League’s All-around Mid Laner

Chapter 13: Shy's top reaction

   As the saying goes, the superiority level is not overwhelming, which is tantamount to suicide.

   In the case that Raven is not stuck with Q, it can be said that the first level sword girl beat Raven to be a small excellent.

   Very good luck, as soon as he went online, his weakness was refreshed in the front of Raven. Of course, Chen Yuan would not let go of this opportunity. At the first level, he went directly across the **** line to exchange his blood, not allowing Raven to make up his sword.

   Raven also began to retreat, and could only wait for the weakness to disappear. After a while, the weakness disappeared and reappeared behind him. At this time, Raven dared to step up and make a knife.

   Chen Yuan is known for his fierce laning. Of course, he will not give his opponent the right to make up the knife. It is QA when he is operating Jian Ji, but Raven is coated with the bones, so he doesn't lose much blood.

   and Raven also used color to hit Jian Ji with a whole set of light speed QA.

   is worthy of being the world's No. 1 Raven, QA is fast, and as soon as he finishes playing, he starts to turn his head and prepare for the distance.

  Where did Sword Ji endure this kind of grievance, he only played a Q and two Aces, and in the end he played a whole set, followed closely, and chased him with an A.

   Sword Ji chased Raven for another two times, suppressing the HP of both sides to a level. Just as he was content to leave, Raven suddenly looked back and A gave Sword Ji a look.

   The timing of this flat A is not unwieldy.

   Chen Yuan's blood pressure rose suddenly, but his mouse had already moved back at this time, and it was too late to change his blood when he wanted to go back, so he could only be used by a prostitute with a blood volume equal to A.

   "As expected, someone who can kill letme stably, TheShy is really not easy."

   Chen Yuan frowned secretly, this man's operability was not much weaker than him, at least the last time he flattened A, there was no operation above 90, A would not come out.

  Although he lost his HP this time, he still earned a **** line, because Raven still didn't dare to come up to make up the knife.

   Soon, Jian Ji rose to the third level, and the army line was pushed under the Raven Tower. The second level Raven began to repair the tower knife. Chen Yuan took advantage of this time to get into the river.

   TheShy's basic skills are very solid, and a wave of tower knives are not missed, and all are accepted.

  The lines of both sides came to the middle again, returning to the starting point.

   Chen Yuan knew that now is the time to really fight.

   Weaknesses are refreshed on the front again.

   Chen Yuan had been prepared for a long time, a piercing slash, stabbed at Raven’s weakness, gained a short acceleration, and quickly hit an AE, slowing down Raven and ran behind her.

   is behind because of the next weakness.

  TheShy of course also understood this, and the top Raven proficiency began to show.

   Q back while leveling A Jian Ji, and every piece of damage hit Jian Ji's body.

   The conqueror triggers at the speed of light.

   And with a controlled third Q, theshy kept an eye on it.

   In order to prevent being countered by Jian Ji W, he deliberately placed the third Q in a position where he felt that he could hit Jian Ji, but could not actually be hit, and tried to miss Jian Ji's W.

   Chen Yuan's Raven proficiency is not high, he honestly released W, and wanted to stop Q from fainting Raven, so he was easily fooled.

   And that part of W's attack was also avoided by theshy with E.

   But Jian Ji has abolished a W, and Raven has abolished a three-stage Q and E. In fact, it is hard to say who loses and who earns.

   The two sides continued to face A, and Raven never gave Jian Ji A a chance to reach the weakness behind him.

   At this time Jian Ji's QCD arrived, just as Chen Yuan was about to poke the weak spot behind his back with Q, Raven made a big sword in one fell swoop.

   The soul of town roars!

   W skill was released, Jian Ji fainted, and then Raven didn't even hit an A, and he opened the distance directly.

   The dizziness time is over, Jian Ji catches up again to hit a QA, and Raven pays a tie A again.

   This exchange of blood once again ended with no loss!

   The blood lines of both sides are now under one-third at this time, and the two of them start the A minions at the same time, hoping to get a little blood back through the Dolan sword.

   Suddenly, a yellow light flashed, and Raven appeared on Jian Ji's face with a flash of QA light speed, instantly suppressing Jian Ji's blood volume to the residual blood.

   Although Chen Yuan was a little frightened by this sudden flash, he still had room for manipulation.

   Taking advantage of Raven’s time to fight QA, he first cut through the air, pierced the weak spot refreshed at the top, and returned a trace of blood.

   Then, taking advantage of the time taken by Raven’s third Q, flashed below Raven, waiting for the weakness to refresh.

He did not choose to block the three-stage Q with W at this time, because he knew that Raven was holding E, even if he successfully blocked the three-stage Q, but W’s attack would be avoided by E. If he couldn’t faint, he would not block it. .

   "As long as E comes over, I will just throw W directly."

   Chen Yuan was meditating in his heart at this time, and at the same time, the reflexes that had been raised to 76 were being exerted, and he was always ready to counter Raven's actions.

