League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 70: What is a reaction?

When    was on the road, Ray was also persuaded at this time. Although he was TP online, his experience and economy have not fallen much, but his mentality has undergone some subtle changes.

   Holding the remaining four hundred and fifty yuan in his hand, he decisively bought a piece of cloth armor, plus a bottle of reusable potion, and honestly stayed behind.

   In fact, this is the correct way to play, because at this time, the sword girl holding two Dolan and a long sword can't beat any of the top orders.

   Chen Yuan still has the desire to attack.

   Regardless of whether you are online or under the tower, the chance is Q. After all, Shuang Duolan's recovery ability is also good, and it doesn't matter if you get hit by the tower once or twice.

   Looking at Raven's side, there is no recovery method.

   "The incense pot, get ready to go over the tower, this person is beginning to be healthy." Chen Yuan said in his voice.

   "Okay, but you have to wait a while." Xiang Guo said.

   At this time, the time is exactly six minutes. When the BUFF is refreshed, he needs to swipe the monster level first.


   At this time, EDG's jungler started to move. The hero of haro is Zach, and his ability to catch people can be ranked first in the jungler.

   The long-range E out of the field of vision with one hand directly rushed to the mid-laner vampire. Although the vampire had a blood pool, it was caught by Zac's flash, but in the end he could not run away, and the head was taken by the czar.

   The incense pot was still in color at this time. After the blind monk appeared in Raven’s tower, he wanted to forcefully overtake the tower. Raven decisively opened up his big move and wanted to clear the minions directly without giving the opponent a chance to overtake the tower.

However, Mid Tiger’s small milk bag melon worked. The vampire directly saved the soldier under the tower with a TP. The incense pot touched his eyes behind Raven and kicked it out with a kick. Xiaohu and Chen Yuan followed up and hurt, and the head was hurt by Xiaohu. The vampire took it.

   is worthy of his TP.

   "Oh, Nishiba..."

   EDG voice channel, Ray had a hard time to tell, he died twice, and the flashing was useless, which made him very uncomfortable.

   "You T go to the middle road to guard the tower, change the line first, and then return it later." Xiaohu said while looking at the line of soldiers entering the tower in the middle road.

   Chen Yuan also nodded, and used the saved TP in the First Tower.

The game time came to eleven minutes. Chen Yuan, who had been in the middle for a long time, had already emptied the blue bars. The czar's consumption ability was still very strong. Swap the line back.

   When he returned to the road, Jian Ji had a greedy Hydra in his hand.

   At this time, Raven, who is still in cloth shoes and the death sentence, is unspeakable.

   The greedy sword girl pushed the line extremely quickly, and in three or two he pushed a large line of soldiers under the tower.

   And this time, Chen Yuan came with a murderous intent.

   After entering the tower, Jian Ji was merciless, and directly hit Raven's body with AE, and a Q poked towards the flaw behind him.

   My cloth armor boy, are you full of blood over my tower?

  Ray's face is full of question marks at this time, an E and Jian Ji moved at the same time, and he didn't let him poke the flaw.

   Chen Yuan saw the situation and immediately withdrew from the tower.

  Ray didn't expect this sword girl to be so decisive, and he just left, causing the W he lost in place to be empty...

   "W is gone, don't blame me then!" Chen Yuan smiled.

   This wave of Sword Fairy was beaten twice by the defensive tower, slightly injured, just when everyone thought that Sword Fairy was going to give up this tower jump, he turned back.

   and the ultimate [Wushuang Challenge] was directly hung on Raven.

   Four petals appeared on Raven's body, and Jian Ji's stabbing sword in his hand was linked, and the first flaw was broken with a general attack.

   Then the footsteps lightly moved, and a small one-centimeter walk came to another flaw. The E skill reset basic attack was another slash, and at the same time, Raven was slowed down.

   At this time, there are still two flaws in Raven's body. Ray decisively activates the ultimate move, and walks towards the wall, trying to stick the flaw on the left to the wall without giving the opponent a chance.

   But Chen Yuan had been prepared for a long time, and immediately after a shot of [Break in the Air], Jian Ji drew a diagonal line and stabbed the flaw before Raven leaned against the wall.

   Less than a second, three flaws.

  The four flaws still have the bottom one. Raven was anxious at this time, and quickly flashed downwards, not giving Jian Ji a chance to fight.

   But Chen Yuan actually didn't plan to break it all at all, because three flaws would be enough.

   flashed to keep up, and continued to chase, Raven had to run out of the tower in order to avoid being beaten back into the blood formation.

   This gave Jian Ji a chance to continue chasing.

   Jian Ji carried the tower twice again. At this time, it was still blood. Raven finally couldn't help it. At this time, his E and W also improved.

   ERW was released continuously, trying to catch Jian Ji by surprise.


   A bright sword gas pierced out.

   The words "parry" appeared again.

   Chen Yuan's reaction of up to 91 regained his momentum, blocking Ray's unexpected counterattack with preparation, and blocking the second stage R and W at the same time.

   Raven was stunned again, slowing down and AEQ three swords connected, and **** after another in seconds.

   Four-stage damage was played, harvesting Raven's last blood.

   "Fuck, what a quick response!"

   "Unfortunately, the last flaw was not revealed."

   "Maybe Yuanzi didn't even think about hitting the last flaw, he wanted to force Raven out of the tower."

   "Really, use your brain to play games."

   During the live broadcast of the match, the barrage began to soar again.

   At the same time, the two in the commentary booth began to orgasm.

   "His sword girl is really good at playing!" Miller exclaimed.

   "Indeed." The doll also nodded: "You can see from these three breaks~www.readwn.com~ This proficiency is not generally high, and the damage calculation is quite accurate. If you are full of blood, you dare to cross the tower."

   "Ray, this one can be said to be difficult."

   Miller is now full of "Gen Blow", he smiled and said: "Who made him such a beautiful admiral with Raven, annoyed the hero, and went to the court to **** him."


   After killing Raven once again, Jian Ji took down a tower with peace of mind. At the same time, Uzi who was on the road also synchronized with Chen Yuan and pulled out a tower.

   Chen Yuan glanced at Uzi's, good guy, $130 in twelve minutes, looking at Iboy on the opposite side, he was only in his early 90s.

   At this time, the incense pot also came over, and cooperated with Uzi to control the second dragon.

   The situation is great!

   The upper and lower towers were all broken, RNG temporarily changed the formation, let Uzi go to the middle to push the tower, and then let Chen Yuan's sword girl continue to the lower road and lead the line.

   Sword Ji, the hero, used to play a group, but he still had no problem with this tactic. It was just that the vampire who had pity for Xiaohu had to follow the team to push the tower when it was supposed to be replenishing development, and it was a waste of money.

   Time soon came to eighteen minutes.

   Sword Fairy is out of greed, and she has a three-phase power on her body. In 17 minutes, the two-piece Sword Fairy's damage has reached an extreme.

   After all, in the future, Jian Ji will do a little bit of meat, and the output will not increase much.

   But there are also shortcomings, that is, the current sword girl is extremely crisp, if three people catch it, as long as the control is up, it can be immediately dropped.

   Jian Ji is demolishing the enemy's second tower, while Raven is holding Heiqi Death Penalty and Cloth Armor Child, watching from behind the tower.

   At this time, the enemy Bron and the cannon surrounded from behind.


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