League of Legends Millennium Warlord

Chapter 86: chain reaction

Just as Lester and Xuefeng Riddle Dragon were guessing the riddle, after more than half a month, Margaret had led her people to completely occupy the village of Boreham in the south of the Silver Mountains. Noxus is included in the national territory.

According to the standards of the Emerald Land, all Boreham people belong to the Emerald Land. Except for private property, all other properties, including land, are distributed and arranged by the Emerald Land.

Boreham Village only retains the peripheral logging farms, farms and livestock farms, and dispatches special personnel to provide corresponding resources for the Emerald Collars. Most of the Boleham people are forcibly migrated to the Emerald Collars in batches. Population, so that the population of Emerald collar officially reached more than 700 people,

In the future, the village of Boreham will be re-planned and constructed, and an important port village will be established on a suitable site on the southern coast, which will become an important outlet for the inland Emerald Territory.

After passing through the endless Silver Mountains, and through the mountain passage discovered by the traitor Natividad, the Boleham people who came to the Emerald Land smoothly were stunned by what they saw.

There is no human or livestock excrement that can be seen everywhere, no naked, shriveled refugees and beggars, and no rogue thugs who will kill innocent people for the sake of an egg.

The clean and tidy environment, the wide stone road, the confident people coming and going, the children who gathered to play with laughter, the neat and orderly army.

If it weren't for the cruel corpses hanging from the high wooden poles, which had been pecked clean by birds, the people of Boreham would have thought they were dreaming.

Everything in front of you is like the beauty before the Rune War, and the unimaginable living place really exists in front of you.

Completely different from the barren environment before, Jade Land is rich and beautiful, just like its name, like a flawless green emerald, many people in Boreham can't believe it at all, this is the legendary north that can only be plundered and killed. The human homeland built by the barbarians.

The people of Boleham, who wanted to resist the rule of the barbarians of Noxus with their own silent actions, hesitated, and then, under the warm embrace of the emeralds, tried to start a new life, only a few of the Bohrers who had lost loved ones The Ham people suppressed the hatred in their hearts, deceived the traitor who had completely betrayed the village with a smile, and gathered all the forces that could be gathered in the dark, looking for an opportunity for revenge.

For most of the suffering Boreham people, the bread and the padded coat that all the promises were not delivered to their hands were persuasive, enough to eat and warm, and in these turbulent times for most people That's enough.

The good days have just begun...

'It won't take a few years for the Borreham people to live a good life to disappear completely. ’

Everything was settled, Natividad stood on the chair, facing the direction of the Silver Mountains, and slowly closed his eyes.

That is the direction of the hometown.

A face full of smiles appeared in his mind, and the man couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips and put the noose around his neck.

"A traitor, there should be a traitor's end."

After saying the last words in his life, Natividad kicked the chair down, and the hemp rope hanging high on the beam instantly tightened, hanging the man up.

The pride of contempt for death instantly dissipated, and the **** of death waved his black scythe and hooked it mercilessly around the man's neck, tightening it more and more.

He suddenly realized that he was really going to die.

The man in midair began to struggle and sway instinctively, in vain but powerless, the rope was strangled tightly around his neck, turning the living person into a cold corpse quickly and effectively.

'Should I hang myself in a crowded place? ’

The last thought appeared in the man's mind, and this thought quickly dissipated.

The wooden door was suddenly pushed open, and the soldier chopped it down with a sword.

The rope snapped at the sound, and the man with a purple face fell to the ground in embarrassment, gasping for breath, and was stabbed at the bottom by the leg of the chair lying down, like a little red shrimp arching up.

With the sword sheathed, the soldier looked at the man with a look of fear, and said solemnly.

"General Margaret has an order. In order to atone for the villagers, Natividad, a native of Boreham, has hanged himself. The refugee Navi was rescued by the Black Iron Guard and officially joined the Emerald Collar. The working place is the Serene Forest. Wei, do you have an opinion?"

After finally calming his breath, Navi raised his head, then lowered his head slightly.

"Navi, no comments."


Trewell is a village west of Boreham.

After the fall of Boreham, the villagers of Trewell fell into a great panic.

The news of the Noxian barbarian occupation of the eastern village of Boreham has spread, and faced with the terrible consequences of the entire village disappearing, the residents of Triwell thought of a way to turn to Demacia.

Several wooden boats carrying Trewell's hope, along the southern coast of Valoran Continent, slowly sailed towards the western coast of the Sea of ​​Conquerors.

The days are getting worse and worse.

For Isaiah, adults showing a sad look every day can't solve the real problem, it's better to go out and herd a sheep.

At least I can bring back a few well-fed lambs for my mother, and the village uncle with a sword in his hand is not as good as a fart except for wandering around in fear all day long.

I'm afraid it wasn't the first sight of the Noxian who dropped the sword and fell to the ground.

It's a pity that on this day, even the sheep were not allowed to let go.

"Isaiah~www.readwn.com~ These few days are not peaceful, you can stay at home these few days in peace, there is still some food at home, our mother and son are not hungry, the big deal is to slaughter the sheep, staying in the village is better than you It's safe to run around."

The worried look of the woman made Isiah a little funny, but she also understood that her mother was really worried about her.

The shepherd baby held the woman's rough right hand, and the filial son comforted the restless mother in his own way.

"Mom, just the uncles in the village, don't look at the weapons in their hands, we can't count on them at all. If the Noxian barbarians want to kill them, neither of us can escape, and their heads will be chopped off."

Originally, she had some expectations and confidence in the defense force of the village, but when her son said this, the woman's face instantly turned pale and her body began to tremble.



After realizing that he had said the wrong thing, Isiah scratched his head and comforted again.

"Don't worry, Mom, if the Noxians come, I will be the first to surrender. In order to stabilize people's hearts, they will definitely not hurt you as my mother..."

Fear instantly turned into anger.


"How can you be a coward to surrender! Is that what I taught you?"

Isaiah covered her swollen face and left the gathering place angrily with a stubborn expression on her face.

"No matter what Huanzheng looks at, he won't let anyone hurt Li. I'm afraid Egg is a traitor with a sword."

After walking out of the desolate and desolate village gathering place, Isiah instinctively walked towards the grazing mountainous area.

"If chickens don't like sheep, the knife can be swayed deeper..."

Thinking like this, the boy herding sheep quickened his pace.

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