   Sure enough, Raven, as he expected, an E rushed over, narrowed the distance, and hidden a W in E.

   is released in the process of E. This is a little trick of Raven, which can hide the forward swing of W, and the combo moves faster, which makes people unresponsive.

   Chen Yuan was as he thought. The moment he saw E, he released W. Jian Ji put on a defensive countermeasure. At this time, Raven's W just yelled at her.

   "They dare not fight back!"

   The successful voice of the block was issued, and Jian Ji's W pierced the weakness that was just refreshed below, and stunned Raven on the spot.

   Chen Yuan didn't rush, operating Jian Ji to hit a flat A, waited for the weakness to refresh to the right, then walked to Raven's right, and another flat A cut out.

   Raven was already awake at this time, but facing this flat A, she had no choice but to harvest the last trace of blood.

  Classic three-level single kill.

"first drop of blood!"


  Mlxg yelled at the right time. Because it is a jungler, he has been paying attention to the top road. This wave of matchups are detailed to the extreme, and he is dazzled, but fortunately, he won.

   "Fuck me, you are so good!"

  Uzi was also yelling at this time. He was excited and missed a cannon. The blood pressure suddenly rose. He couldn't help but step forward and give JackeyLove more.

   On the IG side, everyone looked at TheShy, and brother shy said with some embarrassment: "This person, amazing! Amazing!"

   The game continued. After being single killed once, theshy obviously became more stable. Every QA of Jian Ji was blocked by his E, Chen Yuan had nothing to do.

   Both sides return to the peaceful development period.

   Time came to ten minutes.

  During this time, Ning caught Xiaohu who was a mid laner.

   A battle also broke out in the lower road. With the help of mlxg, uzi got a double kill, but he was finally replaced by JackeyLove, playing a wave of two.

   At this time the head-to-head ratio of the two sides is three to two.

   The two people on the road are no longer at peace. Raven has two Dolans, one death sentence, and a small wooden hammer. The equipment is not bad.

   Sword Princess wears a pair of shoes, a Tiamat, a vampire stick, and a pickaxe, about to become greedy.

   Now is the only chance that Raven can play. He made all the parts, and Jian Ji is directly running for the big one. If Jian Ji makes a big nine heads, Raven will have no chance to play.

   The Shy took advantage of the opportunity to refresh the flaw in the back, and took the initiative to change blood, QAQA.

   Sword Princess is also in color, AEA.

   Just as he was about to poke the weakness behind his back with Q, Raven stunned Jian Ji with a W, and directly activated the big move, and kept up with the third Q.

  W's stun time is very short, it is not enough for him to follow the third Q, but theshy's Q is very clever, this time it is not the Q in place, but the character is selected behind Jian Ji.

   If it is a young sword girl, even if the third Q is blocked with W, it is a white block because W can't hit people.

   But Chen Yuan is not a young sword girl. The top-level operation prevents him from being fooled. A reverse W is thrown out, blocking the skill and about to stun Raven.

   However, The Shy was obviously also ready with both hands. An E was thrown out, avoiding Jian Ji's W.

   is another three-stage W with Q and E for the sword girl, but this time, for Raven, it must be a profit.

   Both sides moved and flattened A, Jian Ji pierced the weakness behind with a Q, and the second weakness appeared in the opposite direction.

   So Chen Yuan decisively started the big move. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com four weaknesses appeared in Raven's body. Jian Ji was an AE first, breaking the weakness on the left, and with the acceleration of the big move, he walked upward.

   At this time, both sides are already half-blooded, Raven enters the bushes, Jian Ji loses sight, and gets stuck with a flat A.

   Chen Yuan stepped in to keep up.

   Raven continued to run without looking back, and quickly ran to the wall, pasting the upper weakness on the wall, not giving Jian Ji a chance to hit.

   But the price is that the weaknesses on the lower and right sides are exposed to Jian Ji's hands. Jian Ji defeated them one by one, crippling Raven and taking advantage of a little HP.

   At this time, Raven’s skills have improved, and his counterattack has begun.

   Sword Ji does not have a W now, and The Shy, who has no scruples, started his extreme operation.

   AQAQAQ, when one set is down, Jian Ji's blood is left in an instant, and then the E skill moves to the left, widening the distance between the two sides, and releasing his second stage of the big move, the wind slash.

   If Jian Ji is beaten by this gust of wind, she will be single-killed.

   Chen Yuan did not react slowly. Raven used E to open the distance to ensure the hit of the big move, but it also gave him time to react.

   flashed also to the left, flashed behind Raven, and the blade was lifted to take away Raven’s last blood.

   But what Chen Yuan didn't expect was that Raven also flashed to the left at this time, appearing again on Jian Ji's left.

   At this time, Hai Feng Zhan could be cut out, and Jian Ji's life was reaped.

   The two flashes were actually completed during the reading time of a gust of wind.

   Raven killed Jian Ji!

   Chen Yuan was also stunned at this time, this flash and flash, is it a reaction or a prediction?

   If it's a reaction, then the man's reaction power is at least 95 or more!


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