A few days later, rumors broke out in the city the way I targeted them.

"I knew you were behind this."

If there's nothing nasty about it, there's no pressure on the weapons store.

"The previous guild leader seems to be a favorite of the newly lorded Duke of Vonker. The former lord and the messenger were close, so maybe it has something to do with it..."

Return to the inn listening to the voices of the people, having fun chatting with fresh stories.

You say there will be no smoke where there is no fire... only the clan, where all sorts of bad rumors were circulating from the beginning, has already blamed the messenger for this one as well.

Don't let this happen to my clan. I'll teach you the other way and make it a well-imagined organization!

"Welcome back, master. Ventriloquism seeps through your expression, so put it back before Nina and Esther wake up."

If the measures hit me well and I was nibbling, I got too disrespectful attention from Ian.

If Esther did see this face, she'd be disillusioned.

"Ian, look in the mirror and then say it. Your face is inside, too. We've got an example to talk about."

If you see my brother's face now, you will escape with fear... and your personality will seep out.

"Yes. Former Purgatory officials who are currently in office will be employed by the Alliance for a limited time. Now you don't have to worry about the flow of talent to the messenger."

"Right. You did good."

We need the help of adventurers, who have some strength to make slime ice.

And former members of the purgatory system, although they cannot be trusted... can dive to 26 levels and do enough work to make slime ice.

Now that we can hire them even under low working conditions, we were proposing their employment to the Alliance.

"They say it's conditional on contractual magic to keep the information from leaking. It will cost you a little… do you think it will be deducted from their rewards"

Even though it's pathetic that cheap wages go down even further, you can't help it because you're someone you don't trust.

"I'm in the middle of speaking up sequentially right now... but all the former Purgatory adventurers I've heard about have eaten up to this condition, they say. Looks like you didn't like being part of the messenger."

"Well by low wage, if it's guild work, you should be paid a lower B-rank asking limit... I can't even drink because I'm tormented by a payment, it would be better than the lower end of the messenger"

You don't have to worry about violence or harassment by Herbert or his executives.

I couldn't just leave it up to the guild to deal with it, so I worked with the Duke of Vonker and hit two hands.

First, buy the vacant land that was next to the guard garrison, make the gold say things, build a store in a big hurry, and open an arms store.

The goods were of good quality and cheaper than the weapons stores in this city.

Normally run, it's an outrage that leads to a huge deficit... but since we've taken on the processing of metal, it's a calculation that even if we sell it cheaply, it will be in sufficient black.

The weapon uses the Alchemy Magic Enchant and lets the maids make it.

It's just right for training more MPs.

I'm willing to throw and sell a bunch at a low price, so you can buy it out even if you make it in bulk... and to a certain extent it pays the processing fee, so it's a very good job.

The management of the arms store is carried out by the merchant in the possession of the Duke of Vonker, who lays a full vigilance.

If you get into trouble at the store, the guard waiting next door will arrest you, so there will be no pressure on you.

Duke Vonker's calculation... that if he had been in business for a month, the arms dealers whose sales had dropped dramatically would have put in a cry.

"That's when I asked a lot about the messenger while hanging the oily bait... and it would be fun, wouldn't it?


With a grudge against... you seem to testify to a lot of things.

Next, I used the Duke of Vonker's knob and got some gossip sprinkled from a muscle that had nothing to do with us on the surface.

This is also partly a mix of facts, and because ”some” of them are quite famous... in time information will be diffused throughout the city.

"Shock! Clanmaster Herbert of Seriously Liked Men!!

"When are you worried about thinning hair? Herbert's biggest secret was a weakening of the scalp!

"The reason Herbert dives deep into the labyrinth was to find a secret medicine that works against STDs!

According to information obtained when torturing Purgatory members... it seems true that they are walking with well-faced male slaves for sexual processing... and cultivating cauliflowers with their cocks.

As for male slaves, they can't stand a harsh labyrinth search if they are women, because they die soon......

Because of the abusive way he handled it, even male slaves died quickly, and while he was replacing it, he had an STD.

I learned that beautifully shaped and vulnerable adventurers can sometimes be attacked by instinct... I became the feather to teach Esther and the others to stay away from him alone.

As for my hair, it's a complete demeanor...... I can't see the top of my head, it's an all-back long hair, so I think anyone would believe me if I were told to hide thinning hair.

Others' misfortunes taste like honey.

Stress may cause damage to the scalp and really bald... but he's the one who harassed me first, and he'll deserve it.

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