Leaving the country of falling-about the fact that he was the 4th granting surgeon in the world-

108 stories. If you're gonna get noticed, you just need to be overwhelmed.

"Are you here... Jink, what kind of operation are we going on this time? What am I supposed to do?

With a slightly nervous face, Mr. Dan has asked about the policy.

Esther and Nina are also turning their serious faces here.

Though I am in thorough control of Hate... if there is to be information leaking from the two armies to the First Army... this operation is only known to me and Ian.

"Forbes, the leader, and Neville, the appraiser, are the trouble in the Purgatory Army. If only these two could manage, they would almost certainly win."

Forbes can see the future in seconds at the price of MP, holding the gift of.

Fighting power itself is equivalent to the top A rank, not to us who enchanted it... but by continuing to use it all the time in battle, he is a fierce fighter who plays S-rank equivalent in the short-term showdown.

Conversely, I'm vulnerable to unintentional blows when I'm not activating Prediction, and I don't like long term fights.

It would also be effective to launch a wide-ranging attack, which cannot be dealt with where we predicted.

Neville also needs to be aware that he has the same appraisal as me, although his skill level is low.

Appraisals can only be used for things that are in sight, so far, they haven't been given our exact status... but if he leaks information, there's a better chance they'll take care of it.

Prisoner says Neville's fighting power is about the normal A-rank.

You'd better take him down before he appraises you.

I don't mind killing the worst than a lot of witnesses.

"The first bullet is my full water magic, and I will launch a range attack. Ian and Nina, put the air cutter on my magic and increase the power of the attack."

"" Yes!

"Mr. Dan and Esther attacked my magically void opponent. Neville just wanted to get rid of the first shot."

"Understood!" "Yes!

Everyone is given a goggle with… I don't have to tell them to know the status of the enemy myself.

The truth is, it would be easier if pendants and earrings could be awarded an appraisal... because appraisal is a unique skill, or they can only be awarded to certain objects, such as glasses, cards, etc.

It's better than telling me which way with my mouth... but if I use goggles or glasses or something, my horizons narrow.

It's an inconvenient condition for everyday use, but the benefits are greater at times like this, and it would be better than not being able to grant it.

"And then..."

Goño, Goño, and tell everyone about the operation.

The strength of the Purgatory Army is as high as the number, if not incorrect in dealing with the two.

They're only intelligence agents, even if they say they're highly combatant.

Each and every one of us is no match for a huge buff.

It is not unlikely that they will use the poison... because the Nonlanders, who had a relationship with the Kingdom of Nazareth, also imported poisons and antidotes from the Kingdom of Nazareth... even if they knock them down, they can handle it even if they are eating poison.

Esther brought me all kinds of antidotes along with tons of poison.

There is no zero chance they will use the undistributed items... in which case you can deal with the recovery magic thrust and the antidote they have.

They should have the antidote to the poison they use on the boulder... torture them until they break their heart and they will give it to them.

"In 10 seconds, we'll be magically activated.... we are overwhelmed by our power. Let's go easy."

"" "Yes!" "" "Ooh!

Forbes' senses attract them up to a distance they can't handle... and unleash wide-ranging attack magic.

This magic is amongst the water magic, especially with the premium magic that stamina demands...... depending on the MP and skill level used, it can produce huge waves.

After turning all the enchants I could switch into good water magic... with almost all the MPs in it, < Big Wave > flushed all the members of the Army as planned.

A few air cutters shot in by Ian and Nina will also be a good pursuit and tear their flesh apart from the spa.

While Dan or Esther are crushing their less combative enemies… switch enchants from water-magic specialties to balanced ones and drink mana potion.

< Big Wave > is powerful magic... it takes a while to activate because you need to be able to put in tons of MP... and when you're close to the enemy, it's a sword of all blades that can get you involved to your buddies.

A boulder. You mean a single army... the upper ranks, including Forbes, did not sink in a single extraordinary magic shot.

He was still giving instructions just before, and after hurrying to regain his posture, we also had a few guys trying to feed Mr. Dan and Esther a corrugated attack.

If Ian and Nina hadn't been instructed to follow up... even if they hadn't been killed, they might have suffered some injuries.

But as I can see, Neville, the appraiser, was able to crush it.

There were 15 members of a single army, too, so I reduced them by 4... which would be an excellent result as a stepping stone.

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