the third category and it seems like you succeeded in a huge diet... but there is no cute woman in the mine, so that was a wasted effort.

I can use my lighter body and contribute to the Kingdom of Quor for the rest of my life, so it might be good for the people.

"By the way, why were you two at Count Brand's residence?

Were we even having an important discussion about purposefully gathering at the Mansion instead of at school?

"We all participated in the war against the kingdom of Nazareth, so we had an ops meeting."

"What's going on, Chris? Whatever you are, are Louis and Roy in on it?

I know Chris, who plans to enlist in the Knights when he graduates from the higher school building, will join in to give you a handle... but the Louis and the others are magicians, so you don't have to go out of your way to make a risk, do you?

"After we've done some work, we're going to have Rosarta change our territory."

"Louis and I both got worse friends with our family because we got more titles than our fathers and brothers..."

My parents and brothers told me I was stingy and disgusted, and they wanted to physically distance me.

"I don't like it now, but there's a chance he might be assassinated."

"If we realm to the unpopular Los Saltas, it's possible that we can rise to the Count… we decided to take this opportunity to target Roy and the two of us for a significant birth."

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